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Olivia's heartbeat out of her chest as she held on tightly to her husband's hand. George was guiding her through the halls of the hospital as he tried to remember the directions that a friendly nurse had given them. He kept glancing over at his wife, but all he could see was a blur because his eyes were filled with tears and his glasses were foggy from his heavy breathing. They were both scared to death because all four of their children had been shot by Dominick. All four were in the pediatric ICU and were on ventilators. They had lost a lot of blood, and no one knew if they would survive.

"George?" Olivia breathed quietly.

"Yeah?" George asked as he glanced over at Olivia before seeing her face had paled and she had slowed down completely.

"I love you, and I'm so sorry if I break down and attack you if something happens... I don't know what I'll do if I lose one of my babies... or all of them. This has been the hardest time of my life, and all I want is for them to come out healthy, and for our family to be back together. I want to take the next step forward and just forget this."

"I wish there was some way we could just skip ahead..." George whispered, before pulling Olivia close and hugging her as tightly as he could. He caressed her hair as she rested her head in the crook of her husband's neck.

"I know we should go see the kids, but I need to have you hold me for a little bit longer... okay?" Olivia asked nervously. She didn't know what her husband would say, but she knew it was fine with him because his arms tightened around her body and he rested his cheek against her hair.


Noah laid in his hospital bed in a coma. It wasn't medically induced, which made matters much worse. During surgery, his brain had started to swell so a small portion of his skull was removed to allow for the increase in pressure in his skull.

That news brought Olivia to the point where she was sobbing and clinging to her husband as he tried to keep himself calm enough so he could absorb what Dr. Rice was saying.

"Even though his brain has swelled, he may be the same little boy that he was before the shooting. Sometimes miracles happen." Dr. Rice spoke, as he stood and looked between the sick little boy and his parents.

"Before the shooting... he didn't fear for his life. But then his father took him and beat him... and he shot him. My little boy will never be the same because now he has a reason to be scared." Olivia growled as she pulled away from her husband before moving to sit beside Noah. She held his small, cold hand in hers as she drew it to her lips and kissed it several times.

George motioned for Dr. Rice to follow him, and they went into the hall to talk.

"What else is wrong with my son?" George asked as he brushed tears from his cheeks.

"He lost a good portion of his liver. He already has an intense infection, but we are combating that with a large dose of antibiotics. We are trying our hardest to keep your son alive, and the last thing we want to do is have him suffer."

"Do you think we might have to make decisions to turn off life support?" George spoke, as his voice cracked.

"We aren't there yet, Mr. Potts. Not even close yet. We will continue to help your son, and keep you both updated on everything that is happening." Dr. Rice spoke, before moving away from George.

George turned around and looked into the room where his wife as still kissing Noah's hand and crying. That little boy would always be incredibly special to his wife. He made her a mom, and he had always been her best friend. Her first true love was her son, and thinking about losing Noah broke Olivia, but he could actually pass away and if that happened Olivia would be a goner.


Michael had a bullet wound to his chest that blew a hole in his heart. They kept trying and trying to stop the bleeding, while also putting the little boy on a transplant list. His vitals were dropping fast and he was growing incredibly sick. His kidneys started to fail him and so did his liver because there were so much stress on his small body. Michael ended up on full life support six hours after arriving at the hospital as he waited for a heart transplant.

Megan and Eloise weren't as bad off as their brothers. They both had been shot, but Eloise had been shot in her right leg and Megan had been shot in her left. They were on antibiotics to prevent infection and both had to get several internal and external stitches to keep the wounds closed and to prevent more blood loss.

Olivia and George got to hold the twins, which got their minds off of their two very sick little boys. 

While holding the girls for the first time after they were moved to the regular pediatric floor, Fin showed up.

"Hey." He breathed, as he opened the door and walked into the room. Olivia was holding Megan close, as the little girl slept with her head against her mother's chest.

"Hey, Fin... did you arrest him?" Olivia asked weakly.

"We did. He's on suicide watch in their tombs. We are going to be taking him back to the city soon." Fin spoke quietly. He walked over to Olivia and gently touched her shoulder as he looked down at Megan.

"I want him dead," Olivia whispered.

"We all do... how are the boys?" Fin asked. Olivia closed her eyes tightly, as George looked up from where he was holding Eloise.

"Both are on life support... Noah's brain swelled and Michael is on the transplant list for a heart because his is destroyed. His kidneys and liver are failing him. But they think that once his heart is replaced, his organs should recover." George spoke quietly.

"God..." Fin frowned, as he looked around the room before swallowing hard.

"Fin?" Olivia asked weakly.

"Just stay strong, guys... stay strong for the kids." Fin spoke before leaving quietly. Olivia looked at George and frowned.

"He's hurting just like we are."

"Everyone who loves these kids are," Olivia whispered.

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