Rapunzel and the great tree.

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*25 years ago.*

"The stone and it's destructive power must be kept secret from the world. It is the brotherhood's duty to keep that secret, it is king Edmunds dying wish."

"There is another way, if we could go out and find the sun drop we could—"

"Enough! The sun drop is a myth, sister." Adira frowned, "It's real, Hector and it's power could neutralize the moonstone."

"Go, go, chase empty legends like a fool, but just know, if you come back you aint my fellow brethren, you're a traitor, sun drop or not...I'll end you."


*Present day*

"Okay, the great tree is just over that ridge."

"Ya know, I gotta say, when we aren't fighting bad guys, running from fish people or being turned into birds, life on the road can be pretty peaceful." Artemis shuddered at the birds comment, that had been the worst thing that had happened to her out here,

"Scissor beats paper!"

"Of course scissors beats paper, but this isn't paper. This is a Karate chop, used properly by an experience practitioner it can be the sharpest, most precise cutting weapon in the world. Hence, karate chip beats scissors."

"Too bad your IQ doesn't match your "Sharpest weapon", Lance. But Hookfoot is Right, he beat you fair and square."

"Ooh, burned by the kid." They all shared a laugh

"We want to see who's gonna clean our room by playing rock, paper, scissors, but he keeps trying to cheat." Lance gasped in shock, "Cheat?! How dare you, sir. He's lying Eugene." Lance let out an indignant scream of terror when Artemis suddenly had a blade at his neck, "Do your share, Lance."

"Y-Yes ma'am..." The blonde quickly sheathed her dagger, "You know, for someone so tiny, you are terrifying."

"Wanna know what's more terrifying than me?" Lance gulped and a wide grin spread across her face as she just let out the highest scream she could, Lance ducked for cover thinking she was going to hurt him, but Artemis and Hookfoot just laughed, "Nothing, Nothing is more terrifying than a teenager. Now get this room cleaned." Artemis closed the door the caravan and went to try and catch Cass and Rapunzel when the ground started to shake.

"An earthquake, out here? But we're not anywhere near fault lines..." Turning her attention to where the rumbling was coming from she froze. There, sitting on top of a rhino, was her father And he looked pissed.


"Have no fear, the peace keeper—" Artemis slapped a hand over his mouth and directed his attention to her angry father who was about to charge them. As the Rhino reared, Artemis let her arm fall back to her side.

"RUN!" As Cass, Rapunzel and Eugene got onto the front of the carriage they took off, leaving the teen behind as her father charged them.

"NICE JOB, GUYS!" She threw herself out of the way of the Rhino, and As her father passed he glanced at her, shock and surprise gracing his features, but he did not stop.

Dusting off her clothes, she took off after the caravan and her father.

"they're lucky I'm not still upset about old Corona, this would be the perfect time to switch sides!" She screamed as she kept running to catch up. She followed them until they had completely vanished from sight, "Oh, he'll be so happy to see you, you can catch up, it'll be so great. Family reunions SUCK!" she screamed in frustration as she picked a random path and carried on.

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