Beyond Corona Walls.

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"Come find me, Artemisia." No matter which way the young girl looked, she couldn't find the source of where the voice was coming from.

"Who are you?!" no reply, typical. But she could tell the voice was male.

"You need to follow the rocks, they'll lead you to where you need to be." It wasn't a voice she knew, not the king, or Eugene, and certainly not Varian.

"Where do I need to be? Please, give me some kind of answer..."

"Follow the rocks, Artemisia, follow them to me, you'll get your answers." Before she woke up she saw a pair of familiar yellow-green eyes before her own shot open.

"Dad!" Blue eyes watched her with absolute shock, "Artemis! Yo-you're finally awake." Her whole body felt weighed down and as more of the sleep fell away she noticed it was because she was shackled down. The teens could hear foot fall.

"It's probably just the usual guard detail. Though, now that you're awake, they'll probably tell the princess."

"Varian...where are we?"

"The dungeons." She sighed, this was the place they belonged, they had committed the worst of crimes, treason. Staged a coup d'état against the entire kingdom...

"We belong here."

"No, we don't. they turned their backs on us when we needed them. They—"

"We did the same thing, Varian. But worse. You could have killed the Queen." He looked at her with frustration, "So, you'll side with them."

"I'm not siding with anyone!" A smack on the bars startled the blonde, "Good, you're awake. The princess wants to see you, Artemis."

"Captain..." she kept her eyes down as Stan and Pete undid the shackle chaining her to the floor, there was a nice bruise forming where they had secured the double locking cuff.

"Easy." The blonde tilted her head in confusion as they hauled her up, why the delicacy? "You've been out for a month."

"A month?!" wild eyes looked between the Guards and Varian, that certainly explained why she felt so weak.


Frowning as she stared at the carriage, the teen had been forced inside almost a week ago, Rapunzel insisting that the Guards tell the young alchemist that they were just borrowing her.

"Come on, Kid. It beats a prison cell, doesn't it?" she narrowed her eyes at Eugene, "Shows what you know, at least in the prison cell there was still someone who loved and cared about me."

"Ouch. Look, Artemis." She frowned again, but begrudgingly brought her eyes up to meet his, the former thief taking in her horribly disheveled and dirty appearance.

"Yikes, okay. I know you two kids are all each other has, but nothing's going to get better if you don't let this go." She slapped his hand away, "Let it go?!" she was quick to her feet, "Let go the fact that when we asked—no, begged for the kingdoms help, even after that storm was gone, the king lied, to save his own ass! So don't you dare tell me to let it go." With that she tucked herself into a separate corner of the caravan.

"Next stop, Vardaros!"

"City of fun and games" rolling her eyes she tried to get some sleep as the two former thugs started screaming. As the mediocre conversation carried on the carriage eventually slowed down.

"We're here" as everyone fled out the door Artemis stayed in her spot. Rapunzel poked her head in the door.

"Don't you want to eat?" The teen scoffed, rolling her eyes, "I appreciate the Gesture, Rapunzel, but I don't want anything from you." Rapunzel let out a sigh, "Look, I can't make you do anything, but how do you think Varian would feel if he saw what you were doing to yourself?"

Sunlit Moon (Varian x OC. Complete! [sequel cancelled for now.])Where stories live. Discover now