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Kenny walked to his office after his lunch break. He looked up and mentally screamed seeing Toni and Carol hanging out by the door.

"Umm, Tone what are you doing here?" He asked.

She gave him a familiar glare, "I came to see you. Carol was just telling me how sorry she was to hear that Niko moved out."

"Carol can you give us a minute?"

"Yeah." Carol said walking down the hall.

Kenny opened his office door letting Toni go in first. Following her inside, he closed the door behind them.

"Before you get mad-"

"I'm not mad." She said.

He sighed in relief, "Good."

She folded her arms, "I just think it's funny how..."

"Shit." He groaned.

"She knows the truth but you lied to me? What's up with that?!"

"I didn't want to worry you."

"It's my job to worry Ken. I can't believe you'd be so selfish!" She said.

"I'm sorry. Look, come over and we can talk about everything. There's so much I need to tell you." He told her taking her hands into his.

"Fine, but you're not getting any so don't even think that's happening tonight." She said snatching her hand away.

His phone vibrated and he read the text he just received.

"Here take my key, I'll be there soon."

Taking the key,"Hurry up." She said.


"What's going on?" Kenny asked the correctional officer at the prison.

"You should see Sabrina." He said leading Kenny to the visiting area. He frowned in confusion following him.

When they made it, Kenny looked at the woman, "Who are you? You're not Sabrina so let's just skip the lies."

She sighed, "Abby. I was suppose to get out last month. She locked me in a storage closet and left pretending to be me."

"And you said nothing?" He asked in confusion.

"She said she'd take care of my mother's medical bills."

"Sabrina is a lying, conniving, and evil person. You'd be lucky if your mother is still breathing." He told her as she held her head down in shame. Kenny let out a frustrated breath, "You need to tell the truth."

"Who's going to believe me?" Abby asked.

"Everyone. I can back up your story. I just need you to tell me something."


"Did she say where she was staying?" He asked. Wherever Sabrina was, that's where Niko was.


Kree sat on the couch at the house watching TV. She noticed something in the corner of her eye and looked towards the glass patio door. It was a doll "floating" in mid air.

She smiled, her dad always did that when he bought her something new. She got off the couch and went to the door.

"Ooh, pretty." She said getting a closer look at the doll. The doll went away and she frowned, "Hey come back." She said opening the door. She stepped outside looking around,"Daddy!" She called out walking around. Suddenly, she felt herself being picked up, "Aah!"

"Hey little sis." Niko said putting her down.

She waved at him before looking at the doll in his hand, "Is that for me?"

"Yeah. I just want to say sorry for pushing you." He said giving her the doll.

"It's okay, I still love you."

"You wanna go get some ice cream? I have more dolls just like that in the car."

"I have to ask mommy first." She said ready to run inside.

He stopped her, "She already knows. Dad is in the car waiting so we have to hurry." He told her.

"Okay." She said allowing him to pick her up.

Meanwhile Toni grew frustrated trying to clean up the toys all over Kree's room. She went downstairs.

"Kree, I've called you 5 ti-" She cut herself off not seeing her on the couch, "Kree?" She called out walking into the kitchen. She started to panic, "Kree!" She yelled again before she felt a breeze sweep through the house. The patio door was wide open, "No, no, no, KREE!" She yelled running outside seeing nothing but Kree's headband on the ground.

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