Chapter 4

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Tord's POV (Short)

I walked into the hospital room to see myself laying in the bed. I now know why my arm was hurting earlier. All that was left was, well, nothing. My arm was gone. I see that the whole right half of my face was cut up

Ringo was there too. She was laying right next to me. But what freaked me out a bit was that her head shot up and she looked right at me. Right before everything went black again

3rd Person's POV

Edd, Matt and Tom had been woken up by the nurse they saw in their sleep. She told them that they could go see Tord now, and what room he was in. And so that's what they did. Tho Tom was yet again brought by force

That meaning he was dragged to Tord's hospital room. But what they didn't expect was to actually see Tord when they entered. But he looked horrible. Quite literally. Their eyes widen at the sight. He was attached to many different types of machines. The one good thing there was, the heart monitor. It showed that his heart still beats

And that he's alive. Edd went straight to Tord's side, as the caring friend he is, Matt joining in in a bit, but Tom stood by the door for a bit. Getting tired of standing after a while he walked over to a small couch in the corner of the room. There were more chairs so he could have it to himself. Edd and Matt spoke to Tord for a bit before taking a seat

He and the other two eventually fell asleep, again, going back into their strange dream. When they opened their eyes again Tord sat there in this void like place again. It's almost like he hadn't moved. To be honest, he hadn't really moved much. He didn't have a reason to so he didn't. After a minute of complete silence, he heard a meow

Making his head perk up at the sound, wanting to know where it came from. There sat a grey cat. It was Ringo. Tord wondered if it was actually her or if it was just part of this cruel place. He held out his hand. Ringo stared at it for a second before jumping onto Tord's lap, causing him to laugh, for the first time in a while

"Hey girl" Tord said calmly "How have you been? Hopefully better than I have" Tord laughed sadly

"Mamma! Can I go play in the woods?" Tord asked

Tord looked up to see himself with his mother, his real mother, Malissa

Malissa smiled softly "If you want to Dear, but be careful. I don't want you to get hurt" Malissa said "And try not to talk to those bullies who's been hurting you" Malissa said ruffling his hair

Tord smiled "I will!" And with that, he ran out of the house after getting ready

"Haha, that was a lie. I lied to her and said the bruises were from bullies. And not from Dad, oh how a mistake that was" Tord said to Ringo

Tord ran into the woods in the backyard, he knew the place like the back of his hand. He loved going there, there were times he'd sneak off. He ran to a little pond he found a while back. He liked it there, it was peaceful

Then it flashed into black then appeared in the same place. But this time, Tord was older. He remembered when Pat and Paul took him in, he would go there to visit his mom

He knew she was there, she promised to always watch over him. So he made a promise that when she's gone he'll go there when he can to visit her. He loved visiting her, he told her about all the adventures he'd had with his new family

"Ma and Pa treat me nice! They love me as much as you did!" Tord said with glee, his smile falling a bit "I'm sorry I gave away the teddy you gave me. But I gave him to someone special! Like you said I was special! He loves it!" Tord said "He carries him with him everywhere! He loves him as much as I do!" Tord smiled

Tord remembered that Tomee Bear was actually his, a gift from his mother, but he cared about Tom so much. He gave it to him

"I know he gets scared at times but I told him if he does, hold Tomee Bear close and you'll feel safe! Just like you told me!" Tord said

He felt something against his leg making him look down. He spotted a grey kitten

"Ringo" Tord said with a soft smile

"Kitty!" Tord said joyfully picking up the cat "Hello there kitty! My name's Tord! Who may you be?" Tord asked the cat as if it could speak. There was a pause of silence before he spoke again "Ringo? What a nice name!" Tord said hugging the cat before putting her down

"My friend, he loves cats! I bet he would love to have you!" Tord said "Don't ya think?" Tord asked "Oh! I have the best idea! You can be a birthday present! His birthday is coming up in a few days!" Tord said "I hope Ma and Pa let you stay for the meantime. Well, let's go find out!" Tord said picking up the cat again

The scenery disappeared into a black void once again, and Tord looked down at Ringo

"I remember I completely forgot I was even talking to my mother. I was just so excited to give you to Edd" Tord chuckled

"Bye Ma, Pa! Love you both!" Tord called out

"We love you two Tord!" Pat called out

Tord smiled before leaving to go to Edd's house, a box in hand. One for animals of course. He wasn't going to kill the poor thing

Everything went black again. It was back to sitting in the void. The silence was sickening now for some reason

Tord felt empty...

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