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Olivia and George sank down under the sheets the night of their wedding. They had gotten on a plane to Savannah as soon as their reception was over with because they had never really had time alone since they got together. There was always at least one child underfoot at all times, and now there were four kids until the age of ten that they had to control. But now, as husband and wife, they wanted to spend as much time alone as possible for awhile.

"You know we could have saved money and just hung around in Manhattan, right?" Olivia spoke, as she ran the back of her hand over her forehead to brush her bangs back.

"Okay, just because we decided to sleep together as soon as we got to the hotel, that doesn't mean that we will just hang in the hotel room the whole time. I spent my summers here in Savannah, and I want to show you off to everyone that I know from here." George grinned. He leaned in close to his wife and kissed her several times before moving his hand under the sheets and to her bare hip.

"George?" Olivia asked as she smiled at her husband.

"Yes, love?" George replied. He ran his hand over her leg as he moved closer to her. Olivia blushed a bit before smiling.

"I love you." She breathed. George's face lit up as he heard those words. They were always very vocal about the love they had for each other, and that wasn't going to change no matter how many years they were married.

"I love you too... now, come here."


Their honeymoon was a blur of different activities. Yet many of those 'activities' happened in the hotel room. By the time they had been married for a week, they were on a plane back to JFK where Lila was going to pick them up with the help of Noah, Michael, Megan, and Eloise. George and Olivia were both beyond excited to see their kids because one week away was way too long for them. Both were worried that something big had happened and their children had all changed.

"Do you think that-" Olivia started, as she and George went to claim their bags before heading to the where they were meeting the kids.

"The twins are 6 months old, Olivia. They aren't talking yet. They were just sitting up by themselves a week ago. I really don't think more than that has changed." He spoke, reassuring his wife that their youngest two kids weren't practicing law or anything. They were still just little babies that loved their parents and siblings a lot.

"I worry though, George! That's why I was so hesitant when you told me we were going on a honeymoon for a week. Not even telling me where we were going or if you were going to end up being a killer." Olivia huffed. George smiled as he grabbed his wife's bag. He turned to look at her as he saw how angry she seemed.

"Liv, I'd never kill you. And for your information, the kids and I all talked and decided that the only way you'd leave Manhattan, is if we didn't tell you where we were going. You didn't have to do any of the planning, so you didn't have to do any of the worrying either. So, as your husband and the man who is the father of your children, I can promise you that our kids are fine."

"Okay..." Olivia sighed. She went to grab her bag, but instead, her husband leaned in close and stole a kiss from her lips. She smiled as he leaned back before looping her arm through his.

"Do you think that Meg finally had that tooth come in?" Olivia asked, and her husband just grinned. 


Married life was different from life as just a dating couple. There was a lot more that had to happen for them. George went to all parent-teacher conferences for Noah, and he always made it home for dinner on time. He spent the nights with his wife and four kids since Lila was now off at college like the rest of his grown daughters from his first marriage. 

Olivia was enjoying her time as a stay at home mom because that meant she didn't have to miss those crucial milestones that she kinda missed with Noah because she was so busy running her squad and trying to figure everything that needed to happen as a single mother.

But these differences were still amazing because neither George nor Olivia were alone anymore.

Six months after they got married, an unwanted guest decided to appear after Megan and Eloise's first birthday party.

"They had too much sugar." Olivia yawned, as she walked around the living room and picked up small pieces of wrapping paper that she had missed on her initial walkthrough.

"Are we talking about Meg and Elle, or the boys?" George asked with a large smile. Olivia stopped for a moment before nodding.

"All four of them. Dude, our 10-year-old was sprinting around the backyard for an hour after the party." Olivia spoke as she restrained from laughing. George nodded as he stood up from the pile of gifts he was trying to open and put together for the twins and started to help his wife continue to clean up. They were just finishing up when the doorbell rang. Olivia shoved the paper into George's hands before moving to the door.

"Yes?" Olivia asked as she opened the door quickly. She felt as her mouth dropped open as she looked at the unwanted visitor.

"Hey, Liv... uh, I tried to call but I guess you changed your number. But uh... these are for our girls. I wanted to get them each a gift for their first birthdays..." Dominick spoke, as he held out two sparkly pink bags. Olivia felt as her heart started to pound out of her chest.

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