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Even if they didn't want to, Fin and Elliot decided that it was best to question Dominick and George. They would be the top suspects since they were both with Olivia and both had severe anger issues. George still hated Olivia for getting her job back and for causing him to lose his title and squad.

"I'm looking for Detective George Potts." Elliot spoke, as he and Kat stood together in a small precinct up north. Up here there was rarely any crime. It was quiet and slow paced. 

"And you are?" The desk officer yawned as he leaned back in his chair.

"We are Detective Stabler and Detective Tamin." Elliot spoke, as he flashed his badge and Kat did the same.

"He's in the cribs. Not a lot of crime here." He yawned again.

"Thanks. Mind pointing us in that general direction?" Elliot sighed. 

"That way, Detective." The officer pointed straight ahead. Elliot and Kat moved slowly towards the dark room before stopping outside.

"He will be armed. He's been in the business longer than I have. Hopefully, we can tell right off the bat if he hurt Olivia, but if not we will interrogate his ass until he asks for his union rep." Elliot sighed softly.

"Elliot, Olivia should be alright... right?"

"Hopefully. Just don't worry, kid. We will find the bastard that did this to her."


They stood outside in the cold New York weather. George sat leaned against the building as he smoked a cigarette and stared down Elliot. He had seen pictures that his ex wife had had of Elliot, and he hated the man from the moment he saw those pictures. The moment he saw the way Elliot placed his hands against Olivia's body.

"What are you two doing here?" George grumbled, as he tossed his cigarette onto the ground before pulling another one out and lighting it.

"Where were you late last night?" Elliot asked, as he pulled his hat over his ears.

"I was here. Living my lifelong dream of being a detective again." He grumbled.

"Who can back you up on that?" Kat questioned.

"Ask my partner. Why the hell are you here? Because if my lovely ex sent you here to harass me, then I'm going to sue her ass. Trust me." He huffed.

"George, are you telling me the truth? Because I'm not believing you right now." Elliot spoke, as he tried to stay calm.

"Okay, I wasn't in this hellhole, but I was in town. Drinking. So go talk to the bartender and then go the fuck away." George hissed.

"Olivia was hurt last night. If we find out you weren't in town yesterday, we will bring your ass to Manhattan."

"How was she hurt?" George smiled.

"Wouldn't you love to know." Kat spat, before she turned and quickly walked back towards their vehicle.

"How was she hurt, Stabler?!" George yelled, as Elliot walked away.

"You are a very sick man, George! Why would you smile after finding out Olivia was hurt? I bet you did it to her! And I'll prove it!"


Back in Manhattan, Fin and Amanda went to talk to Dominick. Amanda unlocked the front door before turning and looking at Fin.

"He wouldn't rape her, Fin. He loves her." Amanda breathed.

"I don't know why you are still with him, Rollins. Since he is in love with Olivia and not you... don't you want to be with someone that loves you?" Fin frowned.

"I love him, Fin. I hate that he still loves Olivia, but he won't leave me. He won't leave the girls and me unless Olivia tells him that she wants him... but I think she likes Elliot."

"No. Elliot and her are strictly friends." Fin spoke softly, before Amanda finally moved into her house.

"Dom." Amanda spoke softly, as she moved back towards her bedroom. She and Dominick were living in the old house that Dominick had bought for Olivia before Michael made his speedy entrance.

"What's wrong?" Dominick yawned, as he sat up in bed and looked at his wife. Amanda turned on the lights, and Dominick quickly shielded his eyes for a few moments before moving his hand away.

"Fin and I have to question you."

"About what?" Dominick asked, since he was worried that Olivia might be coming after him for kidnapping the kids again.

"Were you here all night with the girls?" Amanda asked, as she motioned for her husband to follow her.

"I was here with the girls all night. Track where my phone pinged tonight. It will be at the towers near here and at the pizza place a few miles from here." Dominick frowned.

"Let's go talk to Fin."

They sat in the living room and Fin talked to Dominick and asked him questions. Just like with George, he said he had an alibi. He didn't smile when he found out Olivia had been hurt. He started to cry and rapidly asked questions about what he could do. If he could help with the investigation or take care of the kids.

"Don't leave the city." Fin spoke, as he left the house. Amanda was staying home to get some sleep and watch her husband.

"We won't." Amanda sighed.

Fin got to his vehicle before hearing his phone ring.


"Hey, Fin. George was at a bar and then at his station all night. Kat and I are getting food and then heading home. I'm going to go back to the precinct and start looking through George's finances. He smiled when we told him about Olivia." Elliot sighed.

"I'll look into it once I get back to the precinct."


Fin didn't go back to the precinct right away. He went and checked in on Olivia's children before heading to the hospital. He went into the ICU and swallowed hard when he saw Olivia laying in bed with her eyes wide open her face swollen horribly.

"Hey, Olivia." Fin spoke softly, as he moved into her room. Olivia rolled her head to the side before staring at Fin as she started to cry again. He moved to her bedside and grabbed her hand before gently squeezing it.

"We are going to find this man. I promise."

"Rape." Olivia could barely mumble through her wired closed mouth.

"Yeah, I'm sorry... baby girl."




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