Stuck Together

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So this is doing fairly well on AO3, so let's see how it does here.

It's always going to be Bakugou's P.O.V unless stated otherwise.


All I wanted... was some time without all those extras hanging around me. Every one of them are just stepping stones to my inevitable future as the Number 1 Hero. I told them all to fuck off when they invited me to go shopping with them all, so why is it that I'm now stuck to the class 'pretty boy'?

It's not something I want to be doing at this moment, but I had absolutely no control over this. It was that stupid villain's quirk, he cornered us after that damned half-n-half decided to strike up a conversation with me. I tried to blast the fucker, but the halfie wouldn't let me; the villain had some idiotic sticking quirk. That's how we got into this dumb predicament.

Because of him - Todoroki's left hand was stuck on my right shoulder and my own left hand on his chest - it was difficult to move, but not impossible.

I'd thought that as soon as he was gone it would stop, sort of like Mr. Aizawa's quirk, where he has to see the people he's targeting for it to work. Apparently, his is a pain in the ass and doesn't work like that! We'd escaped as he was monologuing and gotten a few blocks away, and yet we were still glued to each other.

"Why, isn't this stopping?" I looked at Todoroki like he was crazy, did he think I had any idea?

"Hell if I know," I returned, "If I did I would've already run away from you and your stupid face. Do you have your phone on you? I can't reach mine." I'd stupidly put it in my back pocket, instead of risking it falling out of my blazer pocket, I couldn't grab it even if I wanted to.

"I do have my phone on me, however, it's almost dead. If you want, I can grab your phone for you." Well, this cannot get any more embarrassing than it already is. If it'll get us to someone who can reverse this faster, then it's a risk I'm willing to take.

"Fine, bastard! It's back here." I stomped my left leg up and down to signal, "Next time, charge your phone." He stood, facing me and reached around. And it was at that moment that I remembered how the guy's quirk worked, "Wait! His fucking quirk is still on, what if-" I was interrupted by Icy-Hot handing me my phone. 'What the hell?' "Why didn't it work? We're still stuck."

"Maybe things'll only stick if he is there to witness it, but it won't stop unless he wants it too, no matter where he's at?" That... actually makes fuckin' sense.

I unlocked my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I reached the only classmate's number I had; Shitty Hairs'. I thought for a second, 'If I call him, he'll probably only make fun of this situation, without trying to help me.' The only other numbers I had were my parents and Inko Midoriyas. Inko might be more helpful than my own parents, but she can be a bit annoying - she is related to Deku. "Hey," I started, "do you know any of the extras' phone numbers? I only have Shitty Hairs'."

"I do have Midoriya's, and Iida's. Though knowing you, you probably don't want to explain this situation to them, but I think Iida has Mr. Aizawa's. We can try that, he might be able to erase the effects."

I guess if there is no better option. I handed my phone back over to him, "Contact the robot but do not say anything about this." He took the phone and entered in the number. After a few minutes of typing, he handed the phone back to me. I scrolled through the conversation: he put nothing about us being stuck, just said that there was an accident and that he needed Mr. Aizawa. "So, when is he going to get here? I'd rather not have to be with you any longer than I have to."

"He should be here any minute, I gave him our location. We will have to explain what went on, though, I am sorry that I got you roped into this mess." I just gave a grunt of understanding, not wanting to talk to anyone anymore.

I don't know where I'm going with this, but I hope you enjoy!

Stuck Together (TodoBaku) (SLOW UPDATES) Where stories live. Discover now