Welcoming Party - Daryl

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Prompt: The reader and Daryl give Deanna's party a chance

Word count: 2153

Warnings: Alcohol consumption, shower scene but no smut

[ The gif is not mine, they never are... - I loved this scene soo much, my poor Daryl :( ]

When Deanna told the group of her plans of hosting a welcoming party for you and your friends, you were caught off guard. The first reason being the most obvious; a party? In this... Maybe she just meant people gathering together to meet you. But no, when she said to dress nice, and that there would be food and music and drinking... You were stunned. How? How had these people gotten so lucky? You had been out there, barely eating, on the run, nothing but dirty blood stained clothes on your back... And they had all of this.

You stood there looking at her in shock, not responding. "I know, it will take some getting used to. I hope you'll stop by." Deanna continues, giving your arm a small squeeze, then leaving your front door. You close it slowly, going over what she just told you. Daryl was standing in the dining area, leaning against the wall, listening into the conversation.

His fears crept back up, know he doesn't belong in this sort of neighborhood or environment. He was already accustomed to living off nature on his own, before the world went to shit. He didn't change like the way everyone around him had, not in that way. It was just a worse version of what he already lived. So maybe now that there were normal guys around and you were starting to try to go back to what used to be comfortable and normal, you would second thought being with Daryl...

After talking with Rick, he decided that everyone should at least make an appearance, in order to 'show our appreciation' to Alexandria and its residents for taking you in. A woman that you hadn't yet met stopped by the houses your group split into to fetch the women in order to find some nice clothes for the party. It was very bizarre to you, the whole process, but it actually became enjoyable. Sasha was clearly having a hard time, still grieving all that she had just recently lost; and now she comes to see these people basically living a dream. You felt for her, it was upsetting, but you had to move past it. This needed to work.

Maggie was cautious but clearly a little excited to try to get some normalcy back. She picked out a pretty dark blue knee-length dress to wear, and asked to woman if she had a dark blue tie for Glenn to match her with. You smiled and shook your head, enjoying seeing your friend like this. She almost lost herself out there, after Beth.

You didn't want to dress up, but you also didn't want to be the only one under-dressed, so you went with a simple black dress that ended mid-thigh. You were pretty nervous for Daryl's reaction to seeing you in this, you don't want to scare him off.

When you got back to the house, the sky was beginning to dim, so you decided to start getting ready. Daryl entered the bedroom you and him shared, wearing what he always does, still not looking like he has showered. "You aren't gonna clean up?" You ask him as you pull your hair out of its usual ponytail. He shrugs and grunts, leaning against the wall as he watches you. "I'm not staying. Only going for Rick." He mutters. You know he really doesn't want to go, but you are glad he's willing to make an appearance. "Come on. What if I join you? There's nothing wrong with getting clean, has nothing to do with them, just you and me." You insist, and he slowly nods, allowing you to tug him into the bathroom for a nice warm shower, something you swore you would never get readjusted to.

You stood under the water, watching as his hair matted down against his forehead. He stares down at you and you can't help but smile, adoring him. You gather some shampoo in your hand and gently lather it through his hair, watching as he subconsciously leans his head into your hand, enjoying the feeling of your hands in his hair. He is still pretty insecure and unsure of being naked in front of you, but he is trying his best to overcome it, wanting to give you all of him. He doesn't want to disappoint you in any way, but your reassurance does help to boost his confidence.

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