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Noah couldn't speak and he still couldn't breathe by himself. All he did was stare blankly at his father as George gently caressed his curls and spoke to him. 

"Noah, we've missed you so much," George spoke, as he smiled at his son. Even if George didn't raise Noah from when he was a baby, he was tightly bonded with the little boy that joined his family when he fell in love with Olivia.

Noah grabbed his father's hand and held it tightly as he grew more alert.

"Mr. Potts, we need to take your son down to get a few scans. We need to see if anything is wrong with his brain." Dr. Rice spoke, but George shook his head.

"Olivia needs to see him before he gets taken away again. Because if he dies during a scan or something, and she doesn't get to see him, then she'll hate me forever for getting to say goodbye when she couldn't." George spoke. Dr. Rice looked at George before back at Noah.

"Do you want your Momma?" Dr. Rice asked, and Noah nodded just slightly.

"Okay, I'll go get her, Noah. Stay awake."


Downstairs, Olivia was just getting off the phone with Alex. She had settled back down to wait for her son's surgery to be done. It was a super long surgery, and they were only in the first hour of it.

"Liv, you need to go up and see Noah," George spoke, as he breathlessly got to his wife.

"Why? Are you bored." Olivia sighed.

"No, Liv. Noah is awake. He woke up and he's still getting help breathing and he can't speak because of the tube, but he's awake. You need to see him, and then they are going to take him down to get some scans to see if anything is still wrong with his brain." George spoke. Olivia eyed him for a moment before standing and moving towards the elevator. She stopped short and walked back to her husband. She wrapped her arms tightly around his body before kissing his lips deeply.

"I love you. I'll be back soon." Olivia breathed. She headed back to the elevator as George sat down and looked at the magazines around him.

He finally found one, but couldn't open it before Fin sat beside him.

"How's Michael? Any news yet?" Fin asked, and George shook his head.

"Not yet. The surgery is going to take forever." George frowned. 

"And where's Liv? I expected her to be sitting right here next to you. Shaking her leg and anxiously flipping through magazines." Fin said with a forced laugh. He was worried about Olivia, but he didn't want George to know that.

"She's up with Noah. He woke up..." George trailed off as Fin looked at him with wide eyes.

"Noah woke up? Like-"

"He's still getting help breathing but he knew that he wanted Olivia. He knew me too. He held my hand and squeezed it. Olivia is up there with him for now, and then she'll come back down here when Noah's getting his tests done." George spoke.

"Whoa... well, that's good news." Fin spoke. George turned to look at him with confused eyes.

"What's wrong?" George asked quietly.

"Uh, Dominick is looking into a deal. He said that he suffered enough in jail, and he needs to get back to Amanda and the girls." Fin frowned.

"What do you mean? He kidnapped and tried to kill my kids. I want him to go to jail for life. He doesn't deserve to be happy. To be with his family when he almost destroyed mine." George spat. He stood and started to pace as his wife had been earlier.

"Potts, I'm hoping that since the ADA is Olivia's former friend, that maybe that will help in getting him into jail for a long time."

"Who?" George asked.

"Alex Cabot. She and Olivia used to be close when they first started. Olivia had just joined SVU and Alex came in to be our ADA. They did everything together. It was nice for Olivia to have a friend."

"She was the ADA that was shot... the one that Olivia thought was dead when she really wasn't. I cannot believe she's back and holding this all in her hands. She could fumble and everything could be messed up. My kids might not get the justice that they deserve. They might have to see Dominick when they walk down the streets." George spat. He stood to leave, but a nurse walked out and smiled at George.

"Michael is doing great, Mr. Potts. His vitals are staying high and the surgeons are finishing up removing his heart, then they will begin with the transplant. It will still be many more hours because of everything they have to do, but I will update you whenever I get a chance." The nurse smiled before quickly heading back to the restricted area. 

"Potts, Alex is a good ADA. She's won more cases than she has lost. And she won't fuck this one up. So I'm going upstairs to find Liv." Fin spoke. George raked his fingers through his hair before moving back to the chair and sitting slowly on it.

"She better not fuck this up."


Olivia sat with Noah for a while as they waited to take him down for his scans. Olivia caressed his hair and kissed his pale cheeks. She kept telling him over and over again how much she loved him. She didn't know what to really tell her son, because he could still get sicker. And Michael's transplant might fail.

"Noah, we are going to take you down to get some scans done of your brain. Are you ready, little guy?" A nurse asked, but Noah refused to take his eyes off of his mother.

"Sweet boy, I promise to be here when you get back. Maybe by then, you'll feel like breathing on your own so I can hear your voice." Olivia breathed. Noah nodded slightly before holding his mother's hand to his chest. He traced a heart on the top of her hand, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"I love you too..."

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