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Olivia couldn't believe it, but she was really enjoying having Elliot back. He fit in good with her crew, and he was her friend again. Fin was still ranked above him, but Elliot was up there on the list of her best friends. He hung out with her and the kids after work, and he always volunteered to stay late so that everyone else could go home.

"Why haven't you gone home yet? I sent you and the rest of the crew home over an hour ago." Olivia spoke, walking from her office with her empty mug in hand.

"I didn't like the idea of you staying here alone. And anyway, I've really been slacking on my paperwork. I guess that my CO can be a real bitch about late paperwork." Elliot teased, as he stood and stretched. Olivia smiled as she headed to the break room and Elliot followed.

"Well, thank you for staying but you don't have too. You can finish your paperwork in the morning. It's my turn for an overnight shift, not yours." Olivia spoke, as she moved to where a pot of hot water was sitting on the warmer. She poured it into her mug before grabbing another tea bag.

"Does it look like I care?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shrugged as she turned around.

"Yeah, I know that you don't care. But don't you have other stuff to do? Like sleep? Maybe trying to find a girlfriend?" Olivia asked, and Elliot shook his head.

"Nope. I'm single and not looking for anyone at the moment. And I can sleep in the cribs. You'll crash on your couch and I'll crash in the cribs." Elliot spoke.


"Why don't I go and get a snack for us. I can be back within an hour."

"Go home, El." Olivia smiled.


"It's a direct order from your commanding officer," Olivia spoke.


After Elliot left, Olivia settled back into her office and went through her emails. She was just getting through the first page when she heard the elevator ding. Olivia sighed as she stood up before leaving her office. She barely got to the doors when she saw a stranger. She had thought it would be Elliot, but instead, it was a big man in a black hoodie.

"Hello, may I help you?" Olivia asked.

"Are you Olivia?" He spoke, his voice deep and giving Olivia the creeps. She swallowed hard before nodding hesitantly.

"I am. Who are you?" Olivia asked, but not even a second later she had hands wrapped around her throat. She was pushed against the wall and lifted from her feet. The man held her to the wall as a sick smile grew on his lips.

He squeezed as hard as he could, as Olivia clawed at his hands and her face went red.

"I can't wait to see the light fade from your eyes." He smiled, as he removed one hand from her neck and used his other hand to undo her belt.

Olivia started to cry as her pants were slipped from her body and the man's hand started to pull her panties from her body. Olivia wanted to smack his hands away, but he was too strong. Just when black dots started to dance in Olivia's vision, he released his hand from her neck. Olivia fell to the floor as she gasped for air.

"I'm not done yet, bitch. I'm far from done." He growled, before kicking Olivia in her stomach. She hit the wall hard before the man slammed her head against the wall. She whimpered from impact, but that was all she managed to do before passing out.


"Okay, so I had a really bad gut feeling. I got to my apartment and then turned around and came back." Elliot spoke, as he walked out of the elevator and completely missed the blood on the wall across from the elevator. 

He stopped when he got near his desk, before seeing that Olivia's office was dark. He pulled out his phone and dialed her number, but then heard her phone ringing from the garbage can beside his desk. Elliot went running to Olivia's office and tried to open the door, but something was in front of it and it wouldn't budge.

"Olivia!" Elliot yelled as he slammed his hands against the door. He continued to try and push it open, but nothing would work.

Elliot quickly ran around and into the adjoining interrogation room. Once he made it to the door connecting to Olivia's office, he swung it open before stumbling to find her desk lamp.

Once the light was on, Elliot saw Olivia slumped in front of the door. She was completely naked, bound, and bleeding horribly. Elliot quickly pulled his phone out as he struggled to breathe.

"911, what's your-"

"I'm Detective Stabler with Manhattan Sex Crimes. Captain Olivia Benson is down and bleeding very heavily in her office. Please send help." Elliot cried, before dropping his phone and quickly moving to Olivia.

He didn't know if he should touch her at all, but all he wanted to do was pull her close and hold her until help came.

"Liv, you are going to be okay. I love you, Liv. Please keeping fighting."


Elliot stood outside of the hospital as he tried to drink from the water bottle a nurse gave him. He was beyond shaken up, and he hadn't been this way in a while.

"What happened?!" Fin exclaimed as he ran up to Elliot. Clearly he was scared because Fin rarely runs.

"She gave me a direct order to go home. I left but then when I got home I started to get this really bad feeling in my stomach. So I went back and found her in her office. She was in front of the door and she was... I think she was raped. Or at least sexually assaulted." Elliot whispered.

"Who the fuck did this?" Fin asked, his voice shaking.

"I don't know. I just know that she was really hurt and I'm kinda freaking out... when the EMTs got there, they said her jaw was broken along with the fact she has a huge gash on her head and her... I can't." Elliot mumbled before stumbling to a garbage can and getting sick.

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