Chapter 15

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Tom's POV

I looked at Tord's asleep form

I wonder what he's seeing right now. Hopefully it isn't something that bad

I rubbed his hand softly keeping his in mine. As it seemed he didn't want to let it go. Maybe he could feel my hand in his in the dream world? Maybe.. I smiled and squeezed his hand gently. I continued to rub his hand with my thumb softly. I just hope he'll wake up. I let out a soft sigh and layed my head on the side of the bed. I never let go off his hand

I yawned and closed my eyes since I wanted to take a small nap. I woke up in the void, once again. But I was alone and I only saw Tord. I looked around. Edd and Matt were most likely awake. I brought my gaze back to Tord, he was standing and staring at the void in front of him

There had probably been a memory that played. I walked over to him, which I was able to, as he sat down. As I got closer, I noticed he kept looking at his hand. The one I'm holding in reality. He feels it. I stood near behind him. He brought his head up and looked around before his gaze landed on me

He turned around slowly, probably thinking why was I here. And what was I going to do to him. Which I wasn't going to do anything. He was silent for a bit before speaking "Tom?" He said rather quietly

"Hm?" I hummed

He bit his lip looking down, he shut his eyes his hands clenching "This isn't actually him Tord.." He said to himself

It is me Tord

I stared at him before holding my hand out to him "Take my hand" I said

He opened his eyes and looked up at me "What..?" He asked

"Take my hand" I repeated

Tord looked at my hand, and he hesitated a bit to grab it. But he did. I held his hand firmly and pulled him up to stand. Tord was still confused on what was happening. I can tell from the look in his eyes. I smiled softly at him and squeezed his hand a bit like I did earlier

I held his hand tightly and began walking, dragging him along. He followed. Still not knowing what was going on. I look around and paused for a second. A scenery appeared. We were back in the hospital. I grinned and dragged him down the hall towards his room

Tord's POV

I stared at Tom confused as he dragged me down a hall in a hospital. It looked like the hospital that was in our city. I looked back to catch a glimpse of Edd and Matt walking through the front doors. When I looked back at Tom he was looking at the room numbers as we walked

Once we reached the room number 37, Tom pushed the door open walking inside. Dragging me in after, the door shut itself without me touching it. I looked around the room wanting to know why I was brought here. My gaze landed on the person laying on the bed. It was me. And Tom was there too

He had his head laying on the bed and his hand in mine. I now remember. I had walked into this room last time because Ringo was here. But if Tom is in the room.. They either all know or Tom didn't tell anyone. But he must've taken Ringo home, unless Edd knows I'm here

I let go of Tom's hand and walked over to the bed, where I layed. I went over to Tom's sleeping form and touched his shoulder gently. I was able to touch him without my hand going through or anything like that. I gently put my hand on his shoulder. And from the corner of my eye, I could see the other Tom look at his own shoulder


I took my hand away and ran my fingers through his hair, which made the other Tom flinch a bit

Oh my god..

I took my hand away. There was another thing I could do to see if it was really him. I brought my hand to his arm and pinched Tom. Making the other Tom flinch and hold his arm, letting out a low "Ow"

"Thomas?" I said. I couldn't believe it

Was Tom really here with me?

Tom looked at me letting go of his arm "Hm?" He hummed, again

I licked my dry lips and paused a bit "Is-.. Is that you..?" I ask slowly

"Of course it is" Tom said

"No, like, the real one" I said

Tom nodded "I am" Tom said, before I spoke he spoke up again "Look, I understand that you probably don't think it's really me. But it is. And I promise you" Tom said "I get it. I saw everything" Tom said

My eyes widen a bit "T-that was you..?" I ask

"What?" Tom looked confused on what I meant

"Like.. Behind the wall..?" I ask

Tom was confused for a few seconds before the look of realization appeared on his face "Oh! Yea, well I wasn't just me. But I was there" Tom said

"Wait who else.."

"Edd and Matt" Tom said

"O-oh.." I stuttered and looked down "S-sorry you guys had to see that.." I muttered

"It's ok Tord" Tom said softly as he walked over to me. As he stood in front of me, he held his hand out again. And this time I didn't hesitate to take it. Tom smiled and pulled me into him as he wrapped his arms around me, invloping me in a hug. I slowly hugged him back "I'll be here for you. Even if I'm not with you right here" He said softly as he faded away

I let my arms fall limply to my side and looked over to Tom and me. He sat up and yawned rubbing his eyes. He smiled softly at me. He looked around the room and looked at me, or so, where we stood. He waved. I smiled and walked over next to him. I looked at the door as I heard it open. It was Edd and Matt

Edd smiled at Tom as he saw him "Hey Tom" He greeted

"Hey" Tom said sitting back in the chair

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