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Elliot was certain that George had raped Olivia. Or at least he planned the attack, even if he didn't execute it. Elliot sat at his desk and kept going through George's bank statements. He looked at videos from the bar and from the precinct. He would find the man who did this to Olivia, even if it killed him.

"Stabler, did you find anything?" Fin asked loudly as he came into the room. Kat and Elliot both pulled themselves away from their computers before looking at the acting CO.

"Nothing yet. George has barely any money." Elliot spoke.

"Olivia should have drained him when she had the chance." Fin growled.

"I know that we are all pissed off about what happened, but why are you like super pissed at the moment?" Elliot asked. He had worked with Fin for years, and he had never seen him like this outside of an interrogation room.

"I saw Olivia... I had to break the news to her that she had been raped. Olivia has been fighting rapist for many years, and then one attacks her. She is a victim now, and I hate seeing her like that. So yeah, I'm pissed off! I haven't seen Olivia this weak in so long, and I hate it!" Fin yelled, before slamming everything off of his desk and onto the floor.

Elliot stood up slowly before walking to the man he hadn't always been on good terms with. Elliot placed his hand against Fin's shoulder before speaking softly.

"She's a fighter, Fin. She'll get better. She'll make it out of this alive and stronger than she went into it. We can't give up, because she will too. We need to fight, just like she is. Okay? So go get something to drink and take a break. Kat and I will keep looking into George's finances and will try and have something to show you when you get back." 

Fin nodded hesitantly before stepping over the stuff on the floor and heading to the breakroom as a few tears slipped down his cheeks.


Elliot, Kat, Fin, and eventually Amanda all started to come up with ideas of who could have raped and attacked Olivia. They went through every single case for the twenty plus years she had been on the force. But no matter how many people they had cleared, Elliot still thought that George was involved.

"Guys." Elliot spoke, as his eyes went wide and he leaned forward to make sure he was really seeing what he thought he was seeing.

"What?" Amanda asked, as she stood and moved to the other detective.

"George got a lot of money out a few days ago. In cash." Elliot spoke.

"Huh?" Kat asked, as Fin left Olivia's office.


"I think I found our lead, Fin. It looks like George was moving money around. Possibly paying someone off." Elliot spoke. Fin quickly made his way to Elliot's desk before nodding as he looked at the screen.

"Let's go pick him up. Kat go to the hospital and sit with Olivia. You two are joining me." Fin spoke, before getting into his desk and grabbing his gun.

"He has gotta know that we are looking into him. What if he-" Elliot started, but Fin stopped him.

"He won't get away with this. He's going to pay for hiring someone to hurt Olivia."


When they arrived at the precinct, the state police were waiting for them. The building was surrounded, and no one knew why.

"Uh, what's happening?" Fin asked, as he finished putting his vest on.

"A detective is inside holding everyone hostage. He said that he won't talk to anyone but a detective from Manhattan."

"Which one?" Elliot asked.

"Detective Stabler. He said that he is coming after him or something."

"He hired someone to rape and attack his ex-wife and our Captain. He knows that we are onto him, so that's why he is doing this." Elliot sighed. He ran his hand over his face before swallowing hard.

"Should we be more concerned than we are right now?" One of the officers asked.

"Oh yeah. He's a mad man." Elliot frowned.

Elliot and Fin talked with the officers and the hostage negoiator, before deciding that Elliot would try and talk George down. Or kill him depending on what came first. 

With a full clip in his gun and a vest on, Elliot walked into the precinct with his gun ready to be aimed in the center of George's chest.

"Potts, I'm here." Elliot spoke loudly, as he cleared the lobby before finding George in his Captain's office. Sitting on the floor behind the desk were several detectives and officers all bound and gagged.

"You piece of shit." George growled, as he pulled a gun and aimed it at Elliot. Elliot didn't flinch, because he knew that he had to get back to Olivia. He had to find the man that George hired and put him in jail right beside the bastard in front of him.

"You loved Olivia. You looked passed everything and accepted her. You took in her kids and raised them as your own. Then you just decide to hire someone to rape and beat her up just because?" Elliot asked.

"It wasn't just because. She deserved it. She got me demoted! I lost my job just because she's a bitter old bitch!" George yelled as he moved his finger to the trigger.

"If you hadn't freaked out and grabbed her in front of two officers, you wouldn't have gotten demoted. If you hadn't tried to hurt her and just went your seperate ways, you could have still been a Captain." Elliot spoke, as he centered his gun on George's shoulder.

"I wish I could have did it to her. I wish that I could have seen the fear in her eyes." George smiled.

"You are a real piece of shit, George." Elliot spat before feeling his ear burn as a bullet just barely missed it. Elliot pulled the trigger on his gun and George fell to the floor as a slur of swear words left his mouth.

"George Potts, you are under arrest for hiring someone to rape and attack Captain Olivia Benson."

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