Chapter Eleven~Graduation

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Well, we made it back to the city, so far I was too scared to leave my room knowing that right outside was Rhodey and Vision. Would they forgive me as easily as Tony has? I wasn't sure and then what would happen to me?

I hold my necklace in my hand, it's been through so much with me. Oh Loki, if only you were alive you would know what to do, have good advice. Some people who know have told me to try and move on, but how do you forget your first love. 

I mean as a teen, of course, I had crushes, but with Loki it was real.

I take a breath and open my door stepping outside and walking down the hall. I see Tony helping Rhodey work his new legs, the two laughing, but stop when they see me. I cross my arms "Hey Rhodey....I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for everything and-"

Rhodes holds up a hand "Cut the cheesy shit...come over here."

I smile and walk over to hug him, Tony taps on my shoulder and I face him "So technically by now I should have to turn you over to Ross.....But I told him to go kiss my ass." says Tony "What?" I ask.

"So he didn't agree with letting you go, he did comply with at least a year under house arrest between the compound and the tower. But just know I'll be there, you won't be alone." finishes Tony, I smile "That's better then I could ever have imagined..." 

My voice slowly dies out as I realize one thing.

I was going to half to miss my graduation.

Tony sees my face and nods "I know what you're thinking, your graduation." I sigh "Who cares do I really need a piece of paper that says hey she's smart to mean anything?"

"I care, come on," says Tony holding out his arm, I perplexed take it and the two of us begin to walk down the hall "Close your eyes," says Tony. I roll them before doing as he says, but it doesn't take long before we stop.

"You can open."

I stifle a gasp and almost start to cry, laid out before me was a graduation ceremony, it even took me a minute to realize the onlookers and chairs and scenery were holograms. Tony had definitely improved.

"Illisha Stark." calls a voice. I look up to the stage to see Vision behind the podium, I begin to giggle through tears "Oh one more thing." start Tony as he reaches down and places a graduation cap on my head before hooking my arm again.

I start crying as the two of us walk down the aisle and up onto the small stage where Tony lets me go and sits down, Vision faces me with a smile and I couldn't help but chuckle at all of this "Illisha Stark, you are one of the smartest people I have ever meet. You fought your way through life, went back through school even when you thought it was too late to, you even made me. What I am about to hand you state something we have all known for a long time, that you are brilliant. I hereby give you, Illisha Stark, your graduation certificate, and considering I house most to all knowledge I see no one worthier than you to accept this."

Vision hands me a framed certificate and without thinking I hug him, although surprised by this he hugs back. Once pulling away I look out over the fake crowd. Tony's holograms were getting there I could see their color, not fully but still there, but in the back, for a second I thought I saw a patch of slicked-back black hair. 

I would like to imagine Loki was here watching this, Tony comes up once again and makes me face a camera "Okay smile."

The two of us smile each holding a side of the frame, this is going on the wall. Once the picture is taken I turn to Tony and throw off my cap with a happy cry, Tony and Vision laugh at this "So I guess the next aisle you walk me down will be my wedding?" I ask.

Tony looks stone-cold at this "Nope, no way, not happening!"

Vision and I laugh at this, Tony freaking out over the thought of me getting married.

The next year wouldn't be bad, I would be able to run the Internship, teach Harley. But I have a feeling there's gonna be one kid who is going to really need some pointers.

Isn't that right Spiderman.

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