Meet Jesus - Daryl

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Prompt: You guys meet Jesus, just a silly drabble I wanted to make. Daryl fluffff

Pairing: Daryl Dixon x reader

Word Count: 1956

Warnings: Like one cuss word

You were out on a run with Daryl and Rick, something that wasn't rare. Often times Michonne would take your place, but one of you needed to stay back in case something happened at Alexandria. The run was supposed to be simple, Eugene even mapped some places out for you guys so that you'd have the best chance of finding what was needed. Of course, he said it the most complicated way he could and therefore left all three of you staring at him, dumbfounded. After a moment Daryl said, "Thanks," And Rick began to pull away. Once he had driven a few yards you started laughing, even catching Daryl smirking and shaking his head in the mirror. You leaned up in between the two of them, resting your arms on their seats, smiling at them. "This is nice. The three of us, like back at the farm." You speak, and Rick smiles at you, nodding his head. He doesn't look stressed, he actually looks sort of at peace. It's nice to see him like this. He reaches over Daryl and opens the dash, pulling out a CD, making you gasp and jump like a child as he places the CD into the radio. "Don't." Daryl says. "Don't. Please, don't." He continues, being dramatic, trying to act like he doesn't find you or Rick amusing. The song starts and Rick begins snapping his fingers to the beat, smiling at Daryl, who shakes his head and looks behind him at you. You smile widely at him and begin singing along, dramatically pointing at and serenading him. He rolls his eyes but can't hold back the smile that forms on his pink lips as he watches you enjoy yourself.

The day starts off really good, you guys found a big truck full of cans and water and food, it was too good to be true... It clearly was.

You got knocked over as a guy came crashing in between you and Rick. He stops a few feet away holding his hands up when he sees the gun aimed at his head. "Hi," The guy mutters.

"Back up, now!" Daryl hollers. Rick reaches his hand out and helps you up, removing his python and aiming it at the long blond haired man. "Keep em up!" Rick warns. You take a few steps back, observing your surroundings, making sure nobody was sneaking up on you guys. "Whoa, easy guys. I was just running from the dead." The man says. His voice is calm and monotone, despite him clearly being out of breath. He is wearing a tan bandana that is covering everything but his eyes. "Wow." He mutters when he makes eye contact with you. Daryl glances back and sees that he is looking at you, making him more angry, and he steps in front of you.

"How many?" He asks, glaring at the man. Something in you is telling you that he's a good guy...

"Ten, maybe more. I'm not risking it, once they get to double digits I start running." He replies, still catching his breath but slowly dropping his hands.

"Where?" Daryl growls.

"'Bout a half mile back. They're coming this way, probably have about... Eleven minutes?" The man responds. You step away from Daryl and pull your knife out, watching their back.

Rick says "Okay," and lowers his gun, placing it back inside of its holster. "Thanks for letting us know."

"Yeah. There's more of them than us, right. Gotta stick together." You put your knife away and stand beside Daryl, studying the man. His gaze falls on you again and you feel a little shy under it, causing you to look down and tuck your hair back behind your ear. "Right?" The guy asks, looking at Daryl, who still had his gun aimed at him. He finally lowers it and you sigh. "You have a camp?" The man asks, and Daryl glares at him more, before replying. "Nah."

"Do you?" Rick questions.

The guy looks between the men for a moment then shakes his head, saying "No... Sorry for running into you." The man apologizes, his glance falling back on you, and you nod your head at him. "I'm gonna go now. This is the next world, I hope it's good to you guys." He says, turning on his heels and beginning to walk away.

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