Chapter 1

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Edd's POV

I woke up to the sound of Tom yelling? Why is he yelling? I also heard,, Tord? What? But Tord wasn't yelling tho. I opened my eyes to see, the house? Is this a dream? It has to be. The house is gone... And Tord's gone... I then noticed Tom was yelling at Tord. I don't know what was happening

But one thing that stood out was Tord. He was acting different. He wasn't defending himself or yelling back at Tom like he normally would.. I heard a groan, I looked over and saw Tom on the ground? And Matt was also on the ground.. What's going on? I look at Tom

"Tom? Is that you?" I ask kneeling down next to him

His eyes fluttered opened and he brought his gaze to me "Yea? Where are we?" Tom asked sitting up

I stood up helping Tom up as well "Well I think we're in a dream, or nightmare, I don't know which yet" I shrugged

Matt woke up? Is that how you would say it? I guess for now it'll work

3rd Person's POV

Edd helped Matt up off the ground. They jumped when they heard Tom yell

"You bastard! It's your fault the house is gone!" Tom yelled

They all looked at him, seeing Tom yelling at Tord. But Tord was different.. He wasn't himself...

"I-I'm sor-"

"Shut it! I don't want to hear your pathetic excuses!" Tom yelled

Tord backed up slightly. He was scared. He wasn't going to lie. And it was clear he was. You could see the fear in his eyes

"Please Tom, liste-"

"I said shut up!" Tom yelled pushing Tord

Tord stumbled back and fell to the ground, tears welding up in his eyes, well functioning one anyways. He stayed silent like Tom wanted. And it went black for a split second. But when it was back to normal Matt was there now

"M-Matt?" The scared Norski stuttered "I-I'm sorry..." Tord said

"You hurt my face Tord! I don't think you deserve forgiveness!" Matt yelled before fading away

Tord backed up 'til he hit something. It was a wall. He just sat there, tears sliding down his cheeks. And that's when Edd appeared

"Why are you still here?" Edd asked rudely "You just ruin everything" Edd growled "Why were we ever friends with you? You're just a monster. A fucking TRAITOR!" Edd yelled

Then everything around them went black. Edd was gone. Just Tord sitting there crying. The place started flashing between black, green, purple, blue, red and white. The colors repeatedly change between the ones. Blinding the four

(Oh and if any of you are wondering, Tord can't see Edd, Matt and Tom) Tord was now standing up, somehow? But he was at the hill he'd landed on after the explosion. But there was himself laying there. Just lying on the ground. Not moving or anything

Tho he was breathing. And Tord knew that. Because he was breathing then. But very slowly. Almost wasn't. But he's still alive. Tord looked around spotting the head of the robot. He slowly walked over to it looking at the inside. The harpoon Tom had shot was still there

"... Why'd you miss..?" Tord mumbled to himself, which no one heard. He let out a sigh and turned around. But this time there were three silhouettes each different. His eyes widen and he backed up. He knew who those silhouettes belonged to "N-not again.. P-lease..." Tord said shakily

The ground under Tord started to tremble making him freeze in place. He looked down and there were white cracks appearing. His breathing picked up it's pace. The next thing he knew the floor broke under him. He fell. He just kept on falling

When he came to a slow stop. He didn't stop moving. It felt like he was sinking. Then he couldn't breathe. He felt like he was underwater. He felt like he was drowning. He couldn't move. His body wouldn't let him. He just stayed there. Letting everything consume him. Then he started falling again. He could breathe again

When he landed on the ground. He had a coughing fit. It hurt like hell to breathe. And coughing was making it worse. It felt as if his lungs were blocked. Burning. It hurt. Everything hurts. When he finally was able to get his breathing back to normal, he was breathing slowly. That's all he could've done at the moment. He sat up. He was mostly just focused on his breathing. Nothing else. That's when he heard voices

"When........ Will.......?" Is all he could make out

"..... Don't...." The other voice said

What're they talking about?

Tord thought

"He.... Months..." Was all Tord understood

But they guys could hear what they were talking about. Clearly. Tord just sat back on the ground and hugged his knees into his chest

"... I'm sorry..." Tord said

And that's when they woke up. Edd, Matt and Tom had all woken up in their apartment

What were they talking about..? Is that Commie still alive..? Was that him?

Tom had so many questions running through his mind. Yet he had no answer to any of them. At least, not yet

In Our Nightmares | TordTomWhere stories live. Discover now