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Toni woke up feeling the spot next to her cold and empty. She frowned sitting up and getting out of bed.

"Ken?" She called out walking out of the room. She heard humming coming from Kree's room and followed the sound.

Kenny laid their daughter in her bed and tucked her in all over again, "Hey, she had a nightmare. I just got her back to sleep." He whispered looking up at Toni.

"Can you come put me back to sleep?" She joked. He chuckled kissing Kree's forehead and walking out.

Picking Toni up bridal style, "As you wish." He said walking back to their bedroom. Laying her in bed, he hovered her body prompting her to pull him into a kiss. He moved in on her neck as she closed her eyes. He paused feeling her become less touchy, "Tone..." he trailed off noticing her asleep. "Goodnight." He chuckled.


"Niko, this letter came for you." Toni said handing him the envelope as he came down for breakfast.

"Thanks." He said already knowing who it was from.

"Good morning." Kree said already going in on her bacon and eggs.

Niko ignored her opening the letter from Sabrina. All it said was a miracle had happened and she'd be seeing him soon. What was she talking about?

"Don't you hear your sister talking to you?" Kenny asked.

Niko huffed, "Good morning." He said to Kree before steering his attention back to the letter.

"What is that?" Kenny asked.

"Nothing. I have to get to school, bye." He said picking up his backpack and stuffing the letter in his pocket.

"Bye." Kree said happily.

"Something's changed about him and I don't like it." Kenny said to Toni who came to collect his plate.

"Ken, he's a teenager. They go through stages like this." She reminded him.

"I still don't like it."

She shook her head at him, "Come on Kree, let's get you ready for school." She said prompting the little one jump up and go upstairs.

"Oh, I'll be in late tonight Carol wants to go over some stuff for the award ceremony." Kenny stated.

"Carol, huh?"

"Stop it."

Toni shrugged, "Just saying, she's quite friendly."

"She's new, I'm just showing her the ropes." Kenny said.

"That's very sweet of you." She said kissing his lips.

He pulled her close kissing her back, "I gotta go." He said against her lips.

"Then go." She replied before he captured her lips again.

Pulling away, "Okay, seriously." He said making her chuckle. He picked up his car keys, "I love you."

"Love you too. Bye." She said watching him walk out.

Kree came downstairs, "I'm ready."

"Well look at you getting ready all by yourself. I'm proud of you." She said making her little mini me smile, "Lets do something with this hair."


Saturday came and it was pageant day. After going through 30 girls it was finally award time.

"She's so cute." Toni said snapping a picture of Kree on stage.

Kenny smiled, "I know, we did that."

"When is this over? I'm hungry and bored." Niko groaned.


"And now in first place for our Little Miss division....Kree!" The announcer said making them erupt in applause.

"Yes! In your face Sharon!" Toni yelled earning a glare from the woman sitting on the other side.

Kenny palmed his face, "Tone."

"Sorry, but she thinks her daughter is better than everyone because she's a red head. I mean she's cute, she's not Kree though."

"Come on." He chuckled moving towards the stage as the ceremony concluded.

Kree jumped off the stage and into her father's arms. He spun her around as she let out a loud laugh.

"Can we get a family photo?" The photographer asked. They nodded posing with Kree. Snapping the picture, "Great." The photographer said.

"Congratulations babygirl. You were all nervous for nothing." Toni said adjusting Kree's falling crown.

"You were amazing up there." Kenny added making her big grin even bigger.

"Thanks. Can we get ice cream now?" Kree asked Kenny.

"You can have whatever you want...except a pony."

"Okay, I want ice cream with extra sprinkles and chocolate syrup."

"That sounds like a tummy ache." Toni said.

Kree shrugged, "You said anything."

Kenny looked around, "Where's Niko?"

"I don't know. Let me call him." Toni said pulling out her phone.

Meanwhile, Niko hung around outside hoping one of these kids had an older sister who was single. He frowned hearing a noise behind him.


Following it, he turned the corner before his eyes widened, "Mom?"

"Hey." Sabrina said looking around. Niko hugged her and she squeezed him tight.

"When did you get out? How did you get out?" He asked releasing her.

"A few days ago, they realized all the faulty evidence in my case and let me go."

"Dad is gonna-"

"You can't tell him that I'm out. He'll just try to throw me back in there." She quickly said.

He shook his head, "Not that he'd listen anyway. All he cares about is his precious little baby and her stupid ass tiaras and trophies." He complained. He looked at her,"You know, you were right about him."

Hearing Kenny's voice, "We'll talk about that later. Right now I need rest. I'm going to see your grandmother, but I'll keep in touch. I love you sweetheart." Sabrina said kissing his cheek.

"I love you too mom." He sais watching her walk away quickly.

"Niko!" Kenny yelled.

He rolled his eyes turning the corner and going to his father, "What?"


"Ken." Toni said calmly as she touched his arm. She looked at Niko, "Niko, we were worried about you."

"Sure you were." He mumbled.

"Look what I got." Kree said showing him her tiara.

"Cool." He said looking at his phone.

Kenny handed him the keys, "Go get in the car."

Niko huffed walking to the car as Kenny shook his head. Toni tossed him a sympathetic smile.

"Come on. Tonight, we'll tuck the wild child in and we'll take a nice warm bath and-" She paused looking at Kree who was really into their conversation. She chuckled poking Kree's nose, "Nosey."

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