Chapter 27: New Reaper

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The Mount Weather group contained Sawyer, Clarke, Atlas, Bellamy, Octavia, Raven, Finn, Abby and some guards 

Finn led in front followed by Raven and Bellamy, Abby and Clarke with Sawyer and Atlas in the back. The guards surrounded the group looking around, guns heated and ready for an attack 

Sawyer got distracted as she watched Bellamy and Raven talk. Bellamy confused the girl more than anything. Their relationship was in that weird stage where one day they were talking and kissing and the next they barely made eye contact. As of right now today was the no eye contact day

2 days ago they were talking for hours and cuddling in front of a fire and today Bellamy barely paid mind to her 

"Sawyer! Sawyer" Atlas said bumping the girl to try and pull her out of her mind trans "What? Sorry" Sawyer said shaking her head as she realized she had zoned out. "I said, what are you thinking about" Atlas repeated climbing over a log

"Oh, nothing" Sawyer responded. Bellamy's voice cut off everyone's conversations as he warned

"Don't forget to look up, the grounders use the trees that's how we lost John Mbege" 

Sawyer nodded and frowned as she remembered the lost teen. He was always one to blend in with the crowd but at the end of the day a loss was still a loss 

The group eventually got closer as they moved around talking to new people trying to find distractions during the long uphill hike to Mount Weather 

Bellamy and Sawyer were now walking together making small talk while Atlas had moved up talking to Octavia. Sawyer laughed as Bellamy made a narcissistic joke about his good looks

Sawyer looked up smiling as Clarke walked to them. She gave them the 'be quiet' look confusing the teens. Clarke gabbed their arms and slowly stopped them allowing the gesture to go unnoticed by the guards 

"What's going on?" Sawyer asked confused as she watched the group walk away without them. "Walk slowly with me" Clarke said watching the group's movements. The 2 nodded and kept up with Clarke's slow pace 

"Being that my Mom's on this mission she's keeping such a close eye which means we won't be able to side track and get more information on how to get our people out of Mouth Weather. Now when Sawyer and I escaped Mount Weather we both went through reaper tunnels. And when Lincoln helped us escape grounder custody he told Sawyer and I that the tunnels connected to everywhere, if you guys can find an opening to the tunnels then we can use it as a discrete way to enter without the people in Mount Weather noticing" 

Sawyer and Bellamy nodded as they followed along understanding Clarke's plan. "My Mom said we should be stopping soon for a break so that would be your chance" 

"We got it" Sawyer reassured. Clarke nodded to both of them before quickly sliding back in with the group. Sawyer and Bellamy trailed behind trying to keep their distance so their disappearance didn't seem to drastic 

"Let's stop up here" Abby yelled, the guards nodded and Sawyer looked around trying to find the perfect spot to slip in. "There" Sawyer said pointing to an opening in the woods that lead to a distant path

Bellamy nodded and the 2 slipped away and through the woods. "That was way too easy" Bellamy said to which Sawyer nodded. "We should run to create some distance between us in case they find us" Bellamy instructed 

Sawyer nodded and the 2 jogged up a hill 

"According to the Clarke, and the bombs the buildings everywhere here. I'm guessing some of them has access to the bunker so we're looking ruins anything that's manmade ok?" Bellamy said. Sawyer nodded as she looked around 

"Hey! Blake!" a guard yelled from behind 

Sawyer and Bellamy sighed stopping in place. "Let's go right now!" the guard demanded. Sawyer and Bellamy slowly turned. There were 3 guards behind them "In case you've forgotten, we're not under your command" Sawyer replied sassily  

"Don't make us do this the hard way" Scott warned, he was a head guard. "Come on Scott, 47 of our people are prisoners in this mountain" Bellamy said. "That's why we're here" Scott lied 

"Wrong you're out here to find other stations of the Ark. We're out here to find our friends" Bellamy clarified. Sawyer lifted her foot as she felt something crawl on it. She hissed in disgust before looking down seeing hundreds and hundreds of insects running past 

"Bell" Sawyer said her voiced laced with fear as she watched the bugs crawl around her feet. Bellamy looked down trying to see what was scaring the girl 

"What are they doing?" Scott said in confusion. "Running" Bellamy says confused. He looks up trying to find what from, he squints his eyes trying to see what was coming towards them from a distance. His eyes widened as the acid fog flew through the trees

"Acid fog!" Bellamy yells, Sawyer's head shoots up looking to the acid fog. Her and Bellamy slowly started backing up.  "We need cover now!" Bellamy yells rushing to the pack the guard carried

"Deploy your tents! Let's go!" Bellamy yelled ripping open the guards pack. Sawyer's eyes drew to the insects who all consistently ran in one direction clearly heading somewhere. Sawyer turned following them to see they were all running under some sort of bush

Her leg's moved themselves as she followed the insects in the same direction 

"Sawyer! Sawyer! Get back here!" Bellamy screamed as he watched the girl disappear from behind the trees

Sawyer fell down to the ground ripping at moss as she tried to find the entrance that all the bugs were slipping through. Bellamy ran to where she had gone trying to pull her back

"Bell!" Sawyer screamed loudly. She noticed there was a crack from the floor up to something. She lifted her hands feeling around frantically 

"There's something in here! Maybe it's the ruins" she yells swatting away the moss trying to reveal what was behind. Sawyer ignored as Bellamy screamed for the guards to come. The acid fog got closer making Sawyer move even faster 

"I found it!" Sawyer yelled as a door handle was revealed from under the moss "Come on pull!" Bellamy said as him and Scott got a grip on the handle 

"Hurry up!" Sawyer yelled as she noticed the other guards rushing trying to pick up his pack

The door ripped open and Bellamy backs up shoving Sawyer in first. Scott fell in after and Bellamy waited behind for the last guards. One flew in while there was one left behind

Sawyer sighed in relief as Bellamy fell in shutting the door behind her. Sawyer closed her eyes trying to catch her breath and listened as Scott screamed for the forgotten guard who was being burned by the acid fog 

Sawyer reached in her pack to find a flashlight. The guards turned on the flashlights from their guns allowing the dark area to be lit up

"Where are we?" Scott asked as the group walked closer in trying to figure out where they were. "Looks like a garage" Sawyer said as she shined her light on all the cars and parking spaces. "More like a tomb" Bellamy replied

Sawyer's head whipped in shock at the sound of a weird noise coming from the corner. Sawyer and Bellamy made eye contact before Bellamy turned to Scott

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