Happiness is...

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Song in this chapter is: Tangled: The Series - If I Could Take That Moment Back - VARIAN SOLO REWRITE COVER by K-Ty (Changed a few words here and there though to make them flow a bit better.)


The group sat around a fire as the lorbs, Hookfoot and Lance danced around it, the music was relatively cheerful and as Artemis glanced around the rest of the party seemed relaxed.

"Boy, the Lorbs sure do know how to party, huh blondie?" He glanced over, only seeing one of their blonde companions, "Where's Blondie?"

"I'm sure she's on her way, after all, who would wanna miss...this?" Cassandra motioned to Lance and Hookfoot. Artemis glanced out at the horizon they'd been on this journey to the dark kingdom, to her home, for months, but all she could think about was Corona and Varian, she hoped they were at least feeding him well. Standing up she headed back towards their cabin.

"Kid?" Eugene watched her inquisitively, "I'll be fine, Eugene. I just need to be alone for a bit." She gave him and Cass a reassuring smile before leaving the celebration behind.

"Okay...if you're sure." She gave him another reassuring smile before disappearing."


"When I turned to walk away, what if I had stayed, instead?" The teen walked along the beachfront, the moonlight reflecting off the crystalline surface, Looking towards Corona she felt tears well in her eyes.

"Why did I go on, transforming my anger from my mourning?" She could almost see them, locked in the same cell, trapped with nothing but time to reflect, would he feel remorse, would she have ever stayed on the dark path they had chosen?

"Now I'll never get to say all the things I should have said. Nothing left to tell, an empty hole, A life we could have led." False ideas played in her mind of them growing up in old Corona, maybe getting married someday, having a family of their own...staying with everybody.

"If I could take that moment back," The battle in Old Corona played in her mind, she had made a mistake, but it hadn't made any difference in the final judgment of it all, she was still a criminal in the eyes of the kingdom, and whether Rapunzel or the others trusted her now or not didn't matter...

"If I could stop myself from shaking," Sitting down on a rock, overlooking the ocean she felt the tears fall, "Maybe he would be here now...Maybe he'd stop me from breaking." Varian and Artemis had been practically inseparable since they'd met as children, and to see how he'd changed when things came down to life or death, it killed her inside.

"Everything is so messed up, why do I feel so afraid?" Their journey had been difficult thus far, and as the celebration music echoed in the background she just felt her sadness grow, her mind drifted to what they would find when the road ended, If Rapunzel found her destiny would that be the end of the story? When she finds her father will she leave them behind? Will she stay the Dark Kingdom?

"Thought that I was ready, but instead...mistakes are all I've made" She looked back to the people she had been traveling with for the last few months, they'd made so many wonderful memories out here, but all she felt was doubt, had she made a mistake leaving with them? Should she have stayed and served her time? She remembered the story the Keeper of the Spire had told her about the missing princess and her older brother, about the king having to give up both of his children to keep them safe, she still didn't understand why that was relevant to her, there was no way she was a princess of any kind, and if she had a brother, wouldn't she know about him? Wouldn't her mother have told her? Not that she could now, she was dead.

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