Chapter 7

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Tom's POV (Short)

When we got home it was late. So we headed off to bed. Most likely we're going to see each other anyways. And as we thought. We were back. But this time we were back at the house. No one was home but Tord. He sat on the couch awaiting for something or someone. Because the TV wasn't on and he just sat on the couch. Staring at the floor

Tord's POV

I knew what memory this was. It was when I was home alone and I had still lived there. I was waiting for some people to show up. I just needed some advice from more advanced mechanics

My head perked up when a knock at the door was heard. Getting off the couch I went to answer the door. There stood Pat and Paul. Pat wearing his classic yellow hoodie as for Paul has his pink one

I smiled and let them in "You guys came!" I exclaimed as they walked in

"Of course" Pat laughed as I shut the door behind them

"Nice place" Paul said

"Thanks, but this isn't my house, Edd bought the place. He just let me move in y'know" I said

"That fella in green?" Paul asked

"Yep" I said popping the 'p'

"Oh? Haven't you two been friend's ever since you were young?" Paul asked

"Yea, Matt and Tom also live here too" I said "So we can say this house is a childhood friend house" I laughed

"Makes sense" Paul shrugged

"So what exactly did you need us for?" Pat asked interrupting our little conversation

"Ah yes! I had been planning to put a defense system for the house" I said

"So you called us?" Pat asked

"Oh c'mon you two are the only mechanics I know that won't be suspicious to why there's a secret laboratory in this house" I said

"Mhm, and where is this laboratory of yours?" Paul asked crossing his arms like a scolding father-

"Ah, in my room! Follow me!" I said leading my parents to my room

When we arrived to my room, it looked like a normal room. Ok it was messy but that's besides the point

"You should really clean your room" Paul said

"That's besides the point!" I said

"Where is your laboratory Tord?" Pat said "We can't help you if we don't know where it is" Pat said placing his hands on his hips

"Yes I know, mom" I said rolling my eyes walking over to a picture on the wall. It was a picture of the four of us

Pat just laughed at the name "You haven't called me that in years" Pat said

"Just think of it as,, an insult" I smirked reaching for the picture

"Oh don't you insult your mother young man" Paul scolded

"Yea, ok" I said, I pulled the picture off the wall to reveal another picture with a button on it

Yea that was sorta dumb to do, but it worked nonetheless

Pulling off the second one there was a lever. I set the two frames down on my desk before returning and pulling the lever. I backed up, making my parents back up in the process. The floor shook before the wall descended into the floor

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