Flirt - Jesus(Paul)

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Prompt: Being on a run with Jesus, mostly just a fluffy oneshot

Word Count: 1224

Warnings: Violence against walkers, a little suggestiveness

To say that you were totally oblivious of Paul's subtle flirting at first would be a pretty fair statement. It took Maggie telling you to pay attention for you to notice at all.

The one day, you were standing beside Maggie, discussing ways to reinforce the walls of the Hilltop, when Jesus strolled on over to you guys. "Maggie." He greets, nodding at her with a courteous smile. His eyes leave her and wander to you, and you actually notice his smile grow. "Hello, Y/N." He greets you, standing up a little straighter. You feel your cheeks heat up, did he really smile wider because of you? No, you're looking into things. You feel Maggie nudge you and realize you haven't responded, your cheeks getting even hotter. "Hey, Paul. How are ya?" You speak, glancing away, his eye-contact making you even more flustered. He can tell, obviously, anyone could see through your reaction. His smile only grows and he exchanges a look with Maggie, who only smiles at the two of you. She remembers how shy and cute Glenn was with her when they first met. "I'm pretty good now, how about yourself?" Paul responds sincerely, his gaze not leaving your blushing face. You take a small breath, composing yourself; you're not usually like this, you're a mature adult, act like it.

"I'm well." You respond, meeting his eye. There is a moment of the two of you just looking at each other, a lot of tension in the air, but good tension. It's making your heart pound in your chest, wanting to just jump into his arms.

You hear Maggie clear her throat, almost totally having forgotten she was there, and you laugh, turning to look at her. "Are we still going on that run?" You ask, wanting to go get ready.

"Yes. Tara and Enid are getting ready." You nod and head off to your trailer to prepare yourself.

Jesus watches you walk away longingly, secretly wanting to follow you to your trailer and make you his, but he doesn't, of course. "Y'all belong together." Maggie mutters as you walk away, making Paul's smile reappear as he continues to watch you.

"I hope so," He responds, his voice softer. "Where are you guys going?" He questions as he sees Tara pulling the car up.

"Just scouting out the herd. It's getting big." She informs Paul, who sighs and nods.

"I'm coming with." He announces, turning to head to his trailer to grab his weapons before Maggie can protest.

When Tara brought the car over, you hopped into the backseat, waiting for Enid to make her way over. Much to your surprise, Jesus pops out of nowhere and slides into the car, taking Enid's spot. "Oh, didn't know you were comin'." You speak. You have yet to be in a car with Jesus, seeing as you usually stayed over Alexandria, so it was a little bit awkward being in a tight backseat with him merely two or three feet away.

"Don't mind, do ya?" He asks, tilting his head curiously at you.

"'Course not," You respond, feigning confidence.

"Scoot." Enid tells him, standing at the door beside him. Jesus chuckles as your eyes widen a little, and he slowly scoots over into the middle of the car, his knee brushing against your's. Enid squeezes in and shuts the door, and you are basically squished right in between the door and Paul. He's close enough that his arm is pressed against your's, and you can smell his cologne. You love that he cares enough about himself to apply some cologne; seeing as it isn't exactly rare to find nowadays, nobody took much of that when raiding stores.

The car ride ended up being full of singing and messing around, mostly between Tara and Enid, but it still brightened up everyone's mood a little. You guys scavenged around stealthily, attempting to break the herd apart, but to no use. You had taken notice of Paul sticking closer to you than the rest of the group, sort of trailing behind you, watching your back.

"Pst," You shoot your gaze over to him, pointing to a smaller group of walkers down the hill. "What the...?" You mutter under your breath, wondering what is going on with them, and following your little group. What you hadn't expected was to run into Rosita, who was frantic and hurt, talking nonsense about the walkers talking and chasing her and Eugene. She was hiding against a tree, her ankle twisted pretty bad, and she was dehydrated. Jesus is quick to start taking down the stragglers approaching you guys, and you quickly realize you need to get out of there. You and Tara help Rosita balance on one leg and half-carry her back to the car. Jesus and Maggie take care of the walkers behind you guys while Enid covers your front, hastily opening the backdoor and helping you get her in, then rushing to the other side and climbing into the middle. You hold back, waiting for Maggie and Paul, hollering for them to hurry up. They head over, Maggie hopping into the passenger seat as Jesus takes down one last walker, the others getting too close for comfort. "Hurry Paul." You yell, jamming your knife into the skull of another. You dislodge it fast and stand by the door, quickly realizing that there is only one seat left, no matter how much Enid tries to scoot over. Paul stands beside you, thinking on his feet. There's no way to get in the trunk of this sedan, so he sits down and grabs your arm, pulling you into his lap and hastily slamming the door shut, almost too late as the walkers start banging on the car. "Go!" He hollers and Tara takes off. After a few seconds, your adrenaline starts calming down, and you acknowledge your current position.

You're sitting in Paul's lap, with his arms around your waist, leant between him and a window... And you make the mistake of making eye contact, making it even more awkward. "You okay?" He asks, bringing his right hand up to wipe the sweaty hair from your forehead. You slowly nod at him, finding yourself wondering if he can feel or hear your heart pounding in your chest. Maggie glances back at you two, about to ask if you're okay, but can see that you're perfectly fine, and almost laughs, turning back around, totally unnoticed by the two of you.

Paul lets his hand slide from your ear down your arm and rest on your hip, adjusting himself a little from under you. "Am I squishing you?" You ask, suddenly insecure, trying to lift your weight off of him the best that you can, but are taken by surprise when he pulls you back against his chest.

"No, not at all." He mutters in your ear, which turns you on like crazy, even though that wasn't his intention. He does notice your squirm a little when he did that and takes note of it, hoping to put that to use in the near future. You allow yourself to relax against his chest, placing your arms over top of his and leaning your head against the window, feeling all of that worry and stress fade away momentarily.

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