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George was pissed off when he heard Olivia was back to being the CO of SVU. He kept yelling at her as she signed the divorce papers before grabbing her purse and walking out. She got downstairs and was heading to her van when George caught up to her.

"Quit that fucking job!" He boomed. Olivia turned around and shook her head.

"You aren't my husband anymore, and if you were I still wouldn't quit my job! You may think that I'm your property and can control me, but you can't!" Olivia yelled.

"Quit the job, Olivia! Because you are going to ruin my life!"

"Not everything is about you, George! You took everything from me, and I needed a job so I can take care of my kids! So I can move them out of that damn hotel! So why don't you leave me alone because if you don't, I'll be getting the restraining order against you!" Olivia spat. 

George lunged at Olivia and grabbed on tightly to her arm. He squeezed as hard as he could and Olivia looked into his eyes and didn't see the man she had been in love with. 

"Let me go," Olivia whispered.

"Quit your job." He ordered, and Olivia shook her head.

"I'm not quitting my job, so please let me go." Olivia whimpered.

"Hey, asshole! Let her go!" Someone yelled before quickly pulling George's hand from Olivia's arm. Olivia was in tears as she quickly rubbed her arm as she saw an officer move George away from her.

"Are you okay?" Another officer asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Uh, he's Captain George Potts and I'm Captain Olivia Benson. I don't know what you want to do with that, but-"

"Of the NYPD?" The office questioned as he scrawled things down on his notepad.

"Yes. I'm with Sex Crimes... the one-six precinct. Uh, can you just keep him until I leave? I don't want him following me." Olivia breathed. He nodded before stopping her.

"Do you want me to arrest him for-"

"He's just angry. He'll cool down. I don't want to make him angrier. Thanks." Olivia mumbled before quickly walking in the direction of her van as tears streamed down her cheeks.

She never thought that she'd ever be scared of George, but now she's honestly very scared for her life.


"A messenger just dropped this off," Kat spoke, as she walked into Olivia's office. She was holding a thick orange envelope, and she kept her eyes away from it so she didn't see something that her Captain didn't want her to see.

"Thanks, Kat," Olivia spoke, as she reached out and took the envelope. She sent her detective from the room before sighing softly and opening the envelope.

She read over the forms that told her that she was officially a divorced woman. She knew that it was happening, but now she felt a whole new kind of loneliness.

"Hey, so what did you get?" Fin asked, without even knocking on Olivia's door.

"My copy of the divorce papers. Just in time for Christmas." Olivia frowned.

"Uh, I also got a police report from a domestic dispute outside of your lawyer's office. It happened about two weeks ago or so."

"Did the man get arrested?" Olivia asked weakly.

"The officers said that he went to go after the woman so they had to arrest him. He lost his title."

"George lost his job?" Olivia asked with wide eyes.

"He was demoted to a detective. He also got transferred out of the city and to a different unit further up north." Fin spoke. Olivia swallowed hard as she tucked her divorce papers back into the envelope before tucking it into her desk drawer.

"He uh... I told him that I got my job back and he got really angry. He kept yelling at me and when I left he followed me and told me to quit my job. He said that keeping it would ruin his life... he's not the man I had fallen in life with, Fin. He's a monster and I was really scared. And you know that I don't get scared too often." Olivia frowned.

"Liv, you have four kids that only have you. You are the only one that can protect them, so I understand why you got scared. You weren't only scared for your life but also for the lives of your kids." Fin spoke gently. Olivia nodded slowly as she tried to think about Fin getting softer in his old age, but she'd never tell him.



"I had to change my will after going through the divorce. George was going to get the kids if I died, but I took him off of it. I know that you are older than me..."

"I'll outlive you, Liv. Trust me. I'm never going to leave." Fin spoke, as he sat in front of her desk.

"I'm leaving the kids to you... along with Casey. She's got kids of her own that are around the ages of the younger three. But I want you involved in their lives. I want them to know that they always have their Uncle Fin."

"I'll make sure to take good care of them."

"Thanks, Fin." Olivia breathed.


Christmas slowly came around and the boys were off from school. Olivia was praying that this time next year she'd have her shit together and her kids would have the Christmas they deserved, but she was very unsure if that would happen. Olivia and the kids were still staying at the hotel but were moving into a house in Brooklyn eventually. The boys were going to be switching schools, but it wasn't only because they were moving but also so George didn't know where they went to school.

"I never thought that the first time in forever that I'd see my Dad's best friend, that I'd see her with four kids." Ken smiled, as he hugged Olivia after letting her and the kids in.

"I try to surprise you every time we see each other." Olivia smiled tiredly. They parted before moving towards where the kids were already with Jaden.

"I'm sorry about your divorce. But congrats on getting your title back." Ken spoke, and Olivia nodded.

"Thanks, and it's okay." Olivia breathed awkwardly. 

"Having you back around really makes my Dad happy. There for a while, John was his best friend, but then he retired. Then you two got even closer. But when you left, he did nothing outside of work and just didn't seem the same."

"I missed him too, and I wish I had never left SVU or Manhattan for a bit. I'm finally happy to be back and it's nice to have my family once again." Olivia smiled, as she finally let herself relax. Even if it was just for a few moments.

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