five | snowfall

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ARTEMIS SPUN AROUND THE GROUNDS OF HOGWARTS, WATCHING AS THE SNOW FLITTERED DOWN. She loved the snow ever since she had a young child. It was the time of the year when she actually got to be kid because no matter what, she had been allowed outside to play in the snow.

"You look like you are having an absolute marvelous time, Little Art,"George Weasley smirked, surging forward to scoop up a ball of snow to throw at Artemis.

"Ah!"The lavender-haired girl gasped, shielding herself but the cold ice crashed against her sweater covered body.

"Oi, that's no way to treat a lady, Forge!"Fred pretended to scold him, quickly sprinted to the younger girl and helped her pelt George with a various amount of snow.

"You traitor!"George shouted as he pummeled with snow. The three of them howled with laughter as they collapsed into the glittering snow in the courtyard.

"It's a shame you can't go Hogsmeade,"George told Artemis.

"That's never stopped me before,"Artemis smirked, turning her head toward the ginger to find George grinning proudly at her.

"I was just thinking if you could, we could throw snow at all the couples coming out Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop,"George suggested, his eyes glimmered with trouble along with the chocolate color.

"Well, at this rate, I'll never get to go,"Artemis rolled her eyes."Harry's in a tizzy about not going. I get it, I hate it too, so I was thinking of showing him the map.

"He is in need,"Fred told her,"You willing to give it up?"

"Absolutely not. But I'll share it,"Artemis told him,"We'll be like divorced parents and the map will be our child."

"And here, I thought it was our child,"George feigned offense.

"Oh, George,"Artemis rolled her eyes playfully, concealing the flatter she felt."It's clear that Fred's the father."

Fred bursted into a laughter at that, pulling himself up from the snow."Let's go retrieved the local idiot then."

The three troublemakers found a set of invisible footprints in the snow, moving quickly to join the other students. Artemis tilted her head to point out the old prints to the lads, who quickly grab the concealed boy. The footprints started to reverse as the twins dragged him back into the small staircase.

"Clever, Harry,"Fred complimented.

"But not clever enough,"George added.

"Besides, we've got a better way, don't we, Art?"Fred implied.

"That we do."

Once the invisibility cloak dropped to reveal a very cross Harry Potter. Instantly, Fred slapped the worn roll of parchment, which usual resided in the inside pocket of Artemis' leather jacket, into Harry's hand. The younger boy unfolded it and frowned at the bareness.

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