Chapter 30

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3rd Person's POV

Tord slowly put his hand up "T-Thomas it's me.. Tord" He said slowly

The creature blinked and tilted It's head a bit. Tord stared at the creature, or Thomas. His hand was shaking a bit. Tom slowly started shrinking, until he was half-human, half-monster. He continued to stare at Tord, a sympathetic look in his eyes

He felt pity for Tord. Tord was shaking, and he was still bleeding out, only a little less now. He looked completely different and Tom didn't know what happened. But he wanted to know

"Tord?" Tom spoke quietly. Tord nodded slowly as he moved his arms down "What happened.. To you?" Tom asked slowly

"E-Edd.." Tord said and his tail twitched. Tom's gaze drifted over to his tail. He blinked before he grew back into the creature as he looked at the door. He knew people were watching and listening

Even if Tord was the reason why Tom was in there, he saw how panicked and scared Tord looked. He was at the point of shaking. And blood was still flowing from him. He was in pain. Tom sat next to Tord and his tail wrapped around him

Tord jumped a bit when Tom pulled him near him. Tom laid down, putting his arm over the other. He slid Tord closer and laid his head down on the ground. Tord snuggled closer to Tom as his tail curled more around himself

He kept looking at his hands as they shook, well one hand was shaking more than the other. That was the real hand. It's funny how they throw away their leader so easily. Tord let out breaths and closed his eyes

He was able to calm down a little, but he was still shaking slightly due to the amount of blood he lost. And was currently losing. Tom noticed and shrank back down. He went over to Tord "How are you feeling?" He asked as he got onto his knees

"T-tired and w-weak.." Even if Tord hated to admit he was weak, he needed to say it. He would probably die if he wouldn't. But he'd probably die anyways

Tom growled and held Tord up gently "You guys are seriously going to let your fucking leader suffer like this!?" Tom had practically yelled "I know you all can fucking hear me! Don't pretend you don't" He growled

A door opened, making Tom and Tord look at the door as light flooded into the room. A soldier stood there, two behind him with tranquilizer guns, probable just in case they would attack they'd be prepared. The soldier with no weapon walked over hesitantly

Tom growled a bit, put Tord sat up straight and put his hand on Tom's arm weakly "It's fine T-Thomas.." He said and coughed up blood

The soldier slowly walked up to Tord, weary of Tom. He crouched down "Get a doctor he's bleeding" Tom said

The male nodded, still a bit fearful and told one of the soldiers with a gun to get a doctor

The scene faded to black

Tom's POV

I blinked. Well, that memory definitely wasn't real. First, there were rips everywhere. And second, I doubt that would ever happen. I sighed and looked at Edd and Matt

"Well another long memory" Edd laughed nervously, he must've felt bad for what happened in the memory

"That was a bit confusing" Matt said

I hummed "Yea, it was" I looked at my hands when they guys started to fade, I too was starting to fade "Well, see you guys in a bit" I said

"Seeya Tom" Edd said with a soft smile

Tord's POV

After a few hours, the surgery was done. I now had a robot arm. I just had to stay here for a few more days to see how well it works. And if I can get used to it. Also just to make sure there aren't any malfunctions. Don't wanna accidentally hit my friends right?

I don't even know if they'll accept me, or still want to be friends. But they visited. They came to see me. So I don't see why not, let's just hope it won't turn out bad. I don't want to scare them. If I lose them, I don't even know what I'd do. I'm so fucking scared... I can lose them. Again. But for real. And probably never get them back

I never asked Pat and Paul if they took care of my 'boss'. Hopefully, they did. Because if not. I'll need to do it myself. And I will. He deserves to be killed and to suffer in hell. In his own personal hell. Of course, I deserve to be in hell to. I went along with what he wanted

But he would've killed them, I didn't want that, because I knew he would succeed. It would've happened just like I saw.. He left me there to just torture me. I let out a soft sigh and stood up from my bed. Pat and Paul wanted me to get some rest a little before we got to work on using my arm

Just need to get used to not feeling anything and moving it. Hopefully, it won't take to long to get used to it. But you never know. I took a breathe and left off to where Pat and Paul wanted me to go to for the, uh, let's call it training so it's easier. After a bit, I got there. What we were gonna do was just see if I can move it good enough and if it functions normally

Like a real arm. It should work. We just gotta be 100% sure it does. And that would be it. Just a few more days, or near to another week. How hard will that be? Maybe a bit weird to get used to since I have no feeling in the arm, but I can do it

For the guys. I need to show that I'm ok now. I still want to be with them, they're my friends. I want to change. Can I change tho? Do I need to change?

I don't know

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