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"You piece of shit!" George yelled as he got close to Dominick and his new family.

"George! Where are the kids? I want them to see their siblings." Dominick spoke with a smile as if he wasn't just called a piece of shit.

"You don't get to come around here and demand things. You shot my kids! You tried to kill them and you almost succeeded! So get away from my house or else I'll shoot you." George growled.

"Don't talk to my husband like that!" Amanda exclaimed.

"Get. Off. My. Property!" George yelled, before going to punch Dominick. Dominick quickly grabbed two of the little girls and they all went running towards their van down the road. George took several shaky breaths as he raked his fingers through his hair.

"Noah, take it easy on the stairs," Olivia spoke quietly, as she passed her son the key to the house. Noah and his siblings all walked past their father, as Olivia grabbed his arm and led him a little bit away from the house.

"Babe," Olivia spoke, as she tried to get her husband to look at her but he was being stubborn and kept turning his head.

"Go away, Olivia," George grumbled.

"I won't do that, baby. You know it. I'm not going to leave you alone when you need me to stay with you. You are upset, and I don't want you to do something you will regret." Olivia spoke gently. She reached her hands up and ran her fingers through his gray hair. She gently tugged on the ends until he looked directly at her.

"I'm going to get another restraining order against him. Against Amanda. I don't want them around our family."

"Okay. I'm good with that, baby. Now, can we go inside? We can't leave Noah alone with three kids for long." Olivia breathed. George nodded hesitantly before hugging his wife tightly. 

He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck as he took slow and even breaths.

"I love you, baby."

"I love you too," George grumbled.


George stayed home with kids the next day, and Olivia went out to run errands. She took a break to have lunch at a small cafe because she never had time for herself since the accident. She was just starting to dig into her soup when someone sat across from Olivia. Olivia lifted her eyes before frowning deeply.

"What are you doing here, Dominick?" Olivia frowned. She didn't want to make a scene, but she really wanted to just dump her soup right on Dominick's greasy head.

"Can we talk about me getting some time with the kids?" He asked, and Olivia's eyes went wide.

"Are you dumb?" She asked bitterly.


"Are you fucking stupid? Dominick, you shot our kids! All four of them. Noah was in a coma for days, Michael had to get a heart transplant, and the girls have large angry scars on their legs! You, first of all, signed away your rights to the kids because you wanted nothing to do with them. And so they aren't legally anything to you. I don't have to obey a court order, so you will not be seeing the kids. You will not contact me, George, or the kids ever again. Do you understand?" Olivia spat.

She stood quickly, not feeling the need or want to eat anymore. She just felt so sick to her stomach around Dominick. Before, she took comfort in Dominick's arms. She loved the way he held her. The way he talked to her belly when she was pregnant with Michael, and his voice always calmed her and Michael down. She used to love him, but now she hates him.

"Olivia, I was desperate to see my kids... that's why I took them. I expected them to have missed me too, but all they did was cry for you and George."

"They aren't your kids. The girls you are raising with Amanda are your kids. Aren't they enough for you? And Dominick, you are young. Amanda is young. You two can have more kids, but I'm done. So why don't you focus on her, and I'll focus on my family." Olivia breathed. She grabbed her purse and tugged it over her head before moving out of the cafe.

She walked to her car, but once again, Dominick didn't stay away.

"Olivia, please! Just let me make this up to you all! Let me apologize to the kids!" Dominick exclaimed. Olivia turned around and punched him. She hit him right in the nose, and it felt amazing for her to feel the amount of strength she had behind her punch. The way her fist felt when it hit his nose.

"You shot up my children. They were swiss cheese by the time you were done. You will never see my kids, and they will never see you."


That night, Olivia sat on the front steps of her house as the cold night air surrounded her. In the distance, she heard a gunshot, but that was common for New York. It always seemed like someone was getting shot, or someone was always shooting a gun.

"Liv?" George sighed, as he opened the front door.

"I punched him." Olivia breathed.

"Who?" George asked.


"What? Where did you see him?" George asked with wide eyes.

"I went to that cafe I like that has really good french onion soup... he came and sat at my table. He asked me to see the kids. It was as if he didn't think I'd care that he tried to kill my babies. He followed me outside and keep saying that he needed to see the kids. So I punched him." Olivia breathed.

"How is your hand feeling?" George asked.

"It hurts... but not as bad as my head does." Olivia frowned.

"Did he hit you?" George asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"I'm just so angry and stressed out. All I can think about is the night the kids were taken. For some reason, all I could think about was that I was too old to have more babies if I never saw mine again..."

"You were trying to think about anything but what was really happening... now, show me your hand. We might need to ice it."

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