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All Olivia could do was nod when Noah said he wanted to go. She wrapped her arm around her son's waist, before leading him and Lila to their car.

"Jesse and Billie are Amanda's kids, right?" Lila asked quietly. Olivia nodded slowly as she opened the back door to the car.

"Yeah. They both used to be so close with Noah... but then after Dominick and I broke up and he picked Amanda over his family, they weren't close anymore." Olivia frowned. She shut the door once Noah was in, before patting her pockets to see if she could find her phone. She sighed before turning back around.

"Where are you going, Liv?" Lila asked.

"Just sit with your brother. I have to go get my phone." Olivia frowned.

Olivia made her way back into the park and to the bench she had been watching Noah from. Olivia looked around before finding her phone on the ground. She turned around quietly but ended up face to face with Amanda.

"Why did Noah just walk away when his sisters-"

"Biologically and legally he is not their brother. So don't refer to your kids as Noah's sisters." Olivia warned.

"I don't understand you, Olivia. I don't understand why men just keep falling for you."

"I can't understand why you are still married to a man that almost killed his four kids." Olivia spat. She moved slowly past Amanda, but before she could escape to the safety of her car, Amanda grabbed her arm and tugged her back.

"You used to be my best friend. Then you fell in love with Dominick even if you knew I should be with him."

"Amanda, you gave me your blessing! You said that if I loved him, that I should be with him! You... you stole him from me! You were supposed to be supporting our relationship, instead, you were setting fire to it! You took him from me when our child was in the hospital and having surgery! Don't you dare blame what you did on me! You are the one that ruined our friendship. You were the one that broke up a family." Olivia spat, before shaking Amanda's hand from her arm. 

"He still loves you!" Amanda cried as Olivia walked away. Olivia froze and swallowed hard.

"What?" She asked nervously.

"He still loves you and wishes that he stayed with you. He told me that he wants to be with you because then he could be around the kids."

"If he hadn't been such an ass, he could still be with the kids," Olivia replied.

"Olivia, if you want him, just take him back."

"I'm married to George. I love him and I want to be with him. Dominick is the one person I'd rather die than be with. So why don't you just worry about yourself." Olivia grumbled. 

"He's going to try and get you back. I know he will. We may have been in love or something before, but not anymore."

"Go home and tell him that there is no future there for him and me. I'm happy... and I'd be happier if you all stayed away."


Olivia tried her hardest to avoid telling her husband about what happened at the park. She talked about happier topics, like Lila wanting to move back in. They kept focused on that, and how the next morning Lila was going to go get her car out of storage and send word to her mother that she wants to have all of her stuff shipped back to New York.

"George." Olivia breathed, as her husband kissed and sucked on her neck. He was happy and relaxed which made tonight special for them. They hadn't really had any time to be intimate since the accident and all of the trouble that Dominick and Amanda brought along with them.

"Are you ready?" George asked between kisses, as he reached down to start pulling Olivia's nightshirt off.

"Babe. I don't want to scare you or anything-"

"Liv, what's wrong?" George asked, as he settled back and looked at his wife. Olivia swallowed hard before gently playing with some of her husband's gray hair.

"Uh... Amanda was in the park today with the girls. And Noah came over to me and wanted to leave... we were so close to leaving without talking to them but then I left my phone and Amanda found me... she told me that Dominick still wants me..." Olivia breathed. George swallowed hard as he dropped the hem of Olivia's shirt and rolled onto his back.

He ran his hands over his face before rolling over onto his side and completely shutting himself off from his wife.


"I don't want to talk about them. I don't want to discuss anything that has to do with Dominick. And never... and I mean never, talk about how he wants you. Because you are my wife. He gave you up and I got you."

"I'm not property." Olivia sighed.

"That's not what I mean, Olivia. But you are my wife. I am supposed to protect you and take care of you. When you and Dominick broke up, I was the one that helped heal your broken heart. And I was there while the boys were trying to recover from losing their father to a new family. When the twins were born... I did the work. He won't be taking the credit." George huffed.

"I wish we would have gotten together before this all went down. Shortly after you got divorced so then Michael, Megan, and Eloise would be yours. So Noah would have had a good man in his life from the start. But instead, he got fucked over. Michael got fucked over. The twins weren't wanted by their father from the start. I am so very thankful for you, and I love you so very much. I don't have any plans for leaving you, but this is a very real threat to our family. To our marriage." Olivia whispered.

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