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Toni and Kenny woke up to a loud scream. They both hopped out of bed running to Kree's room.

"Kree?" Toni called out opening the door.

They found her crying and pointing at her doll. It was pinned to the wall by a large butcher knife straight through its head.

"Lolli is dead!" Kree sobbed.

"Oh sweetheart come here." Toni sighed picking her up.

"That boy..." Kenny trailed off taking the doll down. He hauled to the room next door, "Niko!" He said bursting in.

Niko looked up from his phone,"Yes?"

He held up the doll, "Is this your handy work?"

"Sorry. You can buy her a new one." He said with a smirk. Kenny walked over and snatched his phone. Niko frowned, "Hey!"

"One more thing from you and-"

"And what? You're gonna get rid of me like you got rid of mom?"

Kenny sigh sitting the stuff down, "Is that what this is about? You miss your mom?"

"Like you care."

"I do."

Niko scoffed,"Forget it."

"You need to apologize to Kree." Kenny said.

"Fuck that, she ruined my laptop. This is payback." He snapped.

"Excuse me?" Kenny said as Niko looked away. He walked closer to him, "You apologize, or you're grounded for a month."

"Then I'm grounded." He said folding his arms. Kenny let out a breath snatching his phone up again before walking off.

Walking back into his daughter's bedroom, he sighed,"Kree, don't cry. I'll get you a new doll." He said rubbing her back.

"I don't want a new doll, I want Lolli." She cried.

"It's okay Ken. Go to work, I'll handle things." Toni said.

"Are you sure?"


He nodded before kissing both of their foreheads and going to get dressed.

Toni walked into Niko's room and saw him putting his shoes on, "Niko."


"Can we talk?"

"We are talking."

She sighed, "What's going on with you? You've become so mean. You're not the same little boy I use to know and love."

"Well I grew up, sorry you hate me now." He said getting up to grab his backpack.

"I didn't mean it like that." She said.

"Toni, spare me the fake concern. Just go."

"I'm not-"


She jumped staring into his distant eyes. She walked out feeling her heart break a little. The kid she loved so much was becoming someone else.


"What do you think it is?" Olivia asked as she and Toni watched the stagehands put things together.

She shook her head, "I don't know. Between his new friends, the violent video games, and all the stuff he went through when he was younger...it's hard to say."

"Oh there's Dr. Thompson. She's working with Kenny on the award ceremony." She said pointing to the door. A woman entered with Kenny not to far behind.

"Wait, for this competition?" Toni asked.

"Yes, exciting right?" Olivia said dragging her off the along as she walked over to them.

"Hey." Toni said to Kenny expecting a kiss, hug, or anything. She frown getting only a smile.

"Hey, I didn't know this was the competition you were coordinating." He said.

"Yeah, I've been talking about it for weeks."

The woman who she assumed was Carol looked between them, "You two know each other? Kenny, don't tell me this is your daughter. You made her sound so much younger."

"She is, I'm his wife." Toni said.

"Oh. You didn't say you were married. She's a lot younger than I'd expect." Carol chuckled.

Toni pushed out a smile, "Hmm."

"How about I show you the lighting booth?" Olivia said cutting through some of the tension.

"Sure." Carol said prompting the two of them to walk away leaving the couple to themselves.

Kenny looked at Toni, "I know what you're thinking..."

"You have no idea what I'm thinking. How long have you been working with her?" Toni asked.

He shrugged,"A while."

"You being married never came up?"

"Stop and no it didn't."

"But my daughter did? You didn't think to say hey by the way, I'm married to her mother?" She asked shaking her head.

"I rave about the kids all the time. Besides, she likes everything professional so we don't talk much about our personal lives." He said.

"So kissing your wife is unprofessional?" She asked of his awkward demeanor earlier.

"Right now, yes." He said making her roll her eyes. He stepped closer to her, "Look at me, when we get home, I kiss you wherever you like."

"Fine." She said walking away. Feeling his eyes, she turned around, "Stop staring at my ass, it's unprofessional."

He looked away chuckling as she strutted away.

Hope you all are staying safe🤗

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