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"And they lived happily ever after. The end." Toni said closing the picture book. She looked back at Kree who was laying down wide awake.

"Can you read another one?" She asked.

"It's time for bed Kree."


She chuckled, "Fine, one more then bedtime."

Kree nodded as Toni grabbed another book from the mini bookshelf on the nightstand.

After reading another book that put Kree to sleep, Toni cut off the lights and left the room. She looked at Niko's room and sighed before walking the opposite way. She entered the master bedroom where Kenny was doing work on his laptop. Seeing her come in, he closed it.

"Hey." He said sitting it on the nightstand.

"Hey." She said lowly as she climbed into bed. He started kissing her shoulders and she gently pushed him away, "Stop it."

He frowned, "What's wrong?"

"Niko. He's mad at me."

He sighed knowing how close they use to be, "Like you said he's a teenager. He's mad at everyone." He told her.

She shook her head, "He's never yelled at me. Then tonight he barely even talked to me. What's that about?"

"I'll talk to him-"

"No. I'll give him some time and then I'll ask him."

"Why can't I ask?" He asked in confusion.

She chuckled, "Have you met you?"

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing baby." She said pecking his cheek.


Later that night, Kree woke up from a scary dream. She ran to her parents' room and knocked like her father taught her after she nearly saw something she shouldn't have. After getting no answer she huffed going to her brother's room.

"Niko?" She called out. She twisted the door, "Niko, I had a bad dream and mommy and daddy aren't answering the door." She said before pushing it open. Walking in, "Niko? I want juice." She added before noticing he wasn't there.

She groaned stomping back to her parents' room dragging her teddy bear along. She banged on the door this time.

"Mommy. Daddy." She said loudly.

Kenny got up stumbling to the door. He opened it sleepily, "Hello?" He said falling asleep against the door frame.

"I'm right here." She said stomping her little foot.

He popped up, "Oh, hey princess, what's wrong?"

"I had a bad dream and I'm thirsty. I tried to ask Niko but he's not here." She complained.

Kenny frowned, "What do you mean he's not here?" He asked before walking down the hall to Niko's room. Opening the door and seeing the window open, "That little...Toni!" He said loudly.

Toni woke up with a groan and grabbed her robe, "Yeah?"

"Niko isn't in his room." He said pacing in the hallway.

"I'll call him." She said going to get her phone.

"Sooo...juice?" Kree asked.

"You can have water, then go potty, we're not having any accidents." Kenny said.

Kree nodded waiting for him to go get it. When he continued pacing, she huffed leaning against the wall.

"He's not answering. Maybe he's with friends." Toni said hanging up the phone. She grabbed Kenny's hand, "Just don't assume the worst."

"I'm not. I'm just going to wait." He said calmly before walking down the stairs.

"Where are you going?"

"To get my toolbox."

She huffed before grabbing Kree's hand, "Come on."


After spending time with his mom, Niko went home. Climbing back through the window, he noticed his light turn on. He stopped in his tracks, "Dad."

"It's 3 in the morning. Where have you been?" Kenny asked.

"What happened to my door?"

"I asked you a question."

"I was out with friends. Why is my door gone?" He said pointing towards the doorless doorframe.

Kenny stood up, "Because I can't trust you. Therefore, you get no more privacy in this house."

"This is bullshit!" Niko said throwing his phone on the bed.



"You're grounded for the next month." Kenny said.

Niko scoffed, "I was already grounded."

"Then make it 3 months!"

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, and after that, it's military school." Kenny snapped.

"Whatever it takes to get rid of me." Niko said.

Kenny shook his head, "I'm not trying to get rid of you. I'm trying to make you accountable for your behavior. That guilt trip won't work on me anymore."

He left Niko there to think about his actions.


"Can you believe him?" Kenny said shaking his head as he sat at the edge of the bed.

"Just calm down." Toni said crawling towards him. She began massaging his shoulders, "Does that feel good?"

"Yeah." He said letting out a sigh of relief.


"I just don't know what's going on. I swear he's becoming more and more like-"

"No, don't even say it. He's nothing like her." She said.

He looked up at her, "I wish I believed that, but all the signs are there."


Kree was awakened again as someone grabbed her. Her eyes shot open and she was met with Niko's angry face, "You ratted me out?"

"I didn't mean to-"

"Shut up. You're going to pay for that. If you think what I did to that stupid doll was bad, wait til you see what I do to you." He threatened.

He walked out leaving her frightened. She laid back down turning over as she cried herself to sleep.

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