Chapter 39: Bombing of Mount Weather

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"This is so bullshit" Sawyer curses as Bellamy helps her climb out of the loading truck. "I knew I should've taken my horse" Octavia complains. Sawyer groans at her stiff leg that now occupied a long leg brace

"What's wrong?" Bellamy asks his girlfriend. "We should be there" Sawyer says referring to the summit delegation where each clan will be meeting to add Skaikru to the coalition 

"If you were there then you wouldn't be here with me" Atlas teases as he pulls a duffel bag out of the back of the back of the truck "Shut up" Sawyer said making him laugh. "Besides, as soon as your leg heals, you'll be right back out there" Matt says trying to comfort her

"My leg's fine. Kane's trying to teach me a lesson" Sawyer says. Bellamy throws her a duffel bag and she catches it "You leg is not fine, Abby said your looking at months of physical therapy" Bellamy said making Sawyer roll her eyes 

"You guys, did I ever tell you how I saved Sinclair's ass on the Ark?" Raven asks. Sawyer groans "Please don't" Everyone laughed as she limped away to the door

Matt opened the door and Sawyer walked through, Atlas and Bellamy right behind her. She drowned out Raven who was telling a story in the background to Gina 

Sawyer and Bellamy made eye contact and Sawyer rolled her eyes making Bellamy hold in a laugh. They turned the corner into the mess hall. Sawyer stopped taken back at the sight of everyone from Farm Station happy and eating 

Eating in the seats where many died. In the seats where burned corpses were littered around. Sawyer felt bile rise in her throat as she tried not to throw up everywhere. Pike stood up from his seat. "Welcome! Come, join us" he greeted as he walked to the group

Bellamy and Atlas took a step down but Sawyer stood frozen in her spot. She didn't even have to close her eyes this time, the flashbacks of her walking down the steps 4 months ago to find all the dead bodies flashed past her

Matt tugged on the girl's hand making her blink as she was pulled out of her trans. Sawyer walked down the stairs and watched as Bellamy walked to Pike 

"There must be 30 of them in here" Octavia comments looking around. "36, but more the merrier" Pike corrected smiling. Pike and Bellamy shook hands 

"36? Wow. The Grounders are gonna think we moved in" Sawyer comments staring around the room. "Well, there was no more room at the inn" Pike responds. Bellamy gulps and looks down

"And this is your option?" Sawyer says in disgust "Babe" Bellamy says in a warning tone as he turned to look at her. "This room has history that you wouldn't even know about" Sawyer says dropping the duffel bag in her hand. "I'm outta here" she says shaking her head 

Sawyer turned around and limped out of the room. She couldn't take it. Sawyer felt gross even being in the building, it was like there was a haunted spirit that crawled on her every step she took 

Sawyer stopped in a hallway and slid down the wall groaning at her sore leg. Atlas had followed her out the room and turned the corner smiling as he saw the blonde "Hey" Atlas greeted as he walked over Sawyer gave him a small smile 

"So, what's up?" Atlas asked as he slid down the wall. Sawyer shrugged "C'mon, talk to me" Atlas begged

"I hate it here" Sawyer confessed as tears filled her eyes. Atlas nodded listening to her"I hate it so much" Sawyer cried. "I did a really bad thing here and it's like i'm always going to be haunted by it" Sawyer said staring at the wall across from her 

"It's going to get better" Atlas said "When!" Sawyer asked throwing her hands up in defeat. "You are one of the strongest people I've ever met, you get injured and you keep moving. You care about everyone and you helped me through the hardest moment of my life" Atlas said trying to motivate the girl 

Suddenly an alarm started going off and Atlas jumped up. Sawyer groaned as she tried to move quickly but couldn't. "I got you" Atlas said as he reached down and pulled the girl up. Sawyer groaned as her leg straightened 

"What is that?" Atlas asked as he helped the girl walk. "I have no idea" Sawyer said, they turned the corner to the dining hall and Sawyer heard people yelling making her move faster

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