chapter 15

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March 2017

Rosalie turned up for work the next day at the bar with nothing but fear enlaced in her. What if Harry turned up? Would it be awkward? He hadn't texted her after the date so she was really left in the dark about the whole thing.

"Rose!" A voice made her jump. She spun around to see the bar heaving with people already but Sarah's bright face beaming at her. This only made her more scared that Harry might of come with her.

"Hey" she waved before turning around. Her plan was to avoid Sarah at all costs in case she asked about her date with Harry or even mentioned him.

Things started to wear down towards the one am mark. With no sign of Harry, Rosalie went around the bar to pick up any empty glasses on the now mostly empty tables. She hummed a song to herself, managing to ignore all the drunken men making comments at her. That was her life now.

"Rose!" Her head snapped up to see Sarah sat at the bar. Had she been there the whole time or come back? Why was she alone? Rosalie took the glasses behind the bar and onto the side for someone else to put into the dishwasher. "Hello? Rose?" Sarah's voice was constant, she couldn't avoid it.

"What can I get you?" She asked formally. Sarah's face was wiped with confusion.

"I don't want a drink, you twat. I want to talk to you!" She laughed as if it were obvious but Rose already knew the first question she was going to ask and just couldn't handle getting into it.

"I'm working." She answered. Sarah frowned, clearly not impressed with the way she was being spoken to by her best friend.

"Well I'm staying here until you close. Only an hour, now." She insisted. Rosalie knew she wasn't going to get out of Sarah's questions but took the hour delay to try and think of some mysterious and vague answers.

Sarah did as she said she would and stayed, managing to get free drinks from her old boss and a few conversations in with her ex co workers.

"Go on, you can go early. Sarah's been dying to talk to you all night." Henry nodded to Rosalie. "God knows why." He teased.

Rose clocked out half an hour early and sat down with Sarah, being served a drink by Henry himself. Sarah watched her carefully, trying to decipher her moody demeanour.

"Are you at the club tonight?" Was her first question as Rose's petite body climbed onto the barstool.

"I'm going home after this but I'm going to go in tomorrow night" She sipped her rhum and coke, not wanting to elaborate whatsoever. Sarah nodded in response, keeping her opinions to herself.

"So, how was your date?" She finally asked. Rose sighed and took a large gulp of her drink. Here we go.

"Nothing special." She lied, causing Sarah's eyebrows to fly up in surprise. She didn't believe her for one second.

"You're meaning to tell me you have Harry Styles chasing your for weeks and the date you finally go on was nothing special?" She burst. Rosalie shrugged, not making eye contact with her at the pain of lying to her best friend. Rose's lack of explanation confirmed she was lying however. "Did something happen?" She asked.

"What?" Rose was caught off guard for a moment. Was she giving that much away.

"What aren't you telling me? Harry was too worked up about this date to give you a shit time" Sarah defended him which Rose did not expect.

The bar was now empty, leaving the two girls with a few regulars for a lock in with the bar staff. It gave Sarah the perfect opportunity to grill Rosalie.

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