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"Toni!" Kenny said catching her attention as he ran into the emergency room. She cried running into his arms. He hugged her tightly, "What happened?"

"I don't know. I went to get the mail. I heard her scream then she was on the floor just laying there." She explained through her tears. She shook her head, "This is all my fault."

"No it's not."

"I shouldn't have left her."

"Where was Niko? Did he see what happened?" He asked knowing he was still home at that time.

"He said she fell." She said not convinced.

"Mr and Mrs. Edmonds?" They heard. They turned around to be met with the doctor.

"Yes, hi."

"Your daughter is stable, but we had to give her some pain medicine so she's asleep right now. She has a sprained ankle and a concussion. We'd like to keep her to make sure nothing gets worse."

Kenny let out a breath, "Okay."

"I have some forms for you to fill out." The doctor said to Toni.

"Yeah, sure." She said.

"Can I see her?" Kenny asked.

"Yes, down the hall Room 4."


"Dad? When did you get here?" Niko asked seeing his father walking towards Kree's room.

"A couple minutes ago. What happened? Why weren't you watching her?" He asked.

"I was. She was just running so fast, you know how clumsy she is."

"I'm sorry. I'm just in over my head." He said with a sigh. He stared at his son, "I want you and I to go see someone. A counselor."

Niko shook his head, "Nah, I'm not going to a shrink. I'm good."


Toni sat down in front of the doctor's desk. She was waiting for the papers as the doctor began to speak.



"Toni, I'm sorry to ask this but have you or anyone in your family been physical with your daughter? Like maybe hit her?" She asked calmly.

Toni frowned growing tired of this question.

"No. I mean, she has an older brother that forgets how small she is sometimes, but nothing major." She said.

"Was he around when this happened?" The doctor asked.

Toni sighed, "Can you just say whatever it is you're trying to say?"

"Your child's injuries don't match a little kid missing a step and falling down the stairs. It looks like she was pushed."


"I'm sorry, but we had to report this."

"Of course." She huffed as the door opened. Looking behind her, "Not you again." She grumbled.

Gina the social worker from Kree's school came in, "I'm just here for Kree. I have to ask her some questions now whether you want to or not."

"She's asleep." Toni stated.

"How long til she's up?" Gina asked the doctor.

"About 2 hours."

"I can come back." She said before walking out.

"I'm sorry." The doctor said sympathetically.

Toni stood up, "Yeah, you said that already." She said before walking out.

She went back to Kree's room seeing Kenny adjusting her pillows before kissing her bandaged head. He looked up see the worry and anger on her face.

"Hey what's going on?" He asked. She shook her head as a few tears slipped down her cheek. He walked closer to her, "Tone."

She looked behind him, "Niko, do you mind going to the vending machine and getting all of us some snacks?" She asked handing him some money.

"Okay." He said taking it and walking out.

Making sure he was gone she spoke to Kenny, "They think Kree was pushed down the stairs."

"What?" He said in shock. Shaking his head, "That's absurd, she fell."

"That's what Niko said." She stated making him frown.

"What are you saying Toni?"

"I wasn't there and neither were you. It's not like he's been the most truthful person. Plus, you remember how pissed he was with Kree about his laptop."

"I can't believe you're saying this. Niko is a handful but he wouldn't do that." He protested.

She looked away from him, "You know what? Just forget I said anything." She moving around him to sit by Kree's bed.

"Okay. I got chips, crackers, and trail mix." Niko said walking back in. He looked between Kenny and Toni, "What's going on?"

"Nothing." They said in unison.

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