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Kenny stared at Niko who looked away from him, "You've been writing your mother?"

Niko shrugged, "Yeah, so?"

"Is that what all this is? You being a disobedient and hurting your sister is because you're talking to your mom again?!"

"I didn't do anything to-" Niko was cut off as Kenny grabbed him by his shirt collar.

"Lie to me again." He said in darker tone than Niko was use to. Letting him go he shook his head, "Why would you hurt a little girl? Your own sister! You're suppose to look out for her!"

"I hate her. I wish she was never born! The only reason you got rid of mom is because Toni got pregnant with that little bit-"

Kenny smacked him, "You will not speak about her that way. Your mother really did a number on you."

"She's the only one who understands me! She's the only one who loves me!" Niko said ignoring the burning sensation in his cheek.

"She doesn't give a damn about you!" Kenny snapped.

"Neither do you!" He barked walking out of the room.

Following him, "Get back here!" Kenny said.

"Fuck you!" He yelled slamming the front door. Kenny stopped stunned at his son's actions.

He walked to the bedroom not hearing Toni running back to the closet as if she wasn't eavesdropping. He opened the door just as she grabbed the last few clothes out of the closet.

"That's everything." She said awkwardly stuffing it in the suitcase.

Kenny walked over to Kree who was sleeping.

"She's knocked out." He chuckled.

"I had to give her some meds for her headache."

"Sorry." He said realizing how loud he and Niko were.

"It's fine. Are you going after him?"

"Not right now, I need a minute. I can't believe him, or Sabrina. She's still feeding him lies."

"I think you should take him to a therapist." She said agreeing with Carol's previous statements.

"He doesn't want to go." Kenny said with a sigh.

"Make him. Otherwise he'll end up hurting someone or himself."

"I'll see what I can do."

She zipped her suitcase fill with her and Kree's things. She picked up Kree's teddy bear as Kenny sighed. He didn't want her to leave but after hearing the horrible things Niko was saying he knew it was best for now.

"I'll take these for you." He says grabbing the bags.

"Okay." She said getting Kree. They walked out to the car and put everything including Kree inside.

She pecked his lips, "Come by and see us. We've got the place to ourselves for the next 2 weeks. Olivia went to Dubai with her family."

"I will." He said.

"Promise me you'll help Niko."

He knew she cared about Niko, but he wasn't sure what he could do about him. Niko was becoming a lost cause.

"See you later." He simply said.


"You did what?!" Sabrina yelled at Gina.

Gina sighed,"It didn't feel right taking the little girl when it was her dumb ass brother that was the issue."

Sabrina slapped her, "Don't speak about my son that way! You failed!"

"The family is still separated. She's taking the girl and moving out. Kenny is alone and so is she. They'll grow apart eventually."

"You're an idiot."

"What's going on?" Niko asked coming inside.

"Hi sweetie- oh my goodness, your face!" She said seeing the red mark on his cheek.

Niko scoffed, "Courtesy of my father. Can you believe he had the nerve to say that you don't care about me?"

"He's an asshole."

Niko looked between Gina and Sabrina, "What happened?"

"This dumb bitch decided to create a new plan instead of going through with what we discussed. What do you think we should do?" Sabrina asked pulling a pocket knife out of her pocket.

He shrugged, "Fire her?"

"No sweetie, we get rid of her."


"Like this." She said driving the blade into Gina's throat. Blood spilled everywhere as she fell to the floor. Niko gasped going to check on her.

Looking up at his mother, "Oh my God! You killed her!"

"Don't get all Kenny on me. That's the way the real world works son. When people don't stick to their word, they get hurt."


"You're going to have to toughen up if you want this to work." Sabrina said as Niko stayed quiet. She took the knife out of Gina's throat, "Now I'm sorry you had to see that. Help me drag her to the back yard."

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