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Eloise and Megan were released from the hospital after a week. They were doing much better now and needed no help breathing and their wounds were healing well. But because their big brothers were too unstable to move back to Manhattan, they didn't get to go back to their home. They were staying in a rented apartment that Olivia and George got that was as close to the hospital as possible. They had asked Lucy if she could come up and stay with them, and she agreed. So Olivia and George got the spend their days at the hospital with Michael and Noah, and their nights with Eloise and Megan.

Noah and Michael were still bad off, but Michael had jumped to the top of the transplant list and the next heart that was available, would be his. But Noah was a different story.

"His hands are so cold." Olivia frowned, as she sat beside her son's bed.

"His circulation isn't great." Dr. Rice frowned, as he stood and looked over the latest scans.

"So does that mean he has heart problems too?" Olivia asked weakly.

"We are going to do an ultrasound on his heart soon. But I think that you should go home for the night." Dr. Rice spoke.

"I'm not leaving my son's side. If he dies and I'm not here to hold him, then I'll never be the same person." Olivia breathed. She started to rub her son's hand to try and warm it up, as the door slid open. George was breathing heavily, and Olivia turned to look at him.

"What's wrong, George?" Olivia asked with wide eyes.

"Michael is getting a heart! They just called. They are taking him to surgery to prep him, and he can get his heart transplant today!" George cried. Olivia kissed Noah's hand one last time before moving to her husband and kissing him.

"I'm going to go see Michael real quick. Stay with Noah." Olivia cried before she ran from the room.


Shortly after Michael was sent down to the OR for his surgery, Olivia and George were sent to the waiting room while more tests were performed on Noah. Olivia paced the surgical waiting room, as George made calls to their friends and his daughters. They all wanted to be there for their little brothers, but they couldn't because of school.

"Okay, the girls have been notified. And Fin is heading up to see us." George spoke.

"He doesn't have too..." Olivia trailed off, as her husband stood and pulled her to the chairs so she could sit down.

"I told him that, but he said he doesn't care. These are his nephews." George spoke. Olivia nodded before crossing her legs and reaching out to grab her husband's hand. They intertwined their fingers together before Olivia looked at him.

"I love you, George." She said with a weak smile.

"I love you too, Olivia. You know that." George replied.

"I just feel like I need to tell you that I love you more because I'm scared that I'll forget to one day and I'll never be able to tell you again." Olivia breathed.

"I'm not going anywhere, Olivia. I promise."

"You can't promise me that, because Dominick promised me that too. That we'd be together forever but look where we are. He's in jail because he shot our children."

"Can we not talk about him?" George sighed.

"We can't go the rest of our lives without talking about him. There is going to be a trial, and we will have to talk. The kids might have to testify. It's going to be a long few years, where we will have to talk about him."

"I don't care. Shut up about him, Olivia." George spat. He stood and stomped off as Olivia leaned back and ran her fingers through her hair. She pulled her phone out before dialing Kat's cell number. She didn't really know her, but she had been given her contact information after the kids were kidnapped.

"Olivia?" Kat asked.

"Do you know anything about Dominick?" Olivia asked.

"About if he got a deal or anything?" Kat asked.

"If there is going to be a trial." Olivia breathed.

"This hasn't been approached yet. He's still sitting at Rikers while we investigate more. I will call you when we can get a trial date set."

"Who is the ADA now?" Olivia asked.

"This woman named Alex... Alex something." Kat sighed.

"Cabot? Alexandra Cabot is the ADA?" Olivia asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah... Do you know her?" Kat asked.

"I've worked with her before. I need you to give me her number."


"I need to talk to her."


George had wandered up to Noah's room, while Olivia got in contact with Alex. Olivia didn't know if Alex knew she was the mother to the kids that had been shot or not.

"Hey, Noah. It's Daddy... Momma is downstairs waiting for news on Michael who is getting a new heart today. We'd really like it if you woke up to see him when he gets out of surgery. I think he'd love that." George breathed, as he moved over to his son's bed. He sat beside him before resting his hand against Noah's chest.

He felt the weak beating of his heart, and he knew that this little boy would be completely different when he woke up.

"Noah, you don't have to stay sleeping if you are scared. Dominick is in jail. He won't be able to hurt you. And I promise that I will step up and try harder to protect you and your sisters. So wake up, little guy. Your Momma and I miss you so much. We miss your laugh and smile."

George closed his eyes, before leaning back. As he did, he felt as Noah's heart started to beat faster. George looked at his son before swallowing hard.

"Noah?" George asked, before seeing as Noah's eyes started to flutter a bit. George stood quickly and gently brushed Noah's curls away from his face.

"Noah, wake up!" George exclaimed as a felt his son move a bit before a nurse came in.

"Mr. Potts, please keep it down." The nurse warned, but George shook his head.

"He's trying to wake up! His eyelids are fluttering and his heart is beating faster!"

George looked back at his son before fighting off tears when he saw his son's blue eyes looking up at him.

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