Chapter 38: Search for Wanheda

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"We're almost out of range" Sawyer said nervously as she drove the rover over a bump "Should we alert the chancellor?" she asks

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"We're almost out of range" Sawyer said nervously as she drove the rover over a bump "Should we alert the chancellor?" she asks

Sawyer didn't want any issues with Abby, after their argument 2 months ago both girls agreed on respecting each other's authority and boundaries and Sawyer didn't want to jeopardize that by going against protocol 

"I don't wanna worry Abby until we know something" Kane says from the back. "We know there's a kill order. Your people are big on those" Bellamy says referring to the kill order on Lincoln as well

"It's not a kill order, it's a bounty. Clarke's a symbol, she's known as Wanheda. The Commander of Death" Indra explained. Sawyer and Bellamy made eye contact before she looked back at the road 

"The Ice Nation guys we killed asked about Wanheda. They're looking for Clarke, why?" Bellamy asked 

"My people believe that when you kill someone you get their power" Indra said Sawyer shook her head, another reason to add to the list of why she hated grounder culture

"Kill Wanheda and you command death" Indra explained. "She's just one girl" Kane said 

"So was the commander. What Clarke did at Mount Weather weakened her" Sawyer gulped as she tried to focus on driving the rover. She wasn't sure how Mount Weather was being pinned on Clarke when last time she checked she was the one who pulled the lever. But then again Sawyer didn't want to be known as a leader of death so Clarke could take the one for the team this time

"The Ice Nation emboldened. Their wants Clarke's power. If her people believe she has it, she'll break the Coalition and start a war. I can't let that happen" Indra continued 

"Welcome to sector 7" Monty spoke from the back "Where should I go now?" Sawyer asked 

"If she's here, she'll need supplies. We'll start at the trading posts" Indra said. Sawyer nodded and pushed on the gas, driving faster 


Sawyer slammed the break hard. The entire rover shook and everyone flew forward before slamming back in their seats. Groans came from everyone as Sawyer gasped in shock 

It was dark out and she was lucky she even saw the tree on the ground that blocked the road. "We have to move it" Monty says as he looks out the front window 

Sawyer stared at the tree unsure, there were no roots coming out of the bottom which means it couldn't have fallen 

"Wait! It's been cut down" Sawyer says loudly stopping everyone from moving. "We don't know that" Bellamy denies. He stands up from his seat and peers through the roof top 

Suddenly Bellamy was throwing himself down. A tree had fallen behind the rover, blocking them in on both sides. She groans as the boy fell on her "We do now" she says annoyed 

She pushed him off and everyone pulled out their weapons ready to defend themselves from an attack 


"It's been three hours. What are they waiting for?" Bellamy asks annoyed, they were still trapped in the rover waiting for whoever trapped them to come out 

Sawyer continued to peer out her window gun in hand, looking closely to see if she saw someone 

"Even with the light, I don't see anyone" Kane comments as he looks out the back window. "I say we make a run for it" Monty says quickly. Sawyer could hear the fear in his voice 

"No, that's what they want us to do" Kane says disagreeing. "The boy is right. They can wait longer than we can" Indra argues 

"Okay, Bellamy. You get in the turret and you cover us. Once we get to that ridge over there, we'll cover you" Kane instructs. Sawyer turns in her chair and climbs into the back where the rest of the group waited

"Copy that" Bellamy says zipping up his jacket. "Run fast" Bellamy says. He slides open the roof top before standing up through the top

"They're here" Bellamy comments. Sawyer looks up confused to see an arm wrapped around his neck. She instantly lifts her gun ready to shoot the arm off of him

"Everybody out or the boy dies" the person instructs. No one moves and suddenly Bellamy's body is pulled from the top of the roof. Sawyer screams "Stop! No!" 

"Okay! Okay! We're coming out! Don't hurt him" Sawyer cries as she rushes to the back door. She drops all her weapons even the knives in her arms

Sawyer takes a deep breath before turning the back lock. The door is ripped open and Sawyer didn't even get to blink before her body is thrown to the ground. She groans in pain as her face is slammed on the ground 

A large weight is placed on her back and she can feel someone kneeing her hard. Sawyer hisses as they yank her arms behind her back 

"All targets secure" a woman yells. Sawyer couldn't even move her head she was being slammed to the ground. She couldn't see anything either which stressed her out 

She thrusted around trying to get out of the person's death grip. "Monty, let it go!" Bellamy yells 



Sawyer's brows furrowed, she couldn't see what was going on 

"Farm station stand down!" someone called out 

The person who was on Sawyer didn't get off making her annoyed. She turned her face which lead to the rocks on the ground scratching her cheek

"He said stand down dipshit you can get off of me!" she yelled 

She felt the weight be taken off of her and she groaned as her arms ached in pain. Sawyer rolled her body over, she sat up and wiped her body down swiping the dirt off 

Bellamy stood over her and reached his hand out. She grabbed it and let him pull her up. "You ok?" he asked. Sawyer nodded and Bellamy wiped the dirt off her face 

They turned to see Pike, a teacher on the ark hugging Kane. He wasn't Sawyer's teacher but Atlas had him one year. Monty was reuniting with his Mom Hannah and everyone had been pulling off their masks. Sawyer turned and saw Matt Riley, a past classmate of hers that she got along with a lot 

"No way" she said in surprise "Matty blue eyes" she joked. Matt turned to her and opened his eyes in shock. Sawyer smiled as she walked over to him. "My favorite blonde" Matt joked back. Sawyer laughed as she threw her arms around him hugging the boy 

"It's so good to see you" Sawyer said smiling as they let go. "It's good to see you too" Matt replied. Sawyer turned back at the sound of Kane asking "How many of you are there?" 

"Sixty-three. The rest are camped in the mountains north of here. Grounder killers one and all, am I right?" Everyone around cheered and Sawyer looked down uncomfortable. She looked up to Bellamy who looked at her and then moved his eyes to Pike indicating for her to go to him

Sawyer and Bellamy walked over at the same time "Hate to cut this short. We've got to find Clarke" Bellamy said "Clarke Griffin?" Pike asked. Bellamy and Sawyer nodded  

"If only all of my earth skills students were as good as her" Pike teased. Sawyer and Bellamy laughed and Bellamy said "It's good to see you, sir" as he shook Pike's hand

"We need to move the tree" Sawyer said. "Help them!" Pike instructed to his people. Sawyer walked over to the rover and the guy's went to move the tree 

She threw her gun in the front seat and watched as the guys successfully got the tree out of the way. She walked over to Bellamy who was headed towards her "Kane! It's time to go" Sawyer demands wanting to cut his chatting time short 

All of a sudden Matt, Pike and Monty's Mom Hannah were walking to the rover "Woah what's going on?" Sawyer asked confused as Kane was opening the back door for them to get in. "We need their expertise to find Clarke, get in the front" Kane says 

Sawyer rolls her eyes at his attempt to control her. She walked over to the drivers seat and jumped in. "Everyone in?" she asked as she looked in the back to see everyone crammed in. Sawyer looked to Bellamy who sat in the passenger seat 

They kept eye contact for a second before Sawyer turned and pushed on the gas driving off 


"Everyone quiet" Sawyer demanded as she slowly pressed on the break stopping the rover. Sawyer could see fighting inside, a woman and a man

"Get out quiet, wait on my command. Bellamy cover me" Sawyer instructs as she grabs her gun and hops out the rover. She sprinted over to the side entrance and peered in seeing a grounder over a bloody woman 

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