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Toni gripped the sheets biting her lip. Kenny's body weight pinning her to bed as he took her from behind. He raised up grabbing the headboard before picking up speed sending them both into overdrive.

She buried her face in a pillow to muffle her moans as her climax built. He felt her tighten around him and he slowed down, deepening his strokes sending them both over the edge.

He laid down as she rolled over and laid on top of him. They caught their breath as she rest her head on his chest.

"I want to go on vacation. Just you and I." Kenny said caressing her thighs.

She chuckled, "And leave the kids where?"

"Olivia could take them."

"Olivia can barely take care of her dog let alone two kids."

He sighed, "Maybe we should take them with us." He said making her chuckle.


"Can you get me some juice?" Kree asked Niko as she sat on the couch opposite him playing with her doll.

"Get it yourself, I'm busy." He said typing away on his computer.

She huffed, "Fine. If I hurt myself it's on you."

"We'd be so lucky."

She went into the kitchen and pulled a cup out of the cabinet. She sat it on the counter before opening the refrigerator pulling out the orange juice. She stood on the step stool her mother always uses. She poured the juice all the way up to the rim of the cup.

"I did it!" She cheered. Niko gave her a thumbs up not caring. Picking up the cup she walked over to the couch not noticing the juice coming out of the cup. She slipped on a tiny puddle of spilled juice, "Whoa!"

She hit the floor and juice went flying everywhere.

Niko stood up from the couch, "What the fuck?!" He yelled angrily.

"Sorry. I fell." Kree said standing up.

"You ruined my laptop!" He yelled pushing her back on the floor.

"Ah!" She cried. Niko drew his fist back.

"NIKO!" Toni yelled. He put his fist down as she walked towards them, "Are you kidding me?" She asked not believing what she had seen.

"She ruined my computer, I've got homework!" He said.

"What happened?" Kenny asked coming down to a mess.

"Are you going to tell him or should I?" Toni asked Niko.

"Tell me what?"

"Niko pushed me and I hurt my arm." Kree said. Toni helped her up examining her drenched clothes.

Kenny looked at Niko, "You know better than to put your hands on your sister. She's a girl and she's way smaller than you."

"My laptop is ruined because if that clumsy little maggot!"

"We'll get another one. Until then there's plenty of computers at the library and one in my office. Apologize to your sister." Kenny demanded.

Niko looked at Kree, "Sorry." He said not meaning it one bit.

"It's okay. I still love you." Kree said with a smile.

"Come on, lets clean up this mess." Toni said taking her into the kitchen.

Kenny shook his head at his son, "Go to your room."

Niko threw the laptop down stomping up to his bedroom and slamming the door. Kenny let out a breath. This wasn't the same Niko he raised. Who was his son becoming?


Kenny tucked Kree in as she played with her doll, "Daddy?" She said softly.


"Is Niko still mad at me?"

He sighed, "I'm not sure. Why?"

She raised up reaching for her piggy bank on the nightstand. She handed it to Kenny, "Here, give this to him. He can use it to get a new laptop."

He smiled, "You keep that. I'll get him a new one. That's very sweet of you though." He said putting it back where it belonged. He kissed her forehead, "Goodnight Kreezy E."


He closed the door on his way out before going into the master bedroom. Toni sat on the bed rubbing lotion on her legs. Ken climbed into bed scooting close to her.

"You okay?" He asked her feeling bad for Niko's actions.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said.

"I see that." He replied caressing her leg.

She chuckled, "You're a mess."

"Seriously, I don't know what's going on."

"Maybe he's angry."

"About what?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. Just talk to him and see what's going on."



"What are you doing here. Does your dad know where you are?" Sabrina asked opening the door for Niko.

"I snuck out. He won't notice. I hate him...and her!" He groaned sitting on the couch.


"No, that little shit that's taking up his attention. She's so whiny." He said referring to his little sister.

Sabrina sat down next to him, "Well he always wanted a daughter."

"So, that's it for me?"

"He wanted someone younger and got rid of me, didn't he?" She said watching him grow angrier.

"Do we mean nothing to him?" He asked. She shrugged. Niko shook his head, "I wish I could go back to when we were all together."

"That was a hot ass mess."

"But I was comfortable. I had my parents and Toni and all the focus was on me."

"Toni is the reason you don't have that anymore." She snapped making him think.

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