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Toni moved her foot around in the bandage. It wasn't broken, just sprained this time. Who would've thought she'd be in this position again 4 years later?

"How are you?" Kenny asked coming into her hospital room. His arm was in a sling after the bullet was removed from his shoulder.

"I still hate that bitch." She groaned. He chuckled as she looked up at him, "How's Niko?"

"He'll be fine, when he gets out he'll be taken to juvie."

"You're really pressing charges?"

He sighed,"If I don't, he'll think this behavior is okay and it's not. He's still a danger to Kree."

"I just don't know if jail is the best place." She said.

"He'll get all the help he needs in there."

"Okay. How's my baby?"

"I'm doing great-"

"Ken. I meant Kree." She chuckled.

"She's taking a long nap."

"I hope she never remembers this day."

"What? You want her to forget the fact that we saved her life?" He asked.

"I killed Sabrina."

"Out of self-defense." He said taking her hand into his.

"It still doesn't feel good."

"Because you're a good person." He said. Suddenly he got an idea, "How about a new scenery? After all this is over we should move."

She smiled, "I'd like that. And...I want another baby, someone for Kree to play with."

"Can't we just get her a dog?"



She peck his lips, "I love you."

"I love you too."


Kenny sat across from his son hoping for a change in attitude. Niko sat down still bitter and angry.

Kenny sighed, "Niko, I'm trying to make amends here."

"You let Toni kill my mother." He said.

"She was protecting us. You may not see it but your mother wasn't mentally stable."

"She cared about me-"

"No she didn't. She had one ticket to Aruba scheduled to leave the next day. She never planned on taking you with her. I'm scared to think what she planned on doing to you after everything was over." He told him.

Niko shook his head, "You're lying."

"She was using you."


"I know you didn't kill Gina. Yet your fingerprints were the only ones on the weapon and Gina's body. The others were wiped off."

Niko frowned, "What?"

"I'm sorry. Your mother couldn't be trusted." Kenny said.

Growing angry, "Go away, I never wanna see you again." Niko said.

Kenny sighed again, "You have 3 years in here and another 12 in adult prison when you turn 18. Niko, that's a long time to be alone."

"I'll be fine. Go back to your family."

"You are my family."

"No, I'm not."

Kenny slid a piece of paper over to him, "Call me if you change your mind."

"I won't but...you hug them close, because I will be back just like my mom." Niko threatened signaling the guard over to take him back to his cell.


"How was it?" Toni asked as Kenny got back in the car.

"Therapy isn't working just yet." He said.

She gave him a sympathetic look,"I'm sorry Ken."

"It's okay. I know he'll come around soon." He assured her. Putting the key in the ignition, "Until then, let's go enjoy our new life." He said.

They were moving to Maryland to be near her parents. The decision was last minute but still better.

"I can't wait til we get there. My parents can't wait to see Kree, which means we have babysitters for at least a week." Toni expressed happily.

"I like the sound of that. We can break in the bed." He said squeezing her thigh.

"What does break in the bed mean?" They heard from the backseat making their eyes widen.

"I thought she had on headphones." Kenny whispered to Toni.

"So did I." She whispered back. She pushed out a smile, "It means to umm...switch the mattress." She lied.

"Oh." Kree said.

"Really?" Kenny said.

"Did you have something better?" She tossed back. He raised his hand in surrender.

"Kree, how about a freestyle?" He asked.

"Okay!" She cheered.

"Oh God." Toni groaned putting in her own headphones.

The End
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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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