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"Everything is coming together smoothly. Soon this whole family will be destroyed." Niko said sitting on the couch eating popcorn.

Sabrina smiled, "I'm proud of you. You're not wuss like your father. You're more like me."

"So how's it coming on your end?"

"I have my insider in place. She knows what to do." She stated.

Niko frowned, "What if she messes this up?"

"You let me worry about that."


Meanwhile at the hospital, Toni and Kenny sat in Kree's room as Gina the social worker asked her questions.

"Kree, can you tell me what you did the morning you fell?" Gina asked.

She thought for a minute, "Well, I got up and I went to the potty. Then mommy made me pancakes shaped like hearts!"


"Yeah, and she put strawberries on them. I love strawberries." Kree said happily.

"Me too. So, when breakfast was over and you went upstairs, what happened?"

Kree put her head down not wanting to answer. Kenny sat up as Gina looked on.

"Kree, it's okay. You can tell us." Toni said.

She shook her head, "I can't. He'll kill me. He said it. He said if I tell mommy and daddy he'll kill me like he killed Lolli." She said

"Niko?" Kenny asked. She nodded keeping her head down. Kenny lifted her head, "What did he do?"

"He popped out and scared me. I screamed and he pushed me really hard." She said. Lifting her arms,"He also made these on my arms when he grabbed me for telling that he wasn't in his room."

Kenny jumped up,"Wait, til I get my hands on him-"

"No, I don't want him to get in trouble. I don't want him to be mad at me again." Kree said as the tears started flowing. She grabbed his hand, "Please."

"It's okay." Toni said hugging her.

"Thank you got telling the truth Kree. You're very brave." Gina said. She turned to Toni, "Can I speak to you outside?"

Toni nodded trying to get up. Kree was hanging onto her so tight she couldn't move.

"I'll be right back okay. I'll bring gummy bears." She said attempting to cheer her up. Kree smiled letting her go.

Toni and Gina walked to the vending machine while Kenny stayed with Kree.

"So?" Toni said breaking the awkward silence.

Gina sighed, "It's in her best interest to be removed from your home immediately."

Toni stopped, "You're not taking my daughter."

"Niko is obviously a danger to her. What happens if she pushes too hard next time? She'll end up-"

"Don't say it." She said continuing her path.

Gina caught up with her, "I'm just being honest."

"She's my everything. If I lose her, I'll lose my mind."

"I'm sorry, but this is the way it works. When she's released she'll come with us, someone will be in contact with you soon after." She said as the came to the machine. She walked away leaving Toni there.

Overcome with emotions, broke down in tears. Gina stopped hearing her faint whimpers. She had a job to do but she still had a heart. That little girl never did anything to anyone, why would Sabrina want her snatched away and sent to another family?

Coming up with her own plan, she walked back over to Toni. She sighed seeing her try to regain her composure.

"Theres another option." She said.

Toni nodded, "Okay?"

"You would have to separate them. As long as Kree is home, her brother can't be." Gina said before leaving again.

Toni stood there in deep thought before pulling out her phone.


Kree watch a movie and ate her gummy bears as Toni and Kenny sat in the chairs across the room. They were waiting for the doctor to get her release forms. Kenny looked over at Toni who seemed to have a lot on her mind.

He gently nudged her, "What's wrong?"

"I'm leaving our house with Kree." She said looking at him.

He sat up, "What?"

"She can't be around Niko anymore and I don't want to make you choose between us and him." She said lowly so the little one wouldn't hear.

Kenny grabbed her hand getting up and leading her into the hallway.

"This is crazy. Come on, maybe he's just going through something. I'll talk to him-"

"Ken, look where we are! Kree has been fighting for her life since she's been in the womb. I'm not putting her through that again."

"Can we just talk about this for a second?"

"I'm sorry, but I have to protect Kree." She said causing disappointment to wash over his face. She sighed, "Look, we'll be at Olivia's for a couple weeks. Just until I figure this out."

"I'm sorry." He said feeling responsible for everything. Where did he go wrong with Niko?

Toni grabbed his hand, "It's not your fault."


Toni entered the house expecting her stepson to be around, "Niko!" She called out, but got no answer.

Going to his room, she found it empty. She decided to do some snooping looking through the trash, video games, and clothes around the room. Coming across a stack of papers she read over them.

She frowned, "What the hell?"

They were letters from Sabrina. Niko seemed to be writing her back and it looked like they had been communicating a long time.

"What are you doing in my room?!" Niko yelled grabbing Toni's arm.

She snatched away from him, "Let go of me! Have you lost your mind?!"

"That's private!"

"Last I checked, you have no privacy in this house."

"You're not my mother!" He yelled.

Kenny came in after putting Kree in their bedroom, "What is going on in here?"

"Ask your son. Better yet, ask his mother." Toni said handing him the stack of letters. Kenny looked at the letters and then looked at Niko.

Teddy Riley is extra, Face is awesome, Toni is a savage, and Tamar is hilarious🤣


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