Part 12 Christmas Shopping

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Emily's pov

So its been a few weeks since the Thanksgiving dinner i have to say these days have been pretty well,it was officially snowing and Shane and i had the opportunity to take a tour around town it was pretty neat the whole park was decorated in christmas lights along with santas house where kids would go.

So i convinced Shane to take me to Walmart so we can buy christmas decorations he first denied to come but he gave up so we entered the store i kept on looking for some cute decorations as Shane followed me behind.

"so you really like Christmas?" Shane asked i nodded.

"yeah i really do even though i would spend the holiday alone i really still loved it."i said as i looked at some lights.

"but its all better now." i said smiling as i handed Shane a few boxes with Christmas lights.

i saw Shane struggling with the boxes.

"Shane you know you can put them on the cart right." i saw him putting the lights away.

"aha" he said we kept in looking at more things i got tons of candies,ornaments,fake snow to put in the windows and i got even more lights.Shane and i went to the game station i was gonna see what thing he likes for the Christmas exchanging gift so i said to Shane that i was headed to the bathroom but i lied i kept looking on him or rather stalking him.

he just kept on looking at some game consoles,some cd's,videogames,ds,wii you name it but it didnt look like he wanted any of that.

"this is gonna be so much harder than i thought." i whispered to myself.

"now i regret buying him all those things at the same time i should've saved the xbox for now."i said to myself i sighed and gave up as i walked towrds Shane once again.


Shane and i returned from our little trip at Walmart we bought food on the way home we had a load if boxes filled with tree ornaments.

"hey Shane we bought tons of ornaments and i just figured out that you dont even have a tree." i said.

"thats right." Shane said while grabbing his car keys.

"and thats why we are going to pick one." 

"what like now!?" i asked.

"yeah why not the sooner the better" he said as he offered his hand to me i gladly accepted it as we grabbed our sweaters and gloves and we were ready to go and pick a perfect tree for our little living room.

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