Chapter 17

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Tord's POV

Tom huffed and look away trying to calm his blush. Once his blush faded back to a light pink he looked at me "Well you have to fulfill your end of the bargain" He said

"You never agreed~" I said with a grin

"You have to tell me now. I don't like my braces but you forced it out of me! That wasn't fair!" Tom huffed crossing his arms

I licked my dry lips "Fine I'll tell you" I said making Tom look at me as I said that "Believe it or not, but when I was younger I had braces too" I said

"What? Are you serious?" Tom asked

"Yes I'm serious Thomas. I really did have braces" I said

Tom laughed a bit "Well that's interesting" He said

I grinned and moved over to him looking at his braces "You should put some of those small elastics on them" I said

"What?" Tom asked confused

"Those small rubber elastics? I had put some red ones on my braces when I did. And they made them look like they had color instead of the bland look" I said "Black and white would look nice on you. I have some in my backpack I think if you want to try" I said

"I mean I guess we can" Tom said

"Alright! I'll hurry and get them!" I said before going to get them from my backpack. Once I came back I had a small baggy with the elastics inside. I sat back on the ground next to him. We were outside "I got them!" I said

"Oh those elastics" Tom said as he saw them

"Yep" I said and pulled out some black ones and some white ones "Do you want these ones or another color?" I ask

"You can pick" Tom said

"Alright! Let's use these ones" I said "Now, do you know how to put these into your braces?" I ask

"No" Tom replied

"I'll show you. Here" I said handing him the elastics which he took. I showed him how to do it and once he was done it looked real nice! "That's really cool!" I said

"Really?" Tom asked

I nodded "Let's go to the bathroom so you can see how they look!" I said and stood up, helping Tom up as well

I smiled, that was a good time. I chuckled softly. I still loved how Tom was so cute. I let out a soft breath as I looked around, the scene changed again. As it seems I've been getting memories after another and after another and so on. They have been more, constant

I put my attention on the memory. I was back when I was in school in Norway. I was in forth grade if I'm sure. And when I was in the school back in Norway I was bullied and teased. But, one day, I snapped, and took it out on the wrong person

"Leave him alone!" My friend hissed "He did nothing to you"

The bully glared at her "Why are you sticking up for this monster? There's obviously something wrong with it!" The male hissed

We were speaking Norwegian back then, but instead the memory played in English for some reason

"What did he do to you to get treated like this?" She hissed angrily. The male was silent, he couldn't say anything. Because I never did anything to him "Exactly! Nothing! He did nothing!" She said

"It is still a monster! It's a disgrace to be here" The male growled "It should go rot in hell where it belongs"

My friend's name was Reality. She was a year younger than me. Meaning she was in third grade that time. Even if she was younger and weaker, she still stood up for me when someone was bullying me

I growled under my breath, I was slowly starting to break. And I knew it wasn't going to end we'll. I stood up glaring at the boy. Yet I stayed quiet. As the two kept going, the bully still insulting me and calling me 'It'

"Stop it!" I hissed making them go quiet and look at me

The bully smirked "Well it seems as the demon finally spoke" The boy spat the word 'demon' with venom

I took a breath "Leave. I don't want something bad to happen" I said

"What are you gonna do? Go cry to your Mamma?" He said

I growled "Leave!" I said

Reality put her hand on my shoulder softly, which I relaxed a bit "Awe. Does the demon have a friend?" The boy said teasingly. I looked down. He was going to make me snap.. And then he said something that finally made me snap "I heard that you have Pappa issues" He grinned

I did. In fact my father was abusive at that time

I growled curling up my fist. I pushed the boy roughly, making him fall back onto the ground. The thoughts of my father made me angry. He always hurt me. And I didn't want it anymore. Reality held my arm and tried to pull me back

Which only resulted me in pushing her back. She was scrawny and she fell back easily. She let out a small yelp as she did. I looked at the boy only to see he was gone. He ran away. Scary cat. I growled lowly looking at Reality with anger

"You let him get away!" I growled

"You shouldn't hurt people Tord!" Reality said

I glared at her "I've had enough of him. I just wanted to get him off my back! But you got in the way" I hissed walking over to her, she didn't move, she sat in the same spot

"This isn't you Tord" Reality said

"I am a who I want" I hissed and stood in front of her

It flickered black and I heard her let out a pained yelp. Which I flinched when I heard it. The scene reappeared

Reality had her hand over her eye, the other wide in surprise and fear. As I stepped closer she scooted back. I stopped realizing what I just did. I just hurt my only friend.. I am a monster. I took a step back staring at my frightened friend. I could feel my eyes begin to water

Scared I'd continue hurting her

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