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They were getting tired of looking over their shoulders all the time. They were tired of having their kids prefer staying inside compared to being outside and playing as kids should. George was tired of thinking that his wife might leave him for her ex. The first man she had truly fallen in love with.

"We should go on a vacation," George spoke, as he walked into the kitchen a few weeks after Lila moved back home. The kids were doing okay, but the house was quiet during the day because only Megan and Eloise were home. George was working again, and the boys were busy at school.

"What?" Olivia asked, as she turned around and looked at her husband.

"We should go somewhere and spend time alone as a family. Without any outside complications." George smiled, as he sank down onto a stool and grabbed the hand towel before smoothing out the wrinkles with his hands.

"Love, the boys are in school and you are finally working your old hours again. We can't go on vacation right now. The kids need to stay in school and even if Lila is doing online classes, she has to be home to do them. I'm sorry." Olivia spoke. 

"I feel like our family is always so tense and nervous, and I thought a trip would help us relax." He sighed.

"It would help us relax, but we can't just up and leave right now. We could plan something over Christmas break." Olivia spoke.


"I'm putting my foot down right now, George. Please just drop it." Olivia frowned. She turned on the dishwasher before moving over to shut the lights off and head to bed for the night, but her husband stopped her.

"You seem different lately." George breathed.

"What do you mean?" Olivia sighed. Just because she wasn't willing to give in to taking the boys out of school at the beginning of the term to go on a trip, doesn't mean she's different. She's just making a good choice for her family at the moment since her husband just wants to have fun all of a sudden.

"Are you cheating on me?" George breathed. Olivia looked at him with wide eyes as her jaw dropped. She didn't know what to say. She had no idea how to approach this at all.

"George Potts, I am not cheating on you. I would never cheat on you, and you know that. So stop throwing a fit and pull on your big boy pants and act like the adult you are supposed to be." Olivia spat.


They hated fighting with each other, and that was proved that night. Olivia and George both couldn't sleep, and that wasn't good because both had very busy mornings. Olivia had errands to run and George had a big meeting with several of his bosses.

"Why would you think I'm cheating on you?" Olivia asked, from where she was laying on her back with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Because you are distant."

"I haven't been distant. Just because I'm putting my foot down and telling you no, you think that I'm cheating on you. It's dumb." Olivia huffed.

"I just don't understand why you think that you can just tell me no. You aren't my mom." George grumbled.

"I feel like I'm your mother since you are acting like a fucking child," Olivia grumbled. She rolled over onto her side and faced her open bedroom door. 

"I'm not the one throwing a fit as we speak!" George yelled. Olivia rolled her eyes before sitting up and raking her fingers through her hair.

"Maybe we shouldn't be sleeping in the same bedroom." Olivia breathed.

"Huh?" George sighed.

"I'm going to go sleep on the couch. Maybe once I leave the room you'll be able to get some sleep. You have a big day tomorrow." Olivia frowned. She grabbed her pillow before moving from the room. 

Whenever they used to fight, George would always go after Olivia if she was going to give him space. But he didn't this time. It didn't even cross his mind.


They stopped speaking to each other. Somehow their family managed to function without the parents even speaking or looking at each other. They didn't sleep in the same room, and Olivia got the short end of the stick because she ended up on the couch. Lila was staying in the garden level of the brownstone, which had been renovated into an apartment, so Olivia was stuck on the couch.

As the days started to really go by, and their fight was still in full force, Olivia was starting to wonder if maybe this was the end. That she wasn't meant to be married, and this was all the proof she needed.

She was feeling lost and it sucked ass.

"You and Dad haven't said a word to each other this morning." Noah breathed, as Olivia helped him put his brace on his leg.

"We are both tired," Olivia replied with a sigh.

"You are, but he isn't," Noah spoke.

"Huh?" Olivia asked as she tightened the brace before looking up at her son.

"You have been sleeping on the couch for the past two weeks, Momma. I just don't know why you have been sleeping on the couch."

"We need a new bed. I just can't get-"

"That bed is not old, Momma... are you and Dad fighting?" Noah sighed softly.

Olivia looked at her son before standing slowly.

"I don't want to scare you or anything... but we are in the middle of a huge fight. But that doesn't mean that we can't take care of you and your siblings how we are supposed to. Now, go grab your bag and I'll send Michael down. Daddy is going to be heading out to his car soon."

"Are you going to get a divorce?" Noah asked weakly.

"I don't think so..."


Olivia left the twins with Lila before going on her usual Monday morning errands. She went to the bank, to get gas in the van, and then to the grocery store. She had just started on her list when she spotted someone standing at the end of the aisle. He was staring at her, and Olivia blushed a bit under his gaze.

"Hey." Dominick breathed, and Olivia nodded slowly.


"Uh, I'll get out of your way." He spoke, before stepping towards the other shelf so Olivia could get passed.

"Amanda told me that you wanted to get back together with me." Olivia croaked out.

"Oh... uh... yeah. I miss you like crazy." Dominick breathed. Olivia nodded slowly before looking down at her cart.

"I miss what we had before we started to fight... before Michael was born. We were happy when I was pregnant with him, but not after." Olivia breathed.

"Are you okay, Liv?" Dominick asked quietly.

"I've been better." Olivia frowned.

"Do you wanna talk?" Dominick asked gently, and Olivia shrugged.

"That probably wouldn't be a good idea."

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