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A statewide search is underway after a prisoner escaped by impersonating another prisoner who was being released. Sabrina Lakes escaped prison exactly one month ago...

The TV blasted as Toni stared into space trying to figure out where everything went wrong. There was no question on who took her daughter. She just wanted to know why and how.

"Toni." Kenny said grabbing her hand.

She blinked a few times,"Huh?"

"Did you hear what I said? The police need a current photo." He repeated as he turned the TV off.

"Oh sorry." She said getting up from the couch. Getting a picture of Kree out of her wallet, she handed it to the officer, "Here."

"Thanks, we'll get this out and let you know if we have any updates." The officer said.

"Okay." They said in unison as he left.

Kenny closed the door behind him as he sighed.

"Are you okay?" He asked Toni.

She shook her head, "I won't be okay until she's back here."

"I understand."

"We need to find Niko. He knows something."

He frowned, "What? Why would you think that?"

"If someone had snatched Kree she would've screamed. She didn't, meaning she obviously knew this person. Maybe it was Niko." She said.

Kenny let out a breath. He didn't want it to be true but when it came to Niko, he wasn't sure what to believe.

"Then we need to find him before he does something stupid." He said.

"If Sabrina hurts my child, I'll kill her." She warned. At this point, she'd do the same to Niko too.


Kree woke up from her nap and rubbed her eyes. She looked around and she was in the back of a van.

"Niko." She called out.

"Go back to sleep." He said from the passenger seat.

"I thought we were going for ice cream."

"You can get ice cream at your new home." Sabrina told her.

Kree frowned,"Who are you?" She asked in a way that reminded Sabrina so much of Kenny that it pissed her off more.

She let out a breath before pushing a fake smile, "Niko's mommy."

"Oh, the psycho." Kree said.

"Watch your mouth." Niko snapped.

Kree shrugged, "That's what daddy calls her."

"Asshole." Sabrina mumbled while shaking her head.

"I want to go home. I want mommy." Kree whined.

"You can't go home!" Niko told her.


"Because you can't now SHUT UP!" He yelled making her cry.

He groaned as his phone started to ring. He looked down at it, the name putting a ting of guilt in his conscience.

"Who is that?" Sabrina asked him.

"Toni." He said.

She smirked, "Let me answer-"

"No! She could have the cops listening."

"You're right."

Niko declined the call before laying his head back. They were about 2 hours from the meeting spot where they would exchange Kree for $750K.


"He's not answering." Toni said hanging up her phone. She was t just going to sit and wait. She walked upstairs and went into Niko's room.

"What are you doing?" Kenny asked as he appeared in the doorway.

"Looking for a something. He has to keep something in here that can tell us where he's going." She said tearing through Niko's desk and dresser. Coming up empty, "Shit!" She groaned. She turned around seeing Kenny sitting on the bed silent."What's wrong?" She asked.

He shook his head, "This is all my fault-"

"No it's not, I should've been watching her closer-"

"That's the thing. You shouldn't have had to watch her closely. Niko doing this is my fault. I let it get too far and now Kree is gone." He stated.

Sitting next to him,"Look at me, this isn't your fault. Sabrina saw that he was vulnerable and she sunk her claws into him. Niko was fine until she started reaching out to him." She said.

He sighed, "Maybe. I just wished I knew where she was."

"Where would she go if she was in trouble?"

He thought for a minute...,"Her parents."

"Let's go."


Toni picked up a rock ready to throw it through the backdoor window.  They were at Sabrina's parents' house.

Kenny stopped her,"What if they have an alarm?"

"Good, they'll know we're here." She said breaking the window. Using her jacket sleeve she cleared the glass before reaching in and unlocking the door. They walked in finding the house empty. Toni noticed something, "Her laptop."

They went into the living room and grabbed it. Kenny typed in her password before going through her history. Clicking around, they came across a page.

"What the hell?" He said.

"All these people look like creeps." Toni said. Looking in the bottom corner, "Wait, is that Kree's picture?" She asked.

Kenny clicked on it, "Oh my God."

"They're trying to sell my baby." She said as they sat there in shock. She stood up, "I think I'm going to be sick."

"Tone-" Kenny managed to get out before she ran to find a bathroom. He looked back at the website, "Shit."

He needed to find a way to end this once and for all.

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