Chapter 24

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Tom's POV

I just thought about it. It just came to mind. Back in highschool Tord practically had girls drooling over him. Yet, he always rejected them. Even the nice ones, the hot ones or pretty ones. He always did. And I didn't know why. I had a suspicion that maybe he was gay

But I never said or pinpointed that he was or not. There were times I'd catch him staring at me. In class, at lunch, when we're outside, hanging out with the guys. Everywhere. That's what got me starting to believe that he was gay. I mean, if you're enemies with someone why would you stare at them?

I understand if they did something and you're just keeping an eye on them. But Tord stared at me technically anytime he could. Yet, he never said why when I asked. He always made up random excuses. The most common one is 'I just happen to space off in that direction'

I eventually stopped caring and let him be. But I couldn't help but wonder what's going on inside his mind. So it eventually led me to think that he was gay and that he had a crush on me. I mean it made sense if you thought about it

I put everything together. Tord always rejecting the girls that ask him out. Him always staring at me. He blushed a lot when I was around or spoke. He had a crush on me no doubt. Unless it's something else but I don't know what it could've been

It does make sense if you put all of that together tho. And plus, I doubt he likes me that way anymore. It's been years. And plus we aren't even friends. We fought often as well. After everything that happened between us, I doubt he would still like me

I mean, I do kinda like him. But I won't go saying that I love him. He's broken. It's obvious. But he's nice. And I would like to hang out with him. Like we used to.. I kinda liked those times. And when we were back in highschool, the training times we've had was fun

He was a good teacher. He taught me a lot, I was glad he did as well. I mean I wouldn't be able to do all I can without him. Those times we've trained actually helped me when I went to the bar and a fight broke out. It came to use. I sighed and rolled over to look at the ceiling of my room

I had came home because I needed rest and was sorta forced by Edd. But I don't really mind. I just wanted to stay with Tord so I can see when he wakes up. I need to apologize. But I guess I can also apologize when we meet in that void. I mean I probably should since we aren't sure if he'll ever wake up

But I do hope he does. I'd feel terrible of not. Like, what if he gets stuck in the place forever? Only to relieve things he didn't want to relieve again. See memories he didn't want to see anymore. Just reliving everything. Forever. He would see memories that aren't even real. They could be the worse

They could be good. But he hasn't gotten a lot of good memories. At least from what I saw. Just ones that tortured him. And broke him more. Ones he wanted to forget. Things don't always go your way I guess. And not for Tord. He doesn't deserve this much suffering. He is a good person, kinda, but he is

He would never hurt his friends on purpose. I know that. We used to be so close. And I honestly don't even know what happened to us. But things happen and people change I guess. But he didn't change that much. He's still the same Norwegian I meet when I was a kid

We both lost our parents. In tragic ways. But it's ok. We were there for eachother. And he was always there for us. For the guys. For Edd and Matt. For all of his friends. He wasn't the best friend you could wish for, but he was good enough. And it's because

He tried

I will say he is a nice friend. A great friend actually. But what he did wasn't right. He knows it wasn't right. I let out a sigh and turned over to my side and hugged a pillow. I was feeling tired. But in the same time I didn't want to go to sleep

I felt like drinking a bit. I haven't drank anything in a few days. I huffed and rolled out of bed. I went to my kitchen. I had a spare room that I wasn't really using, but there was a spare bed, an old one. Tord's old bed. I was planning on asking him if he wanted to stay here when he woke up

And if he didn't, I would just keep the room as a memory of him. Because I have most of the stuff related to him in that room. At first I didn't want to do it, I wanted to throw away all his stuff. But I realized I wouldn't get it back if I do

And I had a bouch of stuff about him that I didn't want to throw out. It was mostly just old pictures of when we were kids. But I had a lot of them with him in it. And I didn't want to throw those out I liked them. They had a special spot in my heart

I loved those days, which is kinda hard to believe coming from me, I know. Tho, I bet Tord loved those days. We were good friends back then and we had so much fun together, well I do know I had fun. Those were good times. The good old days

But, not everything stays the same, not everyone stays the same. Things change and people change

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