Bad Guy part 2

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Pairing: Negan x reader x Daryl

Warnings: Graphic violence and gore, mention of adult content

Word Count: 1072


You cry out, eyes blurry from the tears, as the bat smashes over Abraham's head. Blood trickles down it as he looks up to stare Negan dead in the eye. "Whoa! Takin it like a champ!"

"Suck...My...Nuts." He mutters out as see his two fingers come up to form a peace sign before the bat comes down again. And again. You look away, not able to stand seeing his head become a pile of gore.

Your chest is on fire, lungs burning and throat closing. You hold in the screams and cries trying to escape from your mouth.

You weren't close to Abraham, but Negan is beating his now dead body to a pulp. Losing anyone was hard, but watching it helplessly, and so brutally, it was destroying you.

Negan laughs and makes remarks to Rick and then Rosita, seeing as he figured out they had a thing. He hollers at her to look at him. "Stop!" You scream, a sob escaping before you can control it.

He turns to look at you. You fall forward a little, more sobs escaping as you see what is left of the soldier. Your heart is broken, and mostly for Sasha and Rosita. "Excuse me?" Negan asks snidely, stepping toward you.

You regret this, realizing the repercussions may come to Daryl. "Nothing." You mutter, sniffling.

"Right. Nothing. What I say goes!" He bends down by you. "Right?" He asks, his voice a lot quieter. You raise your head and look into his eyes. They are actually very pretty, not cold and dead, like you were expecting. "Speak when you are spoken to, doll." He threatens, still not yelling but his voice is deep and firm.

"Right." You respond, coming out as more of a growl. He smirks.

"I don't think you understand? Do any of you!?" He exclaims as he stands back up. When nobody answers, he grabs you from under your arm. You see Daryl jump up, trying to rush at Negan. "No!" You holler as three guys pin him and aim his own crossbow at him. "No!" You scream, starting to cry again.

"Should I do it?" The man holding his crossbow asks Negan, looking excited to.

"No. You don't kill, not until you've tried a little." Negan responds, a light smirk on his face.

The men pull him back in line and you swipe away the tears brimming at your eyes. "Well..." Negan starts, looking less than pleased. "I said no exceptions. The first one was free. But I am a man of my word..."

And before you have time to realize, he bangs his bat hard over Glenn's head. Everyone screams, you and Maggie collapse to the ground, sobbing.

Maggie can't breathe as she cries out. The scene of Glenn's face is too horrific to describe, and you hear him call out to Maggie. You sob harder at seeing Daryl crying. Your heart is torn...


You are all sitting there, awaiting Negan and Rick's return, avoiding looking at the bodies of what used to be your live and healthy friends...

You are terrified that he has killed Rick. You are almost certain that he has. He's like a father to you, you don't know what the group would do without him.

You keep your eyes as far away from the limp bodies that used to belong to Glenn and Abraham. You avoid looking at Maggie, Rosita and Sasha, too. And Carl. You feel empty, hard. You can't think straight, you're totally zoned out.

They finally return, Negan pushing Rick around, and it grows worse.

Negan has Carl lay the ground and tries to get Rick to cut his son's arm off. You cry and bite your tongue, drawing blood, trying not to scream, knowing it will probably make someone else die again. It is a terrible scene in front of you.

Rick is crying, sobbing, the axe in his hand, begging Negan. He raises the axe, still sobbing, as Negan counts down from 3.

Thankfully, he stops, and doesn't make Rick do it.

Negan eventually turns to look at you, that grin plastered on his face. "Hmm.. should we take her?" He speaks aloud to no one in particular. You cry silently and stare at Carl laying on the ground. He looks terrified. You want to hold him and Rick in your arms. And Daryl.

You know he is falling apart right now. It's obvious. You glare up at Negan. "Yeah." He replies to his own question, coming over and grabs you by the arm again, forcing you to your shaky feet.

"No!!" You hear Daryl holler and see the men holding him down. They barely restrain him and Rick stares at you, tears still falling down his face. You smile a sad smile at him, letting him know you're okay.

Your gaze turns back to Daryl, who is fuming and struggling under the hold of the other men. "Now, don't you think this is fair? You guys try anything stupid, and we take a limb from her and deliver it to your doorstep." He grins at Daryl.

"No! Take me." He hollers, still struggling.

"Noo, no." Negan tsks, admiring you. "What's her name?" He asks Rick evilly. Rick stares at you still. He looks unsure of what to do.

"Speak when you are spoken to!" Negan hollers.

"Y/N. It's Y/N. Please. We understand. I.. understand. We'll listen. Don't hurt any more of us." Rick tries, choking on sobs.

"Y/N.. pretty name for a pretty girl." Negan grins at you. You look away uneasily, trying to be brave.

"We'll see you in one week. Hope to see a lot of good stuff for us! And maybe, you'll see Y/N here again, if you listen."

He nudged you off toward the back of one of their trucks and one of his men tosses you roughly into the back. "Hey! That's no way to treat a woman." He flares at the man, pointing Lucille his direction. "Sorry, boss." The man cowers. You watch, taking in your friends one last time, fearing you will never see them again.

"Besides, don't you think she deserves better? Don't worry... I'll treat her real good." You hear Negan say to who you assume is Daryl. That statement confirms what you had already suspected. He's going to rape you, then probably kill you... You sob as you hear the truck start and the door slam closed.

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