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Niko snuck into the house at around noon. He figured he could just crash since his father was at work. Or so he thought...

"You need to get dressed." Kenny said sitting at the table.

He huffed, "For?"

"We're going to see a counselor."

"I told you I'm not going to a shrink-"

"And I'm telling you that you are. The things you are doing are putting a weight on our family." Kenny expressed.

"Your family." Niko hissed.

Kenny took a deep breath, "You will go to therapy or else."

"Or else what?"

"Or else you'll have to leave this house."

Niko scoffed, "Fine. I'm leaving." He said walking upstairs to pack.

"Oh really? And where are you going?" Kenny asked standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"To be with my mother."

"Well unfortunately they don't let kids in prison."

Niko turned to him, "You just don't know..."

"Don't know what?" Kenny asked in annoyance. Niko stayed silent going into his room. Kenny's jaw ticked, "Answer me!"

"I don't have to say shit!" Niko yelled.

Kenny stomped up the stairs and into Niko's room. He knocked the clothes Niko tried to pack out of his hands.

"Get out!" He yelled.

Niko glared at him, "Gladly."

With that, he went downstairs and out of the door.


"Now press that one twice." Toni told Kree as they sat at Olivia's piano. Kree did as she was told and Toni smiled, "Good job! Now let's put it all together."

Kree play Mary Had A Little Lamb all the way through with no mistakes. Toni missed these times with Niko. Now he barely looks at her.

"I did it!" Kree said excitedly.

"Yes you did!" She said hugging her. They heard a knock on the door. Toni gave her a fake confused look, "I wonder who that is."

"Daddy?" Kree guessed getting antsy.

"I don't know. Let's go see." Toni said prompting the little one to run behind her to the door.

Toni open the door and Kenny stood there with a bottle of wine and a smile. Kree screamed making them laugh.

"Hey!" He said catching her tiny body. He spun her around, "I missed you."

"I missed you too. Can you stay? Please?" She begged as he walked inside.

"We'll see." Kenny said before pecking Toni's lips.

"Have you talked to Niko?" Toni asked.

He looked at Kree, "Kree, how many stickers did you put on your cast?"

"100. Mommy helped." Kree said happily.

"That's a lot of stickers."

"Kree, how about you go wash your hands so we can eat?" Toni said.

"Okay." She said as Kenny put her down. She took off as the parents sat on the couch.

"I missed you." Kenny said grabbing Toni's thigh.

She grabbed his hand, "Ken."


"Niko. Have you talked to him?" She asked.

He sighed thinking of his answer. He really didn't want her worried about Niko. He was his problem. She'd stress herself out.

"Yeah, everything is fine." He said.

"That was easy." She said surprised.

"Yeah. He's really sorry and agreed to counseling." Kenny lied.

She smiled, "Wow. That's amazing."

"Yeah, and soon you and Kree can come home."

Kree ran back in, "I'm ready."

"Let's eat." Toni said. They made their way to the table.

"Daddy, I can play piano like you and mommy now." Kree said as they ate.

"That's great."

"Are you staying tonight?" She asked again.

He chuckled, "Sure."

"Yay!" She cheered.

"How about a movie?" Kenny suggested once they were done.

"Let's watch Trollz!" Kree squealed running to get the remote.

"Okay." Kenny said enjoying this moment of peace after dealing with the hurricane that is Niko.

"I'm gonna shower." Toni told them getting ignored as the curled up on the couch. She shook her head heading to the bathroom.

Thirty minutes later she stepped out and wrapped a towel around her. Walking out she saw Kenny standing in the doorway.

"Where's your shadow?" She asked referring to their daughter.

"She fell asleep." He said closing the door.

"Good." She said walking over to him. Gripping the back of his head, she pulled him into a kiss.

She moved her hands down to the hem of his shirt. He lifted his arms allowing her to take it off.

She tossed it on the floor as he pulled her closer deepening the kiss. They moved towards the bed before Kenny pulled away to snatch the towel off revealing her naked frame. He picked her up and laid her on the bed hovering over her. He kissed he softly along her neck as he undid his pants.

Toni grabbed his face kissing his lips again. They fought for control just as he entered her in one swift motion. Her gasp allowing him to dominate the fiery kiss that would commence their long lovemaking session.


"What did he mean by that?" Carol asked Kenny after he explained everything that happened with Niko.

Kenny was still baffled, "I don't know."

"So he just walked out without telling you what he meant?"

"Yeah, I called one of my connects at the prison, but he said Sabrina is still there. He's going to look deeper though." He said hoping the worst didn't happen.

"He should."

Kenny sighed, "I just want to know where he is."

"I understand. If there's anything you need just say the word." Carol said.

He nodded, "Thanks."


"We can make at least $750,000 off her." Sabrina said typing away on her computer.

Niko frowned, "That's a lot of money."

"People can't have kids and aren't qualified to adopt would pay anything." She said clicking on a picture. She showed it to Niko, "What about these people?"

"I don't care who it is as long as she's gone and the money is there." He said making her smile proudly.

"We can use the money to go on a long vacation." She told him throwing her arms over his shoulder as they stared at the picture of Kree.

Sorry I missed 2 days.😩

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