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"Are you alright?" Kenny asked as Toni came out of the bathroom.

"Yeah." She said.

"Good. I have a plan."

"What is it?"

He picked up the laptop,"These people are going to buy Kree, so I hacked into Sabrina's email and changed the meeting address. We're going to meet them there, get their phone, send Sabrina the address and get Kree back." He explained.

"What makes you think they'll willingly give us their phones?"

"A little bit of persuasion." He said holding up a pistol he found.

She gasped, "I want a gun."

"Do you know how to use a gun?"


"No." He said walking to the door.



"At least let me drive." She whined following him.


They sat in the car waiting for the buyers to come. They saw an old station wagon pull up to the empty lot.

"There they are." Kenny said.

"What should we do?" Toni asked.

He opened the car door, "Just be cool. Come on."

They walked up to the dirty looking couple.

"Hello." Kenny said awkwardly.

"Hi, here's the money. Where's the girl?" The husband asked throwing a duffle bag down in front of them.

"Right here bitch." Toni said spraying the man with mace.

"AAAHHH!" He screamed rubbing his burning eyes.

Kenny looked at her, "What the-"

He was cut off as she went after the wife who was trying to escape. She used her foot to trip the woman knocking her face first into the concrete. She tried to get up but Toni's foot on her back held her down.

"AH!" She groaned.

"Your phones and car keys please." Toni said.

"We're not giving you shit!" The husband yelled finally regaining part of his eyesight.


Kenny huffed pointing the gun at him. He quickly surrendered the keys and phone. His wife slid her phone towards Toni.

Toni smiled, "Thank you. Let's go." She said before she and Kenny took the duffle bag and went to the car leaving them phone-less with no car keys

"What happened to being cool?!" Kenny asked driving down the road.

"I said please and thank you." She said with a shrug.

"Unbelievable." He said palming his face.

"Where should we ask them to meet us?" She asked.

"There's an old warehouse a few blocks from here." He said turning a corner.


"I wanna go home." Kree cried.


"You are sweetie. A new home with a new family." Sabrina said interrupting Niko's yelling.

"No, I want my family." She said kicking the back of her seat.

Sabrina groaned, "Here's a lollipop, now shut up." She said handing her the candy. Kree took the candy and threw it. Sabrina rolled her eyes "Just like your mother."

"Why would they change the location?" Niko asked getting annoyed.

"Maybe it's too many cops in the area, I don't know. Let's just get rid of the little demon so we can get paid."

They pulled up to the new location and didn't see anyone.

"Maybe they're inside." Niko said.

Sabrina shrugged as they both got out. She opened the backseat, "Come on sweetheart-"

"No!" Kree yelled kicking her.

"Bring your little ass on!" Sabrina growled. Kree kept fighting as Sabrina tried to wrangle her. "AH! She bit me!" Sabrina .

"KREE! Get out of the car!" Niko said snatching her up and throwing her over his shoulder.

They went inside and looked around. The only thing was a duffle bag in the middle of the room.

"Hello?" Niko called out.

"That must be the money." Sabrina said pointing to the bag. Walking towards it, she opened it. She frowned seeing it empty.

"Looking for something?" They heard a familiar voice ask. Toni came out from a dark corner.

Sabrina grabbed Kree, "Take another step and I'll kill her."

"And I'll kill you." Kenny said pointing a gun to the back of her head."Let her go and I might let you live."

Sabrina scoffed, "You wouldn't shoot me."

"You're right." He said flipping the gun and hitting her in the back of the head with it. She fell to ground.

"Run!" He told Kree

"Hey!" Niko yelled charging him. He tackled his father to the ground a fight ensued.

"Mommy!" Kree yelled running to Toni.

She hugged her, "I'm here sweetie it's okay. Do me a favor, stay right here and don't move."

She turned around to be met with Sabrina attempting to hit her. Ducking she watched Sabrina's fist hit the concrete wall. Moving around her she back away.

"Nice try." She said as Sabrina turned around following her. She smirked, "I've waited way too long for this moment."

Toni punched her in the nose making her head go back. Her foot connected with Sabrina's chest knocking her to the floor.

"Ah!" She groaned feeling the wings knocked out of her. She grabbed Toni's foot making her trip. She smirked, "How's your ankle?" She asked before twisting it.

"AH!" Toni screamed. She looked at Sabrina's smug face."You bitch!" She yelled using her other foot to kick Sabrina in the face knocking her out.

Meanwhile Kenny and Niko were getting the best of each other. Kenny with body aches and Niko with a black eye. Niko picked up his mother's gun prompting Kenny to pull out his own gun.

"Niko, don't make me do this. Put your gun down." He said as they pointing them at each other.

Niko shook his head pulling the trigger and Kenny did the Same.


"KEN!" Toni screamed hopping on one foot towards him.

"AH!" Niko screamed as blood came gushing out of his leg.

"Baby, are you okay?" Toni asked Kenny who was holding his bleeding shoulder.

He winced, "It hurts. I can't believe I did that."

"He's okay, but he'll have a limp for a long time." Toni said looking at Niko crying in pain.

He half chuckled before looking behind her. His widened seeing Sabrina coming at them with a knife.

"Toni!" He said pointing behind her. She grabbed the gun from him and turned around firing.


Two bullets went into Sabrina's chest sending her back to the ground.

"MOM!" Niko yelled.

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