Ch:1 Love Will Forever Haunt Me.....

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Just writing down what comes to mind right now........ Music definitely gives a writer inspiration the first paragrph might come on a bit strong but don't mind that.
Here's CH:1 [*^*]

Pov: Lucy

There's a reason why I haven't had a boyfriend in over five years. There all conceded little jerks who don't have time for a normal relationship. All they want is to screw around and I don't have time for that.

Even the smallest of my crushes went down in flames. I've always been oblivious to the men who's crushed on me. I just gave up on the theory of a boyfriend and that's fine by me!

To be honest, I've been really sad. My dad passed away and I barely remember my mom. There's no good jobs to do and I've already covered the rent. Natsu's out of town and it's really killing me. When I say that, I sound so needy and clingy but it's true, I worry for him even though he's perfectly capable of taking care of him self. There isn't anything positive to think about so I'm forced to focus on the negatives.

Do to my boredom I walked outside and sat down on my porch steps, looking at the stars and I remembered my celestial spirits. They're  like my only family right now. The guild has been so lifeless. It's like they lost their spark and everyone is suffering from sadness just like me.

I got this random idea of going for a walk. It was freezing and usually not "the walking weather" but hey, I had nothing better to do. I grabbed my dark blue sweater, my phone and headphones, put on my favorite song and was out the door.

I had no idea were I was headed to but I followed the wind. After a whole hour of roaming around, I ended up at the edge of Magnolias forest. This forest was huge and filled with who knows what, but I took my chances and entered like a person who didn't have a care in the whole world.

I heard many terrible story's of this forest and how it was haunted or something like that. But I could honestly careless. This may sound crazy but maybe some danger would give me something exciting to do.

I felt like I was in some music video. The stars were shining bright in the sky, the cool breeze flowing threw my golden hair, and with the surounding of a magical forest. What was so bad about this forest anyway? I liked it here, I was considering on making this forest a new get away place.

I had so many thoughts running threw my head while music was playing in my ear. Love..... The one thing I'll never be able to experience. I didn't even know how it felt. But there's this one person I've been feeling differently about. It was Natsu. He's literally becoming more than just a friend to me. I know if I let my crush grow bigger, I would deeply regret it and probably loose a close friend of mine. It's like I'm cursed or something. Something terrible always happens when I become attached.

FlashBack to 5 Years ago******

Pov: narrater

"Where are we headed?" Lucy said smiling. This had been Lucy's fifth date with her boyfriend Sean. Lucy had become very attached to him and slowly was developing love for him.

"You'll see, just keep your eyes closed." Sean said with pink brushed cheeks.

"O-okay, but I gotta be back home before 11:00 or my dad would kill me! " She warned him.

"Yea, yea I know." He assured.

Lucy just smiled and continued trudging along behind Sean. She felt so alive! She had never ran away from her house, let alone with a guy, but Sean had other stuff in mind. It felt so right. The way his hand felt pressed against hers as they ran so freely. It was magical.

Sean had led Lucy to a meadow of red and pink poppy flowers. The flowers swayed in the wind as the full moon shined down on them.

"Open your eyes..." Sean said with a smirk on his face.

Lucy then opened her eyes. She was absolutely breathless. "Oh my god, Sean! This is so beautiful!" She said with stars in her eyes. Lucy then pulled Sean into a bear hug.

They were free, alone and away from everyone. Sean moved closer to Lucy's face and soon enough there lips met. Their kiss first started out sweet and innocent but then it turned into a passionate kiss. They had a full on make out session for a while. Once they pulled away for air Sean tackled Lucy to the floor and his hands began to wonder.

Lucy knew what Sean wanted but she couldn't give it to him. Virginity was precious to her and would only give it to her one and only soulmate.

"S-Sean, stop I'm not ready."

"Come on Lucy, you scared?" Sean said with a smirk.

"N-n-no, I'm just not ready yet--" Lucy was cut off by the sound of near by voices. It sounded like they having an argument. The voices came closer and boom! A blast of magic came from one of the people. It was a women, she looked mad. They were both shocked at what happened. The people turned their argument into a battle. Lucy felt emberessed because they might have seen her and Sean kissing. Then one of the magic blasts hit Sean right through his chest. "SSSSEEEAAANNN!!" Lucy screamed with tears in her eyes.(dumb way to die XD)

End of flash back-------

That memory gave me the chills just by thinking about it....... Luckily that was five years ago and I've recovered. I began to fear for Natsu. He's a very, VERY dear friend to me and if anything bad happened, I would never be able to live with myself.


That's it for the first chapter! Hope you enjoyed it. I'll try my best to make the updates not to slow but I make no promises. Life is very busy and stressful right now so I'll try :)

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