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"Mommy, can I sleep in your room tonight?" Kree asked as Toni carried her upstairs.

She frowned, "Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just want to sleep with you and daddy tonight."

"Okay, sure."

Making it to the door, Toni put her down, "Hold on, let me make sure daddy's decent." She walked in,"Ken- oh my God."

"What? I thought we were getting nasty tonight." He said confused as he laid there naked.

"We have company, put some clothes on."


Suddenly Kree opened the door rushing in, "Mommy-"

Kenny hurriedly jumped under the covers looking around for his boxers.

"Kree, I told you to wait outside." Toni said before seeing Niko going into his room.

"Sorry." She said.

Covering Kree's eyes, "Come on."

Toni glared at Kenny as he got up to put on shorts and a shirt. When he was done Toni uncovered their daughter's eyes.

"Hi daddy." She said happily when he came into view.

"Hey Kreezy. How was school today?" He asked as she jumped into their bed.

"Good. We learned lots of math. I like math." She explained playing with her teddy bear.

"Was the person who put those ouchies on your arm at school today?"

"No silly." She chuckled as Toni got into bed.

"So it was a person? You didn't fall." Kenny asked.

Kree put her head down, "Umm...I don't know. I'm sleepy." She said laying down and closing her eyes.


"Ken." Toni said shaking her head. The little one obviously afraid to talk about it. Pushing her would make it worse.

He sighed, "Okay, sweet dreams Kreezy E."

He kissed her forehead as Toni cut the lamp off. They fell asleep with so much on their minds.


The next day, Niko walked into his grandmother's house before taking a seat on the couch.

"Why aren't you at school?" Sabrina asked handing him a plate of pancakes.

"I don't wanna go." He simply said.

"What's wrong?"

"Can I move here?"

"What are you going to tell your father?"

"I hate him and I wanna move out."

Sabrina sighed, "If you think he's going to accept that, you're crazy."

She had some revenge planned but she wasn't sure how'd she go through with. She already had someone planted, she just needed to figure out how useful she really was.

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