chapter 4

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February 2017

"You just finished, right?" Sarah leant over the bar just as Rosalie was folding her apron near the door to the back.

It was Wednesday which meant Rosalie worked the bar during the day and had the whole night off. They were her favourite, usually she went to the cinema just to get some alone time.

"Right." She nodded as if it were a fact. The silence from Sarah scared her so she looked up to see her with a wide smile on her face.

"Would you like to come to a concert with me?" She asked with a wide smile on her face. Rosalie winced, that sounded like a lot of people. "Come on, Rose. Let's have some fun. All you do is work" she begged before she could even say no.

"I don't know, Sarah." She sighed "I'm tired." She complained. Sarah hit her hands on the bar a few times as if she was drumming while Rosalie just stared at her.

"A few drinks and you'll be fine. Come on, please." Sarah begged. Rosalie looked into her eyes and deflated.

"Fine." She agreed, earning a squeal and jump from her friend.

"Let's go back to mine and get ready." She demanded. Rosalie nodded and walked to the back to get all her stuff ready. "You can stay at mine if you'd like." Sarah knew that Rosalie stayed out as much as possible, not understanding why most of the time and didn't feel the need to ask.

"Thanks." Rosalie put her arm around Sarah's waist and gave it a squeeze. Despite her cold demeanour, she did appreciate her as a friend.

Sarah lived a road over from a busy high street in Stratford. It took about half an hour to get back to hers by tube from work but she was already looking for places closer to the centre of London and closer to the rehearsal space.

Rosalie stared out of Sarah's bedroom window, looking down at all the people walking on the street either making their way to or from the high street. Something hit the back of Rosalie's body, causing her to snap out of her trance and turn around to see what it was.

"Sarah, it's February. I'm not wearing this." She held up the tiny outfit. Rosalie was not one to be afraid to show some skin clearly but she would freeze if she wore the little black dress in front of her and she would overheat with a coat on.

"Put this on over it." She threw her a loose knitted jumper that exposed her shoulders. It wasn't going to do anything but Rosalie didn't have the energy to fight it. She really was tired.

The girls got ready with some music playing around them. Rosalie talked about things that had happened at the bar while Sarah shared some anecdotes as well as she did her make up. She asked her how the club was in which Rosalie answered vaguely. Sarah got what she could take in that respect.

"Ready?" She asked, texting someone on her phone. Rosalie looked at herself in the mirror, doing a spin before nodding.

"The music better be good." Her voice was teasing but she knew she wouldn't be able to get through the night if the music was shit.

The girls made their way to Brixton, managing to get there in half an hour and on their way to the academy to see whatever band was playing there. Rosalie rarely came to this side of London but Brixton had some good bars and the academy wasn't a bad venue to see artists perform.

"Where are you going?" She asked Sarah as they stood outside the venue. The general admission queue was wrapped around the corner but Sarah was walking directly into the front door.

"Sarah Jones and guest." She said to the big lady at the front. Rosalie looked around, getting very dirty looks from lots of teenage girls. Her eyes read the sign of who was playing but she had never heard of the band before. Suddenly Sarah's hand was on hers and dragging her through the front entrance.

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