chapter 30

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May 2017

The first event Rosalie was allowed to go to with Harry was his show at The Troubador in LA. She was excited to see him perform again and be less freaked out about the people around him since she knew them all now.

"Which car do you want to take?" He smirked as they entered the garage. Rosalie walked straight over to the yellow one and gave him a grin.

"Can I drive?" She asked cheekily. Harry stared at her for a moment before rolling his eyes.

"Please don't kill us." He begged, finding it hard to turn her down. Her eyes lit up as he threw her the keys and she caught them with one hand.

Rosalie hadn't driven in a while and now she was going to be driving an old car on the other side of the road. A recipe for disaster but she was too excited to care.

"Where are we going?" She asked as Harry got in the passengers seat. That wasn't a good sign, everything in this equation was adding up to a car crash.

"I'll direct you." He watched as she started the car and immediately stalled it. His eyes widened as she burst out laughing.

"Sorry sorry." She giggled, trying again and this time she made it out of the garage. Harry reached over and picked up her phone. "My passwords 3578" she told him without any hesitation. He typed it in and went straight to maps to set up the route for her.

"Here, follow this. I have to make to a phone call." He told her. She nodded and gripped the steering wheel.

It was hard not to watch him as he spoke seriously on the phone to whoever it was. She knew she had to keep an eye on the road but she would try and catch a glance at him whenever they were at a red light. Harry noticed and placed his free hand on her leg and gave it a squeeze.

"Yeah yeah of course." He muttered in response but then noticed they were almost there. "I have to go, I have a show tonight." He finished the call with a mumble of "okay, will do. Bye." As he pulled the phone away from his ear slowly and ended the call.

"Who was that?" Rosalie asked, pulling onto the road the venue was on.

"Publicist. She's not coming tonight so she told me to call her before" he explained, "go in there." He pointed to the driveway and Rosalie pulled in a bit too sharply. "Christ." Harry muttered.

"Sorry, you caught me off guard." She whined. He shook his head passive aggressively and leant his arm against the edge of the window.

A security guard tapped on the window as she pulled in and Harry pressed the button for it to open. He leant across her in the car and waved his hand.

"Hi, I'm Harry Styles." He smiled nicely. "Sorry about her driving." The joke made the security man laugh but Rosalie was embarrassed.

"Go straight ahead, Mr Styles." He nodded, bringing the barrier up for Rosalie to drive through. Praying she didn't stall, she pressed on the acceleration and they drove into the venue.

Rosalie parked the car pretty well and both of them got out. There were already people around, making their way to tell Harry where to go. Rosalie joined his side and he threw his arm around her.

"Thanks for getting us here in one piece" he kissed her head to show he wasn't annoyed at her. She wrapped one arm around his torso and gave him a squeeze before she knew she had to give him to his crew.

He started walking away so she followed, watching him intently as he shook hands with everyone he came in contact to or at least gave them a wave. A woman approached him and he immediately pulled her forwards for a hug before turning to Rosalie.

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