Everything You Want - Negan

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Request: "One where you were with Daryl but he didn't make you feel wanted or gave you what you wanted. Once you guys encountered Negan you took a liking to the guy and he did make you feel like a woman; prompting to leave the group and go with him."

Pairing: Negan x reader

Prompt: Reader leaves Daryl and Alexandria to be with Negan

Word Count: 1217

Warnings: Angst, language

I hate writing angst, I feel so bad for Daryl :( Hope you enjoy, I did my best

The truth was, you were always an outsider in the group. Just like Shane, just like Andrea, just like Merle. You never really became close to anyone, only surviving with them. Sure, you would protect them, you would sometimes talk to some of them, but it was more like how you would talk to a coworker you don't have anything in common with. You have to be around one another, you make do.

Back at your first camp outside of Atlanta, you felt more comfortable. You had Shane, you had Andrea and Amy, hell, even Merle was a better friend than Rick ever was to you. You are just not like the rest of them.

Daryl had taken an interest in you over time, and believe it or not, it was you pushing him away for a while. Eventually, you gave in and you let him a little closer, let him get you things or be nice to you. He'd watch your back, you'd return the favor. Was he a good guy? Yeah. Did you care about him? Yes. But he just wasn't your type, truth be told.

However, when "the big bad wolf" showed up to Alexandria after Glenn and Abraham were killed, you just couldn't see the bad in him. Yes, you could clearly tell it was there, but there was something about him... He sparked your interest right away. And much to Daryl's horror and disgust, he caught on, fast.

Most of the community tried to stay indoors, away from Negan and his men, but you on the other hand, stood by and watched the encounter from the side. You never approached him, he was too distracted making a fool out of Rick, but you had no intention of never speaking to this man.

You had noticed that since the day that he showed up, Daryl kept his distance from you. He hadn't spoken to you in days and you barely saw him. You knew he could tell, and he probably hated you. You did feel bad, he killed Abraham and Glenn. Although you weren't there, you heard the horrific details - but something inside of you just needed to know if that was all there was to Negan. You felt like there was more, call it a gut feeling.

Or maybe you just loved bad guys, challenging men. After all, Shane was the first guy you went for after the world turned to shit, then Daryl, who is a good guy, but wasn't always.

The next time that Negan and the saviors came knocking, you wanted to speak to him. Your curiosity was getting the best of you, you wanted to get a feel for the man. So you found yourself approaching the front gates as his trucks came pulling in, ready to collect half of your shit.

You never liked Rick, from the beginning. When you heard that he killed Shane, you only despised him further. Rick knew that you didn't like him, but he kept his mouth shut for the most part. You couldn't help but think he is a pussy for letting Negan treat him the way he does. You wouldn't take his shit, you have pride.

You stood beside Father Gabriel nearby where Negan was taunting Rick, waiting, observing. And before you could approach the tall, handsome man yourself, he spotted you. "Well well, what do we have here?!" He exclaims dramatically, walking right past Rick and toward you. You noticed Gabriel take a few steps away and inwardly scoff, holding your ground, your arms crossed, watching the man walking toward you without so much as a batted eyelash. Negan takes note of your body language, you are clearly showing that he does not intimidate you, and he loves it. He automatically takes an interest in learning more about you. "And what's your name?" He asks, merely one or two steps in front of you, grinning down like you were his new toy. You look up into his hazel eyes, feeling your heart beating a little harder, but not allowing it to show in your face. "Y/N." You respond dryly, before deciding to be a smartass. "What's your's?" You ask, a smirk forming on your lips. You see his face harden a little, but then his own pink lips rise into a sexy smirk. "I didn't make a big enough fuckin impression?" He asks, his voice suddenly huskier.

"Wasn't there," You respond, your voice dropping a tone.

"Mm, yeah. I would have remembered such a pretty face." He flirts. Clearly this man wastes no time.

"Oh really." You reply, finding this enjoyable in comparison to what you get from Daryl.

Before your conversation can continue any further, you are interrupted by one of Negan's men informing him that some guns are missing from the list Olivia keeps. He breaks his intense stare from you and rolls his eyes, glaring at Rick, leaving you. When you turn, you see Daryl practically seething at you, clearly pissed off.

You didn't care all that much about what was going on at the moment. Negan's men didn't stick around for too long once Rick managed to find the two missing guns. Negan stopped at the gates, taunting Rick a little further, before his gaze returned to you. He could tell that you didn't despise him like every other person here, like you might even be interested in him in some way. He wanted to see you more. "Why don't you come with me, sweetheart?" He offers suddenly, catching you by surprise. You sort of stare at him for a few seconds, before saying "What?" He chuckles a little and places his bat over his shoulders. "Come back with my people. Live like a damn queen! We got it all. This place... It's got nothin' on the Sanctuary." He entices. You hadn't considered that you could ever be somewhere else. You suddenly had options... You glance over your shoulder and see Daryl seething, impatiently waiting for your response. Your eyes return to Negan, looking at you expectantly. "You don't seem like ya belong here. You'll have everything you want with us, that's a promise." He smirks. You didn't realize, but you slowly nodded your head, feeling your feet carrying you toward Negan.

"No! The hell?! Y/N!" Daryl exclaims, heading after you. You do feel bad, but there is nothing for you here at Alexandria. Maybe you would fit in more with the saviors.

"I'm sorry, Daryl. You know I've never belonged here." You tell him. You don't even bother grabbing anything, you barely had any belongings anyway. You had nothing here.

"Y/N!" He calls out again, and two of the saviors stand in his way as you walk past Negan toward the truck where some guy holds the door open for you. You glance back one last time, a little sad, a lot guilty. You really tried to make it work, but you just couldn't. You felt bad for Daryl, but you couldn't stay just for him. You didn't care for him enough to do that. "I'm sorry." You repeat, then climb inside the truck. You see Negan heading toward the passenger side, a smug smirk on his face and his bat over his shoulder. Maybe this was a brand new start...

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